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118 interesting phrases that will hold your attention

May my courage be greater than my fear and may my strength be as great as my faith.

There are times when you have to choose between turning the page or closing the book.

Difficulties prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destinies.

CS Lewis

May what arrives be free, may what stays be sweet and what has to go be brief.

We live waiting for things to change, for people to change. Until one day we change and see that nothing else needs to change.

Dawn is the time you think about all the things you haven’t thought about all day.

Change, but start slowly, because direction is more important than speed.

Clarice Lispector

Smiling doesn’t kill. Living doesn’t hurt. Hugging doesn’t burn. Kissing doesn’t hurt. Laughing doesn’t hurt. That is, you have no reason not to try to be happy.

Don’t care what people are saying behind your back. They are behind for a reason.

Anyone who motivates you to be better is someone worth keeping around.

Don’t promise when you’re happy. Don’t respond when you’re angry. Don’t decide when you’re sad.

The truth hurts, but it doesn’t kill. The lie pleases, but it does not cure.

When you cry, three things are clean: the eyes, the heart and the soul.

I am who I am. Your approval is not required.

Simple things can become complicated when you create too much expectation.

Be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you deserve.

If you don’t plant it, it doesn’t grow. If you don’t water it, it won’t grow. If you don’t love, die. So are plants, so are people.

Simplicity is the spice of all virtues.

Never be sure of anything. Wisdom begins with doubt.


When we change the way we look at things, things change shape.

The cure for all things is in salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.

Living is not waiting for the storm to pass. It’s learning to dance in the rain.

Keeping quiet may be the smartest way to go.

Don’t pollute, evolve!

There will always be another chance, another job, another friendship, another love, but never another life. So, don’t waste your time!

Appearance is seen, essence is felt.

It is very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.

Jonathan Ive

Freedom is little. What I desire still has no name.

Clarice Lispector

Old age comes to everyone. Don’t abandon those who spent your whole life with you.

Let go of what hurts you. Reapproach what makes you feel good.

Cultivate big dreams and small worries.

The best dreams happen when we are awake.

Change it. When we change, the world changes with us.

Don’t cry for those who hate you, fight for those who want you happy.

Pope Francis

If you spread good things wherever you go, life will bring you even better ones!

There is not lack of time, there’s lack of interest. Because when we really want to, the dawn turns to day. Wednesday becomes Saturday and a moment becomes an opportunity.

Pedro Bial

The common man speaks, the wise man listens, the fool argues.

God owns everything. I owe Him the opportunity I had to get where I am. Many people have that ability, but they don’t have that opportunity. He gave it to me, I don’t know why. I know I can’t waste it.

Ayrton Senna

The important thing is not to say, it is to know. Certain things are not said, because by saying they are not said by not saying, which says much more.

Fernando Sabino

House is a cement and brick construction. Home is a construction of values ​​and principles.

The little shared can be a lot. Share this idea.

Ideal would be that all people know how to love, as much as they know how to pretend.

Bob Marley

I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.

Ayrton Senna

There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and especially live.

Dalai Lama

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Albert Einstein

There are two main human sins from which all others derive: impatience and indifference. Because of impatience we were expelled from Paradise, because of indifference we cannot return.

Franz Kafka

Share your achievements with people you truly trust.

He knows how to live who dedicates one day to dreams and another to reality.

Kurt Cobain

The truth is so precious that it needs so many lies not to be revealed.

Pedro Bial

Waking up early and planning goals for each day experienced is challenging and having self-confidence.

Kurt Cobain

We are insignificant. As much as you program your life, at any moment, everything can change.

Ayrton Senna

How beautiful it would be if each of you could, at the end of the day, say: today I made a gesture of love for others!

Pope Francis

Behind a sad man, there is always a happy woman, and behind that woman, a thousand men, always so kind.

Chico Buarque

If you are walking the right path and are willing to keep walking, eventually you will make progress.

Barack Obama

He who has the faculty of seeing beauty does not grow old.

Franz Kafka

Solidarity is the feeling that best expresses respect for human dignity.

Franz Kafka

We want to be better informed about everything, learn other things. The important thing is that the person is curious. It is not an interest of an intellectual, it is an interest of a normal person who feels life, who is supportive, who thinks that the world can be better, that one day people can take pleasure in helping others, that’s what it is. generosity in a certain sense.

Oscar Niemeyer

That’s the problem with drinking, I thought as I poured myself a glass. If something bad happens, you drink to forget; if something good happens, drink to celebrate, and if nothing happens, drink to make something happen.

Charles Bukowski

When we make fantasy, we must not lose sight of reality.

Walt Disney

Today I no longer sleep to rest, I sleep to dream.

Walt Disney

We need to feel that life is important, that there needs to be fantasy in order to live a little better.

Oscar Niemeyer

You can create, design and build the most wonderful place on Earth, but it takes people to make that dream a reality.

Walt Disney

The only thing that doesn’t change is that everything changes.


The world spins in crooked lines.

Los Hermanos

Believing, seeing, doing and happening are verbs conjugated daily by people who work on their self-esteem and strengthen their self-confidence.

Everything that goes comes around, but not everything that comes back finds what it left.

I believe that if you show people the problems and then the solutions, they will be motivated to act.

bill Gates

So correct and so beautiful, infinity is really one of the most beautiful gods.

urban Legion

People judge me for what I do, imagine if they knew what I think?

Yup. Times are different, but men are the same…

José Saramago

To survive reality it is necessary to tell a lot of story.

The worst prison, thief, is that of the mind!


Passions blind. True love makes us lucid.

If a person cheats on you, they deserve a spanking, if that same person cheats on you again, you deserve the spanking.

Chinese proverb

Happiness is not a station we will arrive at, but a way of traveling.

Margaret Lee Runbeck

Sincerity is the beginning and end of all things.


It is not wrong to have strong opinions. It’s wrong to have nothing else.

Anthony Weston

Happiness is not in living, but in knowing how to live. He no longer lives what he lives most, but what he lives best.

Mahatma Gandhi

Many will applaud me because they like me, but the vast majority will applaud me because I’m really good!

The lie never lives long enough to grow old.


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Cultivate with love the relationships that are good for you.

Look back and be proud of who you are becoming.

The distance between the dream and the achievement is called attitude.

It’s very easy to be good when everything is fine!

Gloria Pires

And since our happiness bothers so much… Let’s take care of being even happier and bother much more.

The most indispensable thing for a man is to recognize the use he should make of his own knowledge.


You don’t need to have answers for everything. Just for your choices.

Life is the antidote to death.

Everything good lasts as long as it takes to be unforgettable.

The one who lived the longest is not the one who lived to an advanced age, but the one who felt the most in life.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Preserving the environment is also preserving human life on earth.

Because life is just that and it doesn’t make any sense to be so light with what’s most important… Love…

Elenita Rodrigues

It is precisely the possibility of realizing a dream that makes life interesting.

Paulo Coelho

Learning to accept differences is important for life, because we learn to accept ourselves, after all, no one is the same, we are all different!

Kelly Oliveira

Enjoy every second of this crazy journey called life.

The turns the world takes are very important, because that way you get to know both sides of life, the good side and the bad side. If the bad side didn’t exist, I would never know how to value the good times.

Lucas Amorim

Success in life doesn’t just depend on the gift… There are more important things like determination and willpower.

Bruno Belutti

It doesn’t matter if others will believe in you or not, the important thing is that you believe in yourself.

Diego Fernandes Maciel

Long live love, whatever it may be.

Minds are like parachutes. They only work open!

Sometimes peace is worth more than being right.

Nobody turns off the light that comes from within.

You are the one who decides what will be eternal in you, in your heart. God gives us the gift of immortalizing in us what is worthwhile, and definitively forgetting what is not.

Father Fabio de Melo

Anything that costs your peace is very expensive.

Be willing to start from scratch, and think, I don’t want to do what I can, I can do what I want.


Even if I fear the next step, I will not stop walking.

While looking for the meaning of life, I live it.


Decisions have consequences, indecisions even more so.

For me, the…

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