Home » Dreams & Meanings » Saturn in Sagittarius in the birth chart: karma, traits and more!

Saturn in Sagittarius in the birth chart: karma, traits and more!

Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. In his astral map, he shows the difficulties and lessons we will have, regardless of the house he is in. The lessons that this planet brings in subjects such as rejection, self-esteem are essential for learning and self-knowledge.

Do you know what are the influences of those who have Saturn in the birth chart? Do you know what is possible to be revealed through this planet? Did you know that Saturn deals with difficulties, but encourages us to seek transcendence, teachings and confidence in ourselves and that, in addition to all that, give us the opportunity to transform our adversities into qualities and successes? Check out the symbolism, difficulties, persuasion and more about Saturn in Sagittarius below.

Saturn is the planet that represents responsibility, duty, restrictions, resilience, learning with oneself and our relationship with ourselves and the study of overcoming and ending certain obstacles that govern life.

Saturn emphasizes in every human being the difficulty of accepting that we are capable and that we can, which makes us face this certainty of incapacity during a good period of our lives. However, according to what we learn about ourselves, we strengthen ourselves in the face of adversity, we create resistance with work and investment and maturity in our lives.

In Saturn’s broad reference, we understand our difficulties and obstacles, while being tested we learn to grow, strengthen and organize what is off axis. Saturn is symbolized as the need for duty and responsibility.

However, the need for guarantees, and their requirement can be a hindrance to achieving what you want. Still, the search for knowledge and learning about new subjects are activities that Saturn takes with dedication in an astute and accentuated way. Learn more below.

Saturn is known to the Greeks as Cronos, God of Time. According to the myth of Cronos, he devoured his children, due to the curse that followed him that his children would dethrone him. With that, his wife to save some of the children, like Jupiter, gives Kronos stones wrapped in a cloth in place of the son.

And without knowing it, he swallows the stones and vomits all the other children, who help Jupiter over time to dethrone Cronos. Thus fulfilled the prophecy, Kronos is exiled to Tartarus. Your day of the week is Saturday. In Africa, Saturn is worshiped for agriculture and the fertilization of the earth.

Saturn, as seen above, is represented by the difficulties we face and which we must learn to deal with. Close to the darkest and most disturbing, it is of a complexity that involves shadows, violence, destruction and other problems that involve other planets.

Do you know which house Saturn is in your natal chart? Reflect on which area you seek more understanding and is the one that needs your attention the most. Below we will together see how to know where Saturn is in your chart and what are the fundamentals.

The first decision you need to make is to try to make your astral map. If you haven’t done it yet, it’s important that you do, since there it is possible to analyze and study the planets in various aspects of your life. You can create your astral map through specialized websites or directly with astrologers who make astral maps.

Once this is done, your entire life will be explained in your map with the characteristics of the planets, according to your time and place of birth. It will explain its peculiarities, fears, obstacles, area that needs to be developed and much more. However, if you still don’t have your birth chart, we’ll show you a brief explanation of how to discover your Saturn.

If you have Saturn in the Water houses, that is, in water signs: you are someone who has heightened emotions in certain places in your birth chart. Saturn in water houses normally has some difficulties in other bases.

Now, if you have Saturn in the Earth houses, in Earth element signs, Saturn’s energy goes well with Capricorn, as the planet rules this sign. Therefore, construction is a word that involves this combination, along with responsibility and seriousness.

If, however, you have Saturn in the houses of Air, Saturn manages the teaching. Organization, commitment, but also dedication to teaching. And if you have Saturn in the houses of Fire, joy, optimism, intuition are related and shared with this combination.

Saturn reveals in our astral map, the difficulties, rejections, the lessons we learned during our time on Earth. When analyzing your astral map, the house in which Saturn is, will indicate challenges and teachings on that theme.

Very involved with self-esteem, the planet of difficulties is based on a lack of confidence, which generates fear in us and the desire not to try, for fear of failing. However, Saturn presents the problem, but also indicates the deepening of that area which, when resolved, becomes an area of ​​great knowledge and resourcefulness.

According to our personal development, we become stronger and more mature to recognize obstacles and overcome them for our own evolution.

The natal chart is an image, a representation of the sky, at the place and time of birth. It is the reading of the position of the planets, moon, sun, constellations and other marks of the sky, in a certain place. It is a study instrument, where it is possible to see, predict and guide different moments, peculiarities, characteristics of ours and that will appear throughout our lives.

It is possible to see through the combinations, behaviors, directions, knowledge that must be passed on, and thus, being aware of the ability to face and understand the happy and difficult moments of life.

Whoever has Saturn in Sagittarius in the natal chart is motivated by the search for knowledge. A high intellectual level is what makes them go out in search of deep subjects and of great importance to them. When they fail to reach this knowledge, they become great scholars to achieve such learning.

The natal chart helps to contextualize who we are and why we are here. It is a tradition that judges the quality of our lives, but does not judge us from a moralistic point of view. It declares who we were born to be and offers endless options for articulating our needs and accessing our gifts.” Says Canadian astrologer Chani Nicolas in an interview for Correio Brasiliense.

The solar revolution is a study of struggles, skills and mastery in the period between one birthday and another. Also known as the Personal Year. When you are born, each planet located in the solar system is in a specific position in the zodiac.

The birthday happens when the sun returns to the specific place occupied in the sky where it was on the day and year of birth. The sun is in the same place. However, the other planets move to other positions. With this, it is necessary to guide yourself and study the new skills for the current year.

Saturn’s solar revolution in Sagittarius indicates the need to face your fears. Discovering beyond what we already know without fearing what lies ahead. Facing the unknown, followed by courage.

Regardless of where Saturn is in your chart, it does not have great power to designate a certain personality in a person, but his challenges in life.

But, where Saturn is in your birth chart, it can lead to both positive and negative aspects that will help each other so that you achieve balance to re-establish the pursuit of your goals.

The positive characteristics of Saturn in Sagittarius are around the ability to mature. These are people who have good resourcefulness and courage and who possess great lucidity and self-control. Saturn in our astral map induces us to be more patient, cautious and disciplined in our daily lives.

The negative characteristics of Saturn in Sagittarius can be observed according to the strength it acts in your chart. Aspects such as pessimism, lack of confidence, ambition and selfishness can be seen. People who have these attributes tend to place too much importance on work.

Saturn has a great influence on the house in which it is located, so it is important that matters related to it be worked on correctly, so that it is possible to seek maturation according to the theme. See more about Saturn’s influence on Sagittarius, below.

Saturn’s influence on Sagittarius in love is the commitment in the relationship, the Sagittarius man seeks people who have the same interest in the unknown.

When the relationship falls into a routine, he goes in search of something new, but with the fulfillment of Saturn’s plans and rules, going in search of something different causes a certain confrontation, but it is something that, however, both manage to exercise, respecting each other. space and differences from each other.

A great option will be a partner who is by your side and helps you grow, minds your need for exploration. Already a partnership with difficulties, it will be with that partner who will leave you aside and without attention.

Saturn’s influence on Sagittarius in the career is based on organization. Work ability is developed through development and mental power, helping with a sense of duty and adjusting to changes in routine.

Saturn’s influence on Sagittarius regarding karma and fears, as we saw before, indicates that Saturn has the ability to show us obstacles, chaos and difficulties that we must learn to recognize and overcome. Accepting the importance of humility and simplicity is a difficult issue for those with Sagittarius on Saturn.

When balanced, it is possible to see values ​​and respect, without harming or influencing anyone. Thus, as the requirement to have in the search for the truth, which must make sense in your life, patience and humility with other views without extremism and fanaticism. There is also an attraction for wise people with great knowledge.

Below we will see some other interpretations of Saturn in Sagittarius, which are also part of our daily lives and which we must take into account situations and setbacks with this combination. Check out.

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