Home » Dreams & Meanings » What does it mean to dream about a cat giving birth to kittens? Black, angry and more!

What does it mean to dream about a cat giving birth to kittens? Black, angry and more!

Cats are animals that have long been abominably mystified. To this day, many people believe that their symbology is cursed, however, cats are animals that bring meanings of cleanliness and protection. In environments that have cats, there is an expulsion of negative energies.

The act of giving birth is an act of expelling; to perform a passage and symbolizes strength. Therefore, when you wake up and the memory of the dream is of a cat giving birth, in general, it means the cleaning or protection process for a new phase. Come and delve deeper into the meanings of this dream in this article.

In a rite of passage, from one phase to another, a cleaning and protection process is often necessary. Dreaming of cats of different colors giving birth carries this meaning in a broader way.

It is worth mentioning that the dream brings other details so that the interpretations are richer. In the dream of a cat giving birth, the color of the cat can offer different meanings for the type of protection, cleaning or passage that will pass in your life. I invite you to discover even more interpretations below!

White in chromotherapy is associated with the color of purity, spirituality and cleanliness. Dreaming of a white cat giving birth to kittens means, specifically, that in your transition process, you need to focus on your crown chakra to perfect this entire journey.

The crown chakra is associated with the spiritual and its imbalance generates fear and hopelessness. It is likely that you are feeling this way, or very close to it; and such sensations will be obstacles to starting a new phase in your life.

Therefore, seek prayers, meditations or even the use of essential oils, such as myrrh, for rebalancing and, therefore, facilitating your process already signaled in a dream.

Black in chromotherapy is linked to introspection; therefore, dreaming of a black cat giving birth means that you need to protect yourself a little to transition to the new phase.

Some situations in life are toxic in our existence, sucking our energy. Gossip, excessive drinking, a bad night’s sleep and the like are some examples of these situations that need to be avoided in this process.

When we protect ourselves, an energy cleansing process begins, and this event is necessary for a symbolic passage to a new phase of existence.

Dreaming of a brown cat giving birth to kittens means that you need stability to start your transition to the new context of your life.

The brown color is directly connected to the earth. She gives us foundation, support and firmness. It is likely that you are disorganized in some areas of your existence and this will probably hinder your process.

Therefore, evaluate yourself and the things around you, and look for alternatives to put things in the right places.

The color red is associated with the base chakra, therefore, the basic needs for the maintenance of an individual. Dreaming of a red cat giving birth to kittens means that you need to pay attention to your physical and material needs, as they are possibly unbalanced.

A dream like this asks you to schedule routine exams and change some habits that go against your health.

Dreaming of a cat giving birth can bring a cut to the cat itself or to her kittens. Puppies usually signify the phase one is going through. In most dreams, the puppies are fine, as the phase that is transported is usually good.

However, what about when the pups that have been born are dead or too many? What does that mean? Come check it out below!

Dreaming of a cat giving birth to dead kittens means that you will have disappointments in the new phase that is to come. The dream occurs as a warning so that, in the face of this situation, you already plan possibilities for strengthening.

Not everything in life is a sea of ​​​​flowers, this phase that is going on can even be bad, but every human being has the ability to deal with the most terrible situations. Trust yourself and be prepared, “after the rain comes the rainbow”, as the saying goes. Keep this phrase in mind to better deal with the disappointments signaled in this dream.

Get ready, because the new phase that is heading will provide you with several possibilities for paths, therefore, several possibilities for an end. That is, dreaming of a cat giving birth to many kittens means that different situations will appear to you and the choices you make will definitively reshape the person you are and the journey you have been following.

So be careful not to make the worst decisions in your life in the future. Be very analytical so that only favorable directions can be taken.

The more details in a dream, the more specific the messages the unconscious wants to convey. Although dreaming of a cat giving birth has a meaning of cleaning, protection and passage to a new phase, the meanings change if the cat is small, big, angry or you are the one who gives birth to her, for example. Check it out below!

Dreaming of a small cat giving birth to kittens is a brief warning from your unconscious mind that you will undergo a small change in your life. This change may even occur unnoticed, but it will have a great impact on your existence.

The dream’s message is an appeal for you to understand this small passage, as this will help to make this whole process more profitable.

When you dream of a big cat giving birth to kittens, it means that you will undergo an abrupt change in your life. Soon, everything at first will seem to have turned upside down, but soon you will realize that this change was for the greater good.

Dreaming of a big cat giving birth to puppies asks you to take advantage of this good, rich and grandiose phase in your life, to improve yourself as a person and grow spiritually.

Dreaming of an angry cat giving birth to kittens means that you will need to deal with all the anger and hurt you carry in your chest, so that the passage to the new phase is done in a pure way.

Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of bad feelings – like an internal cleaning -, so that the transition to the new phase is without major disturbances, open only to all that is good.

The cat is an animal that protects and cleans the environment in which it lives. Dreaming that a cat gives birth, therefore, brings the symbology that you will find ways that you didn’t even know you had, to protect yourself from external influences. Being able to clean everything that is energetically bad for your life. Don’t be afraid of the discoveries you will make about yourself, enjoy them for your own good.

In the dream in which there is a cat giving birth, there is no attraction for difficulties, quite the contrary, most of the time it means the coming of extremely positive moments and phases in your existence.

It is recommended, therefore, when you have this type of dream, to evaluate the situation you are in in your life and take note of where, possibly, this change is taking place.

Dreams that usually mean good omens, which is the case of dreaming of a cat giving birth, ask us to be facilitators so that the prediction of the dream develops better, without major difficulties.

After all, as much as the dream brings good meanings, it may still have some adversities to develop – note that it is only in this context that the action of “difficulty” enters. But calm down, you just need to stop for a while, if you notice, notice the situations and people around you, and make it easier for the new context to be embraced without any interference.

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