Home » Guidance » 13 Tricks to Help You Take Perfect Selfies — Even If You Don’t Have the Skills of Instagram Models

13 Tricks to Help You Take Perfect Selfies — Even If You Don’t Have the Skills of Instagram Models

In the age of the internet, knowing how to take stylish selfies has become a true science, with its own rules and tricks, and bloggers and fashion big names have been using them for ages. The good thing is that many of these techniques are easy to remember and to put into practice at the time of the perfect click.

exclusively for the awesome.club, I tested tricks and tips on how to take a good photo and found that many of them really work. In the end, an interesting bonus about an important detail that makes all the difference when taking a selfie. Check out!

1. Use good lighting

The best way to get quality photos is with natural light. The artificial loses a lot of points in this regard, and the flash is often strong and creates unnecessary shadows. When taking a photo, stand by a window and make sure the light source is in front of you, not behind you.

Great photos can be taken in days rainy or cloudy🇧🇷 If the sun is strong, take a selfie in the shade. Experts advise avoiding direct sunlight on your face, as the shadows that will appear will likely spoil your facial proportions.


If you’re taking a selfie indoors — go to a window;If you’re shooting at night in the city, try to get closer to a well-lit place;The best time to take a picture is at sunrise and sunset: the light is softer and smoothes skin imperfections; Avoid taking photos at home with the suspended light source. Try to find a light that can be placed in front of you.

2. Trick to create a “model face”

A little tip on how to make a “model face” for photos has spread across the internet. The scheme is simple: smile, raise your eyebrows while keeping the smile; then, keeping your eyebrows raised, stop smiling. So, you can make a “model face”.

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You might be wondering: why then not just raise your eyebrows? I tried it both ways and realized that there really is a difference. When you just raise your eyebrow, the face just looks surprised, it has no expression. It’s all about the smile: after doing the step by step, even when you stop smiling, the eyes keep smiling.

3. Open your mouth

To relieve tension, relax your face and create a more sensual expression, just open your mouth slightly. Also, the lips were more voluminous in the photo.

By the way, it’s time to leave the “duck pout” in the past, it’s been out of fashion for a long time. This trend has been replaced by the “fish face”. In 2015, some celebrities started taking selfies with their lips parted, as if they had been caught talking. This trick is still in vogue.

4. Keep the corners of your mouth elevated

Leaving the corners of the mouth down adds about 10 years to our image. They must be always kept high, even when you want to take a picture with a serious expression. And don’t forget to smile with your eyes and always look at your cell phone camera.

5. Choose the right background

The background always enters the photo frame, so it’s best to be careful in advance. for it to be good, even if the subject of the photograph is your face. Any good makeup and look will fade if the background is a mess. Look for beautiful places to photograph and, indoors, take selfies by moving the camera around. Try changing the angle to make the background more interesting. The result can be surprising.

6. Find your best angle

Surely, you have a favorite side of your face and an expression you like best. If not, then practice a little: take lots of selfies from all angles, look in the mirror, check what’s your best side🇧🇷 Find those angles and the face position you like 100%. Some look better with their heads lowered, others with their heads higher.

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By the way, if you take the picture from top to bottom, you get a more beautiful result: the eyes look bigger, the chin and lips smaller. If you take it from the bottom up, the photo is more mysterious and attractive, because the lips are bigger and the eyes smaller.

7. Make a special make-up

Makeup for photos can be stronger than usual. For example, using a more flashy contour, in addition to contouring the lips more, all this will give more volume to the face, making it more refreshed and striking🇧🇷 In everyday life, wearing this makeup can seem confusing, but the camera doesn’t capture all the colors and tones so clearly, so your face will look more harmonious with this type of makeup.

8. Use accessories to complete the look

If your photos are getting boring, try using accessories to diversify🇧🇷 Glasses, hats, jewelry, scarves and pareo help create a beautiful and striking look.

9. Try the “cat’s eyes” trick

It is not necessary to resort to plastic surgery to achieve a striking look. You can do it temporarily at home🇧🇷 Take two strands from the sides and tie them into a tight ponytail. The corners of the eyes and eyebrows will immediately look higher. Of course, this won’t work on every selfie, but you can try it.

10. Try to be as natural as possible

11. Don’t forget your hands

Selfies are much more interesting if the hands show. You can touch your face, lean lightly on your hand, or even cover part of your face with it. But even here there are some trends: in the photo on the left, I did a pose called “dinosaur paw”. The essence is to show not only the face, but also the manicure.

In the second photo, I put my hand on my head. This pose is also used by many girls, an attempt to pull the eyes more🇧🇷 The reason it’s fashionable is to make your face look more aestheticshighlighting the cheekbones, pulling the eyes and eyebrows.

12. Don’t photograph yourself up close

The front camera distorts facial features. To preserve them, you need to take off selfies as far away as possiblel, that is, to stretch the arm. To prevent it from appearing in the image, simply widen the angle, or take a photo and then crop it. The efficiency of the trick was confirmed by hundreds of comments on the blogger’s post who shared the tip on the internet.

13. Take a reverse selfie

There is a new trend winning the internet now🇧🇷 Take a photo by pointing the front camera at the mirror. It creates the effect of infinite background, especially when you place the phone closer to the mirror. It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long since we took pictures just to show off the phone case.

Bonus: a pet always looks good in a selfie

Even the Selfie Museum in Dubai allows animals. Everyone knows that our four-legged friends always make the photo more fun and unforgettable. and they are beautiful from any angle🇧🇷

Do you know any other tricks when taking selfies? Tell us in the comments section!

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