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14 Sports Facts You’ve Probably Never Dared to Ask

Have you ever wondered if music also plays at depth for synchronized swimmers to perform their underwater routine? And why do hockey stars, having high salaries, not get dental implants?

O awesome.club looked for answers to the most popular questions about different sports and is ready to share them with you.

1. Do synchronized swimmers listen to the music underwater during their performance?

One of the main attributes of synchronized swimming is underwater speakers. The athletes couldn’t perform underwater if they couldn’t hear the melody. However, due to the difference in water and air resistance between music below and above water, there is a dissonance. That’s why pools use special audio systems that are able to play music at the same time as the surface.

2. Why do tennis players scream during the game?

People who have the habit of watching tennis games and watching how professional tennis players play cannot help but hear the screams that accompany them. This happens because they hit the ball on exhalation. The stronger the beat, the stronger the exhale. Sometimes this sound produces a scream. By the way, Maria Sharapova was recognized as the noisiest tennis player in the world: when she plays, she emits a volume of 101 dB. To compare: the sound of the subway is 100 dB.

3. Why don’t hockey players get dental implants?

A mouth guard is included in a hockey player’s equipment. However, according to the words of the players of this modality, their presence does not guarantee that, at the end of the game, the smile will remain intact. A well-known case occurred in 2010, when the athlete from the Chicago team, Duncan Keith, instantly lost 7 teeth. And such incidents are not uncommon. Until the end of his career, few players decide to put new teeth: in the case of a jaw injury, implants complicate treatment.

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4. Are table tennis and ping pong the same thing?

“Ping pong is a game you play in the garage, whereas table tennis is a sport,” said David Zhuang, the New Brunswick table tennis champion. For a long time, these names meant the same thing. Now, table tennis has become an Olympic sport with strict rules that ping pong lovers ignore, such as the rigidity of the racket.

5. Why does the football field have stripes?

Mowing the grass on a football field requires knowledge and skills, because every few meters there should be an alternation between light and dark tones. This effect is achieved by mowing the grass in different directions. And such a tactic is necessary so that the referee can better determine the position of the players on the field and so that the assistant can verify an offside.

6. Can a person become a professional athlete by learning everything on YouTube?

This is tricky, but it’s possible. There is a known case in history of an athlete who, without the help of a coach, became a professional, later won the world championship and received a silver medal at the Olympic Games. This character’s name is Julius Yego. For a few years, he learned to throw the javelin just by watching videos on YouTube. And only when he won the Pan African Games did he start looking for a coach.

7. Why do soccer players shave their legs?

8. How much does an Olympic medal cost?

For each edition of the Olympic Games, a unique medal design is created, which reflects the culture and emblem of the host country. This means that the premium weight also varies. Furthermore, starting with the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm, Olympic medals are not made entirely of a precious metal, but are plated. For example, in PyeongChang, host of the 2018 Winter Olympics, the first place medal was covered with approximately 6 grams of gold. That’s why it’s not good business to melt the object for sale. At auctions, these prizes can be worth between 20 and 50 thousand dollars.

9. Are there professional racing drivers who don’t have a driver’s license?

Dutch driver Max Verstappen got his driver’s license after becoming the youngest driver to participate in Formula 1. He drove for half a year until the state officially authorized him to drive a car. In 2016, the modality’s organizers changed the rules that prohibited the participation of people without a driver’s license.

10. Why are most pool tables green?

Billiards is considered to be descended from golf or cricket and therefore billiard tables are covered with a green cloth due to its resemblance to the lawn. In addition, there is another version: before 1971, an orange fabric was usually used. As the lighting was poor, it was difficult to see the precise movements of the balls on the table. This often gave rise to arguments between players. The green cloth solved this problem: the red and white balls stand out more on it.

11. Why do athletes always run counterclockwise around the track?

There are several opinions on this matter. Some think that the tradition came from Ancient Rome, and people chose the direction of travel based on the conditions of the infrastructure. Others say that, in the vast majority of athletes, the right leg is the strongest and, counterclockwise, has the most load. For this reason, many infantry and cavalry commanders preferred to exercise a strategy by encircling the enemy in a counterclockwise direction, if that was possible.

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12. Why are tennis balls glowing yellow?

At first, tennis balls were produced exclusively in black or white, depending on the color of the court surface. However, with the appearance of color television, the rule determined phosphorescent yellow. The fact is that the spectators could not see the black and white balls, and it is impossible not to notice an object of such an impressive color.

13. Why do bodybuilders have prominent veins?

To understand this fact, you need to know the working mechanisms: arteries carry blood from the heart to tissues, veins pump blood back to the heart. According to doctors, the marked blood vessels observed in some athletes are due to the blood circulation being slower than the supply. This causes high pressure in the veins.

14. Why is the golf ball dimpled?

The speed and trajectory depend on the holes in the golf ball. It has been shown that, if it did not have them, it would travel less than half the distance. However, in this matter, accuracy is important: a small mismatch of holes with the pattern (a depth of approximately 0.010 inches) will change its character. By the way, most golf balls have 300 to 500 dimples.

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