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80 remarkable phrases from books that every lover of literature knows by heart

Some truths couldn’t be told, and some lies were necessary.

George RR Martin

All human errors are impatience, a premature interruption of methodical work.

Franz Kafka

Our lust is brief. We are mere means for these little creatures that we carry inside and nature has different ends than we do.

James Joyce

None of us wants to be in calm waters our entire lives.

Jane Austen

He who loses his goods loses much; whoever loses a friend loses more; but whoever loses courage loses everything.

Miguel de Cervantes

Farewell is such a soft pain that I would say “good night” until dawn.

William Shakespeare

She often felt that she was nothing more than a sponge soaked in human emotions.

Virginia Woolf

I am tormented by an endless itch for distant things. I love sailing through forbidden seas.

Herman Melville

Not knowing makes it impossible to prevent the same thing from happening again.


Whatever the substance of souls, mine and his are made of the same thing.

Emily Bronte

In hell the hottest places are reserved for those who have chosen neutrality in times of crisis.

Dante Alighieri

The soul moves all the matter in the world.


Don’t be afraid of life! Life is good when we act well and with pure intentions!

Fyodor Dostoevsky

In the affliction in which we find ourselves, it is better to be certain of what is our duty.


I am not a bird and no net entwines me. I am a free human being with an independent will.

Charlotte Bronte

When people are happy, they don’t notice if it’s winter or summer.

Anton Chekhov

To examine the causes of life, we must first understand death.

Mary Shelley

Once again, welcome to my home. Come freely, come out safely; leave some of the happiness you bring.

Bram Stoker

Forever is made up of nows.

Emily Dickinson

To be what we are and to become what we are capable of being is the sole purpose of life.

Robert Louis Stevenson

This is how, throughout life, our worst weaknesses and baseness are usually committed because of the people we despise the most.

Charles Dickens

Not all who wander are lost.

JRR Tolkien

It’s never too late to be what you always wanted to be.

George Eliot

Man is man’s wolf, in war of all against all.

Thomas Hobbes

The common sense of an epoch, whatever it may be, is not and cannot be a criterion of truth.

Rene Descartes

Men’s actions are the best interpreters of their thoughts.

John Locke

The wealth of a nation is measured by the wealth of the people and not by the wealth of princes.

Adam Smith

I strive to be better every day. For kindness is also learned.

Cora Coralina

Loneliness is the luck of all exceptional spirits.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Karl Marx

We tell ourselves stories in order to live.

Joan Didion

Love brings to light the high and hidden qualities of the one who loves – what is rare, exceptional in him: in so doing, he deceives about what is the norm in him.

Friedrich Nietzsche

People are loved for the good that is done for them and not for the good they do for us.

Leo Tolstoy

The silence depressed me. It wasn’t the silence of silence. It was my own silence.

Sylvia Plath

The only thing worthwhile is to fix your gaze more closely on the present; the future will arrive alone, unexpectedly. It is foolish to think about the future before thinking about the present.

Nikolai Gogol

He had that inexpressible beauty that results from joy, enthusiasm, success, and which is nothing more than the harmony of temperament with circumstances.

Gustave Flaubert

Thoughts without content are empty; intuitions without concepts are blind.

Immanuel Kant

Time dies whenever it is measured by small gears; it’s only when time stops that time lives.

William Faulkner

Every child has a turtle for some time. But no one stays with her forever. One day, when they least expect it, the turtle leaves, disappears.

John Steinbeck

I dream a dream that dreams me back to me.

Toni Morrison

And so we go on, boats against the current, driven incessantly into the past.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

There are things that should stay the way they are. You should be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and leave them alone.

JD Salinger

Prison is where you promise yourself the right to live.

Jack Kerouac

War and peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

George Orwell

You can’t have a lasting civilization without a lot of kind vices.

Aldous Huxley

Today’s experiences are tomorrow’s memories.

Isabel Allende

There is only one kind of people: people.

Harper Lee

As if familiar paths traced in summer skies could lead to prisons as well as innocent sleep

Albert Camus

I’m not crazy. It’s just my reality that is different from yours.

Lewis Carroll

If you know your enemy and know yourself, victory is assured; if you know Earth and Heaven, victory will be complete.

Sun Tzu

I am contradictory, I am immense. There are crowds inside of me.

Walt Whitman

By knowledge, I understand the certainty that arises from the comparison of ideas.

David Hume

God whispers to us in health and prosperity, but, being poor hearers, we fail to hear God’s voice. So He turns the amplifier knob through suffering. Then we heard the rumble of his voice.

CS Lewis

He was adrift, without affection, without ambition, like a wandering star in Ursula’s planetary system.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The dream is the royal road that leads to the unconscious.

Sigmund Freud

All that is beautiful is absurd – stable God.

Guimarães Rosa

What does it matter to die when you go in search of your loved one, when love awaits you?

Jorge Amado

Truth is a kind of well-told lie, of which no one suspects. Only that.

Monteiro Lobato

Dedication: To the worm that first gnawed the cold flesh of my corpse I dedicate these posthumous memories as a fond remembrance.

Machado de Assis

They resisted weakness, walked away in shame, without the courage to face the harsh light again, fearful of losing the hope that encouraged them.

Graciliano Ramos

I don’t know, I just know that it was!

Ariano Suassuna

Yes, my strength is in solitude. I am not afraid of stormy rains nor of great winds, because I am also the dark of the night.

Clarice Lispector

How time passes when we wait! Especially when it’s windy. It seems that the wind manages time.

Erico Verissimo

My religion is you. You are all I have in the world.

Ernest Hemingway

Recalling the toil of the day, what dominated him now was an infinite laziness of life, of the eternal struggle with the sun, with hunger, with nature.

Rachel de Queiroz

With his mere presence, he would shake everything up: the memory revolution. And the time of revolutions had passed, nobody wanted to renew, but to preserve.

Lygia Fagundes Telles

Death is just life’s next big adventure.

J.K. Rowling

Ms. D, the living understanding of life is holding the heart. make me a coffee.

Hilda Hilst

The language of favela women is bitter. It’s not bone, but it breaks bones.

Carolina Maria de Jesus

The greatest happiness in life is to have the conviction that we are loved.

Victor Hugo

Like other things now, thoughts must be rationed. There are many things that are not productive to think about. Thinking can hurt your chances, and I intend to last.

Margaret Atwood

There is nothing completely wrong in the world, even a stopped clock can be right twice a day.

Paulo Coelho

Love is born of small things, lives on them and sometimes dies for them.

Lord Byron

He who seeks does not find. You have to be distracted and not expecting anything at all. There is nothing to be expected. Not desperate.

Caio Fernando Abreu

Children, fiction is the truth within the lie, and the truth of this fiction is quite simple: magic exists.

Stephen King

The truth is that I am and I want to be fickle with all and remain firm in the love of only one.

Joaquim Manuel De Macedo

The most important thing we will ever learn in school is the fact that important things cannot be learned in school.

Haruki Murakami

They need to recognize that sometimes this is how things work in this world. People’s opinions, their feelings, one day go in one direction and another day in another.

Kazuo Ishiguro

We love only what we do not fully possess.

Marcel Proust

I’m proud enough of knowing something to have the modesty to admit that I don’t know everything.

Vladimir Nabokov

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