Home » Dreams & Meanings » Odu 2 Ejioko: ruling orixá, archetypes, love, negative and more!

Odu 2 Ejioko: ruling orixá, archetypes, love, negative and more!

Ejioko is the 2nd Odu of the ifá oracle. In the merindilogun he is represented by two open and fourteen closed shells. When he falls like this, the one who responds is Ibeji and Oxalufan, and they have meanings such as marriage, dispute over love, envy and fight between brothers regarding inheritance.

Even if Ibeji responds to this fall, I hope he commands, because Ibeji has a somewhat unstable personality. When this Odu appears in the 4th fall, it means good surprises, money, love, and matters related to them. In the 1st fall, it’s about mediumship. In the other falls it is related to
indecisions and even pregnancy.

It is a female Odu represented by a fetus in the womb, which makes reference to the influence it has in relation to abortions. It is an Odu linked to the “Kennesis”, which are female sorcerer spirits. Many pregnant women are afraid of them for this reason, as they have the power to cause premature miscarriages.

Each Odu has its characteristics: which is the ruling orixá, the predominant color, the governing element, cardinal points, among others. Soon you will know all the details about the features of Ejioko, the Odu 2.

There were several princes in dispute for power and there were nobles coming from several other cities. Among them was tela-okô, who had no means of subsistence.

One day, while he was clearing the ground, where he had placed the ebó that he had made as requested, tela-okô hit the hoe in an oven that opened and caused him great astonishment.

He called everyone who was further away and said that he had sunk the hole of wealth. When he realized that it was a treasure of fortune, he suddenly changed.

He started to say that he had only found a hole with orobots and that they were so white that they looked like coins. By this path of odú, it is possible to understand that we should not talk about where we get our riches or the amount.

All this to avoid envy, pursuers and also thieves.

The ruling orixás of Eijoko are Ibeji and Obá. Ibeji protects the twins Taiwo and Kehide. African beliefs say that Kehnide sent Taiwo to be the supervisor of the world because he was the eldest brother.

Obá is the wife of Xangô, she is a warrior who wears the colors red and white and uses a bow and arrow. They consider her to be the lady of the Elecô Society.

Each position of the cardinal points has an orixá and an odu of Ifá, and each of the directions emits a type of vibration. In fact, the Africans, from whom the game of shells originates, did not speak cardinal, collateral and subcollateral points.

But they knew that at these points there were different types of vibration, and each one was associated with an odu or orisha. These positions are important for everything within candomblé: when a cleaning ebó is made, for example, the offering has a position and a direction to stay.

The construction of the saint’s houses is also carried out according to the position and direction indicated by the four main odus and the orixás that belong to them.

Thus, the vibration of odu number 2 corresponds to the West-Northwest cardinal point.

Ejioko’s ruling element is Air and also earth over air. What predominates is the earth element.

However, Water is a very strong element. All rituals that are dedicated to this Odu are done on the bank of a river or waterfall. Ejioko has an association with water, which looks calm but is strong.

Because water is a fluid element, Ejiokô and everyone who has it as a sign are always having doubts about all aspects of their life. This is an Odu that questions a lot.

Ejioko governs some parts of the body and functions related to the male sexual organ, which are the penis, testicles and duration of the erection, but it also acts on the stomach. They may have diseases such as gastritis, stomatitis, sexual impotence, bloating and venereal disease and, in general, all related to stomach diseases.

This Odu has a strong connection with reproduction in a negative way, such as abortion and sexual impotence. And also because its natives are very loving people, who like to have several sexual relations and make several changes of partners, one must be very careful with these parts.

It is necessary to pay greater attention to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and other diseases in this area of ​​the body, as well as stomach diseases. Taking regular exams, both of the sexual organ and the stomach, is very important to avoid future problems.

The colors of Odu 2 are those derived from red, but Ejioko also accepts black and all prints that have these two colors. Its figuration indicates luminosity and transparency.

So, try to always choose to use these colors, both in clothes and accessories, and in objects and decoration. They are a tribute and a strong connection between the native of Odu 2 and their regent orixás.

The vulnerable points of people with this Odu are the gallbladder and the liver. Therefore, care must be taken with the health of these organs.

Taking regular exams, taking care of your diet, drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcoholic beverages are some measures that can be taken to prevent any type of problem with these parts, which are already vulnerable because of Odu 2.

In Odu 2, the only ban is on eating pineapple. But, it is also warned and asked not to eat red meat of any kind. Alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.

There are indications of listening to more music, especially those that are happy and that worship the Ibejis, with an altar or deliveries in gardens or riverbanks. Eating yams and mangoes is also a good idea.

One legend says that princes and other nobles were vying for power. However, one of them had fewer assets than the others. One day, this humble man, called tela-okô, was brushing where he had placed an offering.

When he hit the hoe, he felt something on the ground, it looked like a trunk. When he opened it, he was startled by what he saw. He even called those who were further away to show him, but he gave up.

Once he realized that it was, in fact, a treasure, he told his close friends that it was just orobots, a sacred fruit, and that they appeared to be just coins.

He understood, then, that he should not tell of his earnings and riches to other people, as there may be envy and even theft.

Odu number 2 Ejioko can indicate some positive and negative trends for your life. With this, you can be more careful and aware of events, in order to perhaps avoid some misfortune. Or you can prepare for some good news. Below are some of those trends.

In positive trends, Ejioko can show pure and innocent attitudes. It reveals sensitivity to the arts, dignity, material and spiritual evolution. There is also the possibility of gaining high positions and victories. In love, she reveals the meeting of two loves, marriage and sexual relationship. Also some venture that will succeed.

Negative trends, Ejioko indicates a possible miscarriage or premature birth. She indicates envy of other people, a big eye that will cause delay in life and witchcraft work. It also indicates symptoms of melancholy, being lost in love, a separation in the family (usually between mother and child), frigidity in women and impotence in men or some hidden enemy.

The personality of whoever owns the Odu 2 Ejiko is very intense. They are aggressive and loving, intuitive and demanding, free and jealous. So it’s a good idea to strike a balance. See below for more details about this personality.

Those who have this Odu have a heightened sexuality and are great in bed. Although some can be a little aggressive, overall, they are also very loving. They are lovers of quick cases and always change partners.

Even if they are open in relationships and are always with a different person, they are very jealous and tend to hold grudges easily.

Even so, they are people who maintain their joviality, and this is a very striking feature of them.

The sensitivity of people with Odu 2 is also remarkable. They have a strong personality, are sincere and don’t like being fake with her. They are usually a little nervous, which can create friction with those around them.

However, sensitivity contributes to being very intuitive and honest people. They are cheerful, playful, happy and very lucky in life.

Some other characteristics are: confidence, willingness, generosity, arrogance and demand. The latter makes them impose their will and this can end up creating enmity.

The success of the people of Odu 2 will only be achieved when they learn to keep their feelings and emotions to themselves. Because they are very sincere and impetuous, they end up showing everyone what they feel and think. And that can harm them in some way, people can take advantage of their weaknesses, for example.

Success can come easier if they learn to be more reserved about most things. Being too honest and open isn’t always a good thing.

It’s common for people with this Odu to have addictions to games, drinks and love relationships. Due to their personality characteristics, these three elements are the most dangerous for people ruled by this Odu.

They love games, bets, parties, drinks and are people who love too much, they are always changing partners and going in search of a new relationship. That’s why the addiction to love relationships.

It is recommended to be careful with the exaggeration of these three, seeking to maintain a balance so that they do not, in fact, become a problem and an addiction. h problem.

Odu 2 can help you understand how different areas of life work, such as love and health. And knowing that, you can try to change some habits and attitudes that hurt you more than help. See more about them below.

Odu 2 in love may need to have more than one person and more than one relationship until they find one to partner with. There may be a parallel relationship before actually establishing this relationship.

Advice for people from Odu 2: Love with respect, because without respect there can be no love. It is not possible to love without complicity, dialogue and patience with mistakes…

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