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50 reflection quotes for photos that say a lot about you

If life goes by so fast, why are you wasting time on frivolous things?

Freedom is being able to be anyone and choosing to be yourself.

Those who choose to love themselves do not let the envy of others reach them.

And it was wrong many times that I finally got it right and got to where I am today.

Change is an action that requires movement and transformation.

If you keep doing the same over and over, your achievements will always be the same.

You discover your strength when you understand that your limits are in your mind.

Maturity is understanding that life will not always be as you dreamed.

To start a new chapter you need to turn the page.

Is your speech the same as your action or are you a big hypocrite?

Saying goodbye is what it takes for you to start walking looking ahead.

Dreams move the world and mine move me around the world.

Who creates the opportunities of your life is you when you stop finding obstacles to your dreams.

Courage is also giving up what no longer makes sense to you.

Before everything works out, things will get out of place to show you that you have no control over anything, but you must learn to deal with what appears to you with courage.

I let others live their lives and focus on mine because that’s what matters.

I am stronger when I am truest to myself.

Knowledge is the combination of study and experience.

Living is not following manuals, it is building your own way of dealing with situations.

Freedom is feeling that your heart is in charge of your decisions.

Who puts value on things is you and it can be different for each person.

If it moved your heart, it’s because you deserve a space in your life.

Appearance only convinces up to a point. Then, the person needs to be sure of the content.

If we silence our heart’s desires, happiness will always be incomplete.

You have to learn to hear the sound of silence and what it can teach you.

Nature welcomes those who treat it with respect.

Time is never the same, it is constantly changing.

The past does not come back and the future does not advance. I live in the present because it is the only one that really exists.

Grow at every opportunity because we only take from life what we are.

Your inner light needs to be fed with everything that makes you smile.

Words are powerful and some people don’t use them for good.

I learned that when I don’t know what to say, silence is my best choice.

Before judging someone, assess whether you are as perfect as you think.

Not everything that happens to us is good, but in everything we learn something good.

You deserve to be happy, but if you don’t fight for it, you will never achieve happiness.

Every choice, a renunciation, that’s life.

Charlie Brown Jr.

From now on, every day will be the most important!

urban Legion

How you love yourself is how you teach everyone to love you.

Rupi Kaur

Don’t live for your presence to be noticed, but for your absence to be missed.

Bob Marley

The world has many good things to offer for those who dare to seek!

Zibia Gasparetto

Silence is a friend that never betrays.


For those who have strong thinking, the impossible is just a matter of opinion.

Charlie Brown Jr.

Who has the courage to talk about love? Who has the courage to be what he is not?

acoustic poetry

You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you.

Steve Jobs

Joy is not in things, is in us.

Johann Goethe

Life is too important to be taken seriously.

Oscar Wilde

The secret of life is not having everything you want, but loving everything you have!

George Calin

One fine day I decided to change and do everything I wanted to do…

Rita Lee

Be happy for no reason is the most authentic form of happiness.

Carlos Drummond deAndrade

For the triumph of evil, it is enough for the good to stand idly by.

Edmund Burke

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