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Scientists explain why singing in the bath is so good for your health

Imagine the following scene: you are in the shower, hot water and soap foam mix as they glide over your skin and the delicious scent of shampoo invades your senses as you sing your favorite song out loud. Relaxing, isn’t it? What happens is that at the time of bathing, two things that human beings love come together: music and hygiene. According to a scientific study, the connection between them is excellent for our mental health.

O awesome.club researched more details about what happens to the body and mind during the bath. Read until the end and check out the bonus 10 songs you need to sing while showering.

Why is singing so healthy?

Most of us are out of tune when we sing, but still singing is a great medicine for our health. According to a study published by the journal Frontiers in Neurosciencesinging helps to reduce the cortisol level, the stress-related hormone. In addition, endorphins are produced that help to lift our spirits. Steam and hot air hydrate the vocal cords, the intercostal and abdominal muscles are strengthened and blood circulation is activated.

But the benefits of singing don’t stop there. The researchers claim that, when singing, heart rate normalizes, because the air goes in and out as if we were performing breathing exercises. When we stop to think, singing is almost like directing the breath: we inhale before each phrase and exhale very slowly. Whenever this happens, a signal reaches the brain indicating that all is well. And the result of that is relaxation.

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Singing brings security

The corner provides a pleasant sense of security. The researchers explain that we feel this way because from childhood our parents soothe us with songs. In fact, in all cultures singing is used as a way of teaching children to speak. So when we listen to certain songs, we immediately feel safe and calm.

Singing helps memory

Singing is not only good for relaxation, it also helps with other functions. For example, it helps us to train our memory🇧🇷 How many songs do you know from beginning to end? Check out a playlist of yours and prepare to be amazed. Another study carried out in George Mason University determined that singing in the shower can improve the quality of life for people with Alzheimer’s. In addition, it is possible that singing helps us to prevent other degenerative diseases of the nervous system.

Our own studio: the bathroom

But why do we feel so good when we sing in the shower? Generally, the bath is the environment of the house with the best acoustic system🇧🇷 This is because the walls are usually thicker and smoother. The sound of running water produces a pleasant feeling of well-being. It is in the bath where we are alone. All these elements together make the bath a liturgical moment in which we are the protagonists.

Bonus: 10 songs to sing in the bath

Check out this list to enjoy a bath with good music:

“Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. This song is 44 years old and is a mix of pop, rock and opera and lasts 5:55 minutes. The ideal time for a short and very intense bath.

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“Singin’ In The Rain” by Gene Kelly. It was written in 1930 and is one of the songs that most represent American cinema. The water, your imagination and the happy lyrics will transport you to a street on a rainy day, just like in the movie.

“Vivo per lei”, by Andrea Bocelli and Marta Sánchez. It combines ballad with lyrical in a sensational way. You will feel like you are on the stage of an opera.

Coldplay’s “Viva la Vida” It has been on the iTunes Top 100 list and has been played millions of times. It’s a way to celebrate life while you shower.

“Sweet Child o’ Mine”, by Guns N’ Roses. The song was created in 5 minutes and the band thought it wouldn’t make it. However, it reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1988. Let yourself be carried away by Axl Rose’s treble.

“I Feel Good” by James Brown. The song took the singer to the top of the world and is one of the songs with the most versions in history.

“My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion. It is the main theme of the soundtrack of Titanic, a film that marked the history of cinema. Ideal for an emotional moment between shampoo and conditioner.

“Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. One of the songs that won the singer several awards. Romantic and great for de-stressing.

“Imagine” by John Lennon. Since the album with this song was released, more than 5 million physical copies and 4 million digital copies have been sold. A letter that will never be forgotten.

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“Express Yourself” by Madonna. With this song, Madonna encourages people to express themselves, and bathing can be a good time for that.

“Thriller” by Michael Jackson. It brings sounds that take us to a horror movie and leave us with goosebumps. When Vincent Price’s voice appears, the catharsis is complete.

What’s your favorite song and what do you recommend people listen to while showering? Share in the comments.

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