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Why do we feel hungrier in the premenstrual period and how to change this situation

In the days leading up to menstruation, the changes that women experience in the body are directly related to appetite and, therefore, it is very normal that during these days they have cravings related to food. Usually, the preferred foods are sweets, such as chocolate, and carbohydrates. And it’s only on the first day of menstruation that they understand the reason for the voracious hunger they’ve been feeling.

O awesome.club wants to share with you the causes of increased appetite during the days leading up to your period and healthier options to satisfy some of the most common cravings.

Pre-menstrual cravings

The hormonal changes associated with menstruation cause fluctuations in appetite, cravings and increased calorie intake. These are some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a set of disorders that appear in the luteal phase (days after ovulation) of the normal menstrual cycle.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

There are different studies that indicate the causes of appetite changes:

Changes in food intake during the menstrual cycle can be explained by changes in insulin sensitivity. In this sense, during the luteal phase, energy consumption is significantly higher than in the follicular phase, which causes a caloric deficiency. This is why there is an increase in the desire to eat sweet foods, such as chocolate.

When cortisone increases, serotonin (a hormone responsible for well-being) decreases, which causes an inhibition in the feeling of complete satisfaction. It is to reactivate the feeling of well-being that the body asks for carbohydrates.

Progesterone is a hormone that causes dramatic changes in mood, increases after ovulation and remains elevated during the luteal phase. It is precisely at this stage that the body asks for carbohydrates again.

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The reduction of magnesium results in a decrease in energy. The desire for more calories, therefore, is a way to replace this lack.

Experts also suspect that the interaction between serotonin, leptin and reproductive hormones may be responsible for changes in appetite within the menstrual cycle. However, this idea is still just speculation.

Healthy lifestyle changes to minimize PMS-related symptoms

Choose nutritious and healthy foods:

Opt for slow absorption carbohydrates such as whole grains, barley and also include legumes, beans, lentils, etc. in your diet.

Fresh fruits provide immediate energy and sugars. Consume liberally between meals. If you love chocolate, go for dark chocolate. It contains less sugar than milk chocolate.

How do you satisfy your cravings during these days? What advice do you have for anyone wanting to control cravings before menstruation?

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