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50 phrases to help others because charity is an act of love

Helping others is essential for them to overcome difficult moments and smile again.

Help those who need it, those who ask, those who don’t and who your heart says needs help.

To ennoble the soul, you have to help those who have less than you and need strength to get back on their feet.

In a society where everyone helps others, everyone thrives together.

Helping others is fulfilling what God commands and bringing us a little closer to his love.

If you’re not well, don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Those close to you will not deny you an outstretched hand.

In addition to helping others, we must do this out of love, both for him and for charity.

Helping others results in a more fraternal, just and love-governed society.

Helping others should not aim at glories, but do so because you feel in your heart that you are doing good to those in need.

True help to others is done in secret, it is not proud and does not feed the ego.

Helping others is putting into practice the generosity that already exists in words and thoughts.

Do good to what is in need, whether it’s donating your time, your money or a little love.

The important thing is to do something, even if it’s little, but with all your heart.

It will pass and we will realize that having each other to win battles is the only thing that really matters.

He who has a good heart is always willing to donate and be charitable to those in need.

Have more empathy and observe the pain of the other, help with what you can and pray for what you can’t change, but God can.

That when helping others, you realize that you also did your heart good.

God rejoices in those who help others without ulterior motives.

Maybe we can’t change the whole world, but if we change someone’s reality, it’s already a good size.

Helping others is giving back in some way all that we have and gain from God.

We don’t need money to help others, we just need willingness and a charitable heart.

In difficult times, we get help from all sides and that just proves how much we are wanted and loved.

Helping others may seem like a small thing, but it generates great fruits in the lives of those who were helped.

A little for you can be a lot for someone else.

Helping others done with devotion fills you with life and the desire to continue giving.

When you are tired, continue a little longer. People need help and people who don’t give up on them.

Help those who need it by giving your best, even if your best isn’t much. You can make a difference with what little you have.

Don’t try to do great things with the wrong motivation. Help with your heart and that’s what matters.

Don’t seek fame or glory, seek to mark someone’s life by helping them improve their condition of life.

You don’t have to go far to find people who need help. Within your family, there are those who need you and don’t have the courage to ask.

When the heart is full of love, it is not content not to share it with others. He acts in love to help you in any way.

Never turn your back on someone who asks for help. Do yours with affection and don’t seek recognition.

The ugliest and meanest thing there is is promoting yourself by helping someone who is in need.

Influential people should use their influence for good, for helping others and for charity.

May helping others become a constant act in your life.

Helping others is an act of gratitude for everything we have.

Within our heart, we find the answer about who we should help. Learn to listen to it.

There are so many people needing help and so few wanting to help. Change this reality by being one more person who donates his time for others.

Sometimes people don’t need money, they just need someone willing to listen.

Helping others is the purest and most sincere manifestation of divine love.

Pride generates division. Charity, communion.

Saint Augustine

I know my work is a drop in the ocean, but without it the ocean would be smaller.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

When your help to others is the result of motivation and sincere concern, it brings you luck, friends, joy and success.

Dalai Lama

He who has charity in his heart always has something to give.

Saint Augustine

Charity is the soul of faith, it makes it alive, without love, faith withers.

Saint Anthony of Lisbon

May your charity begin at home, but not be limited to it.

Henry Martin

Courtesy is the sister of charity, which erases hatred and fosters love.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Without charity there is no salvation.

Allan Kardec

Charity is love, love is understanding.

Chico Xavier

Charity is God’s favorite virtue.

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