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57 Christmas phrases for girlfriend that will thrill her

My best Christmas present is you!

I am so happy to be with you at this magical time of year. You are everything I ever wanted for Christmas! We are sure to have a wonderful Christmas together. I love you!

May the magic of Christmas night turn all your dreams into the most beautiful reality. Love you my love!

Not even distance separates us this Christmas. I love you!

My love, may your Christmas be filled with peace, health and love. Love you very much!

How good it is to know that on a special date like this I can be by your side, feel your hug, steal your kisses and consider myself the happiest person in the world. Merry Christmas, love!

You make my Christmas more special!

I wish that this Christmas all your dreams come true. A big kiss. I love you beautiful!

On such a beautiful night and such a special celebration, nothing could be more special than spending it by your side.

You make my Christmas shine!

My heart is grateful for all the times we’ve spent together, but sharing this Christmas Eve with you makes me even more grateful!

My beloved, that this time of year you may receive the best gifts a person can receive and know that among them is my eternal love for you!

The secret of love is to immortalize the present, and my present is you! Merry Christmas my love!

This Christmas I wish you much peace, because I guarantee you will always have love!

This year, I asked Santa for a very special gift, something that could take away my sadness and make me happy forever. I asked Santa for a unique gift, and he gave me you. Someone who brings me peace, love and affection. Thank you so much for being my best Christmas present!

That this Christmas we can enjoy all the joy and love together!

My love, the best gift I could imagine this Christmas I have already received, because the best thing in the world is your sweet company, the peace and love that your presence brings to my heart.

I don’t need anything else… Having you is enough! Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, my love!

If Santa Claus existed, I would ask him to bring me a kiss from you. I love you!

Christmas is time to gather the family, to be with the ones we love, so today I want to hug you to celebrate another Christmas together!

Christmas is a great day to say how we really feel… I love you!

Enjoy Christmas with peace, joy and, above all, the love of those who love you, like me!

At Christmas, our hearts beat faster, especially when we are close to the person we love the most! Merry Christmas, I love you!

As the perfect Christmas gift, you can give me your perfume… With you in the box!

Merry Christmas my love! Let’s celebrate the magic and charm of this time of year!

May we warm our hearts with the Christmas mood and transmit that love to everyone around us.

You are the joy of my holiday, the jingle of my bells, the nut of my cookie, the fruit of my cake, my gift under the tree. The wish for my star, the joy for my world, the love of my life!

Santa Claus has already given me my Christmas present: you. I love you. Merry Christmas!

May the light of Christmas illuminate our love for the year to come. Merry Christmas my love!

A Merry Christmas, with much peace, joy, affection and my love for you!

I want to have a beautiful future with you. May all the good energies present at Christmas help fulfill my wish.

For everything you mean to me, this Christmas I wish you the best things in the world: peace, affection, success, happiness… Love can leave me, my heart is already all yours.

Not being with you on such a special date brings sadness to my heart, but I have already forwarded my Christmas wish for next year – that we can spend this date together and celebrate with lots of love!

Love of my life, I hope this season is one of celebration and peace. Merry Christmas!

Christmas is all about love. It is the time of year when our hearts are most receptive and harmonious and our hopes are renewed. Merry Christmas! I love you so much, my dear!

Oh how good it is to spend Christmas with your girlfriend… Just like every other date of the year! Dating is serious business, commitment for all times. A couple who loves each other stays together in happy or sad moments, just like we do. Thank you for being with me always, my love. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas my love! You managed to make our relationship the beginning of a wonderful life!

May the greatest symbol of this Christmas bless us, and may our love grow and flood our lives with peace and joy.

The time of the year that I like the most has arrived, my love. I wish this Christmas to be very happy and spent with the ones we love the most.

May physical distance this Christmas not prevent our hearts from being united by love! Merry Christmas!

The Christmas spirit takes over our hearts this time of year! I want to live every moment of this magical time by your side. I want to be present during this Christmas celebrations, I want to give you my best hug and live this night of joy together with you!

My Christmas wish is that your kisses come in gift boxes to overcome the longing I miss you on this special day!

May the peace and commitment of Christmas reign in our courtship for all eternity!

This magical moment gains even more charm with you by my side. Merry Christmas! May the spirit and joy of Christmas remain in your heart forever, my dear. I love you!

Merry Christmas my love! Fill the heart with good feelings to distribute all over the world.

You make my Christmas more special, so I wish you peace, love and more Christmases by my side! Merry Christmas my love!

More important than the gifts around the tree is your presence in my life! Merry Christmas my love!

Christmas is a period of love and gift. So, this Christmas, I want to be present by your side to fill you with kisses and love!

May our hearts feel warm with love on this Christmas night and always! Merry Christmas, my beautiful!

Christmas has arrived and it is time for love and togetherness; feelings I want for a lifetime in our relationship.

I wish I could give you the most expensive gift in the world, the greatest gift you’ve ever received, but nothing is as big or precious as my love for you. I wish that this Christmas we can strengthen our love and build another year together.

My love, may our Christmas together be the first of many yet to come!

On this beautiful Christmas night, I wish to have you forever in my life so that we can spend every other Christmas together.

My list of gifts for Santa Claus repeats itself in every order: you forever with me. That way we don’t run the risk of him forgetting my order!

The beauty of Christmas Day radiates, but it radiates no more than my happiness in spending our first Christmas together!

I didn’t know what to write you on this Christmas card, but I knew how I felt about you. So I want you to know that I love you more than chocolate!

It’s Christmas already and the distance didn’t allow us to be together, but surely the feeling of true love overflows in our hearts. Merry Christmas my love!

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