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20+ Pampered Cats Who Own the House

Did you know that through some signs it is possible to find out who is the real head of the house — you or the cat? Yes, these pampered kitties know exactly how to influence their owner and get everything they want in every way possible. Well, the heroes of our post today realized too late that they spoiled their kitty too much.

O awesome.club collected reports on what it is like to live with pampered felines, used to getting everything they want from their owners. Check out!

If the queen wants to play with the ceiling fan, she will play with the ceiling fan.

“I stopped caressing her and this is what happened”

“My mom told me whispering, ‘Don’t tell your dad this pillow for Bob cost 200 reais’”

“I built a tower of boxes for my cats. I think they liked it!”

“My cat won’t leave me alone until I turn on a video for him. His preference is for bird videos on YouTube.”

“Have you ever seen a more pampered cat? We just moved in, and he has more toys than we have furniture.”

Breakfast in bed for the home owner

“My wife says we spoiled our cat. I have no idea what she’s talking about.”

“It’s my birthday, but my cats got the gift. Spoiled creatures!”

“She likes to see the cleaning agents, but she can’t do it alone”

“My cat has its own couch”

“You know your cat is spoiled when he refuses to take it from the bowl and only feeds when I’m eating too”

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“He only eats on the floor next to this painting, which because of him had to be taken off the wall. And he just drinks water from a cup by the window surrounded by flowers. Don’t try to change anything…”

“She is lying between my legs and can hold me in this ‘trap’ for several hours”

“The most pampered cat on the planet! She kept meowing at me for me to turn on the thermal sheet. And in the end, she still stole my spot”

“1 year ago, it seemed like a good idea to teach my cat to drink tap water. Now he refuses to drink from the bowl, constantly jumps in the sink and keeps asking me to open it.”

“My cat is very irritated when the window is closed, because she likes to sit on the porch and look out at the street. When that happens, she is screaming until we open it, and we still have to put her bed in there for her to be comfortable.”

“I made a house for my cat! She is so spoiled, but I love her.”

“My boyfriend spent 3 months building a heated house for my cat. We put a treat in there, and the kitty just stuck her head in, ate the treat, and left.”

“My spoiled kitty refuses to eat his food if I don’t pet him first. Otherwise he won’t eat at all – he goes to the bowl and starts meowing nonstop until he’s petted

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“After I forbade him to eat my pencils, he decided I couldn’t paint either, and he just lay down on my drawing.”

“I have to pet him first and only then can I go to the bathroom. It’s always like that!”

“Of course he knew we had a pampered cat, but now that my mum has given him red caviar to taste, he has said goodbye to his bowl and wants nothing more to do with red caviar.”

“Today I spent an hour fixing Newton’s favorite toy. Who just stopped playing with him.”

Do you also have a pampered pet? Tell us your story in the comments section.

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