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10 Simple Ways To Distinguish Between Real Jewelry And Cheap Fakes Without Needing An Expert’s Help

“All that glitters is not gold” — and unfortunately, that phrase also applies to gemstones. After all, we are often deceived by the captivating brightness and purity of the color of the pieces and their stones, and we end up taking counterfeits thinking they are true works of art in jewelry.

O awesome.club learned 10 simple methods to verify the authenticity of jewelry. And with their help, you will be able to examine the parts and their precious stones yourself, without needing the help of others. Check out!

A real ruby ​​is a vivid shade of red.

Real rubies have a bright, vivid red color similar to that of a red traffic light. If the stone is a darker shade of red, it could certainly be a garnet rather than a ruby.

Gemstones have grooves and grooves

Few gemstones are perfect. If you look closely, you can see small grooves or grooves on the surface of the gems, which you certainly won’t find on fakes. Even cultured jewelry, such as some pearls that, despite being natural, are created on farms under special conditions, also have these flaws.

Can you identify metal by sound?

Each metal emits unique vibrations when colliding with other metal parts. So, to be sure that the jewel you have in your hands is really gold, for example, you can compare the sound it emits with that of real gold available on YouTube.

Some gemstones change color under different lighting

Some gemstones can change color depending on the properties of the light source. A real alexandrite, for example, normally appears green in daylight and red at night under artificial light.

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Already a tourmaline — pink, but under artificial lighting the stone acquires a brownish tint.

But if a sapphire changes its hue from blue to purple under different lighting, it is certainly synthetic. Natural sapphires that show color variations are very rare, and are usually replaced in the market by artificially produced stones.

A natural diamond is almost impossible to scratch

Diamond is the hardest mineral known to mankind. Therefore, it cannot be scratched by anything but another diamond. You can do a simple test: risk rubbing your gem with sandpaper — if it’s real, nothing will happen.

Other gemstones, although less hard, are still tougher than glass in this respect. You can test this by gently rubbing the gem along the edge of a piece of glass (like the one in the shop window, for example). If no scratch forms on the surface of the stone, then it is genuine.

Diamond produces an unusual optical effect

A real diamond refracts light in a very noticeable way. If you place the flat side of the gem over a point drawn on paper and try to look at it through the sharp side, you won’t see anything.

A natural sapphire should not have bubbles

Synthetic sapphires are, in essence, glass that has been subjected to a process similar to that which forms gemstones in nature. As they are made of glass, small air bubbles remain after synthetic stones are manufactured (which does not happen with natural sapphires).

Gemstones are icy

Counterfeit gold pieces fail the base test

Real gold pieces must be homogeneous. No matter how skilled the jeweler is, when gold plating pieces made with other metals, the smallest irregularities in the joints and body of the jewelry will be noticeable.

Another way to tell if gold is real is to rub it on the skin where foundation has been applied. If it forms a dark line, it means you have a genuine gold piece.

When it comes to pearl necklaces, you need to pay attention to the holes in the gems.

The holes the string passes through help verify the authenticity of the gems in a pearl necklace. On plastic fakes, the surface around the holes is marked by imperfections or chips that eventually come loose over time.

How do you usually check the authenticity of jewelry before buying it? Do you know any other tricks? Tell us in the comments section.

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