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9 Effective Exercises to Improve Your Belly (and Self-Confidence) After Childbirth

Congratulations! You are now a mother! This is a lifelong job that brings many advantages, but it is also susceptible to some difficulties. One is that your body changes dramatically, and it often takes some effort to get back into shape. If you’re not finding it easy to get rid of your postpartum abdomen, chances are you’re suffering from diastasis, a condition caused by the stretching of the abdominal muscles due to the growth of the uterus.

O awesome.club wants to ease your pain, so he suggests you try some simple yet effective exercises to get your belly back to what it was before pregnancy. Thus, you will recover not only the abs of yesteryear, but also your self-confidence!

Having a flat and firm abdomen right after giving birth is a rare thing: only a lucky few achieve it. Most women have to work really hard to get their belly back to what it was.

Patience, a healthy diet, proper exercise and believing in yourself are key to the success of your plans.🇧🇷 The speed of the process largely depends on the extra weight you gained. But we can help you, at least with a part of this process. Start doing the exercises below today to see that it’s totally possible to improve your figure sooner than you think.

1. Pelvic tilt

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place a pillow under your hips and another between your legs. Arms should be extended laterally, and feet firmly on the ground. Inhale deeply, then exhale slowly and push your abdominal muscles inward as you breathe. Elevate your pelvis while contracting your butt. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the procedure 10 times.

If the delivery was normal, it is possible to start doing this exercise after a week. If your baby was born by cesarean, you have to wait about 8 weeks to do physical exercises.

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2. Pelvic plank

The plank is an exercise you may have already done at the gym. However, our suggestion is a little different, as your body circumstances are different. Lie on your back keeping your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees, inhale, exhale, lift your hips and maintain the plank posture. Hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

3. Heel slide

The starting posture is the same as in the previous exercise. Stay in position and contract your abs inwards; Firmly press the heel of your left foot into the floor. Keep your pelvis still, without moving. Inhale, exhale and then use your deep abdominal muscles; move your left heel away from your body. Your knee should be slightly bent. Change the leg. Repeat 5 to 10 times with each leg.

4. One Hundred Modified

This exercise comes from pilates and was originally done with the feet raised on the ground, which makes it a little more difficult.

Again, lie on your back keeping your feet hip-width apart. Feet should be planted firmly on the ground and arms extended along the body. Breathe deeply and make an effort to ‘pull in’ the muscles in your abdomen. Like a turtle, slowly lift your head and neck off the ground. Raise your arms and extend them out to the side, but don’t raise them too high. Remember to keep your belly flexed. Hold the position for 2 seconds, then inhale and slowly return to the ground while exhaling.

5. Flat belly exercise in combination with fly pose

Again, lie on your back, keeping your feet hip-width apart and hip-width apart. Raise and bend your legs, forming a 90 degree angle with them. Place one hand on your belly and keep your other arm extended along your body (with your palm facing down). Inhale and contract your muscles, pulling your belly in, slowly and smoothly. Hold the position by opening your legs as much as you can, slowly closing them again. As you do this, pay attention to your abdominal muscles. Don’t let them relax. Repeat 10 times.

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6. Sit-ups with towel

Lie on your back, place a towel below your knees as pictured above and hold each end. Squeeze your thighs together, pulling the ends of the towel tightly. Inhale and exhale by contracting your abs. Lift your shoulders off the ground. Hold the position by contracting and relaxing your abdominal muscles. Do this between 10 and 12 times (the number of repetitions should gradually increase).

7. Unilateral towel leg extension

This exercise can be added to your training routine 12 to 14 weeks after giving birth. Lie on your back, keeping your knees over your hips and your shins parallel to the floor. Place a towel over your thighs, hold the ends and push it against your thighs, creating a kind of resistance. At the same time, lift your head and shoulders, extend one leg and exhale. Switch legs and repeat up to 10 times.

8. Sit-ups

Sit-ups are a common exercise to unite the muscles in the area. They are even more effective with the use of a towel. Wrap it around your torso so the ends are in front of you. Then start making the movements, but at the same time pull the ends of the towel, one towards the other. Increase the number of repetitions each day.

9. Wall Squats

Other measures you can take to improve your postpartum abdomen

Please do not forget that exercise alone is not enough to get you back to pre-pregnancy shape. Firstly, breastfeeding helps a lot, as mothers who breastfeed their baby lose weight much faster than those who bottle feed. Breastfeeding releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps the uterus return to its previous size.

Drinking lots of water also helps a lot as it keeps the body hydrated. And this is fundamental for the elasticity of the skin, also acting in weight reduction. And obviously, don’t forget the diet. Don’t go hungry and don’t skip meals, no matter how busy or stressed you are. After all, you don’t want your metabolism to slow down.

All these exercises have the function of strengthen the abdomen, making it firmer and increasing its resistance, making it easier for the body to get back to what it was before pregnancy. It may seem difficult, but taking the first step is crucial. Just be sure to consult your doctor before starting these exercises!

Do you know of other ways to get back in shape after giving birth? It could be anything, even if it has nothing to do with physical exercise. Leave a comment sharing your tips!

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