Home » Thoughts » 40 phrases of everything passes that will help you to be resilient

40 phrases of everything passes that will help you to be resilient

Learn to accept that everything passes, that life will understand your desires and grant more blessings on your journey.

Everything passes, everything is a fresh start. The end of all things is always one step away and what really matters is the lesson you will learn from it all.

Hey, whatever is making you sad, remember: nothing is forever. Everything passes. And tomorrow is a new day.

Pedro Peixoto

Rest assured that everything will pass. Sooner or later everything unfolds and settles down as it has to be.

Clarissa Correa

Everything passes, everything changes, nothing is forever.

Time passes and everything that comes also goes, so we must make the most of every second we live.

In life everything passes, but not everything we forget.

In the end, everything passes. All the disappointments, loves, pains, everything. Life is in constant motion and no joy – not even sadness – has the strength to be eternal.

Time passes, people pass, everything passes very fast, so don’t think your pain won’t go away.

Maria Clara Nogueira

Everything passes, but God’s love remains.

Since everything passes, it passes at home today.

Everything passes at a sufficient pace and time to learn from everything that has passed.

Bruna Frotte

Calm down, soon it passes, it always passes, everything passes.

Whatever happens, the bad days pass, just like all the others.

Everything passes. Rain passes, storm passes, even hurricane passes. It’s hard to know what’s left.

Millor Fernandes

Everything is a matter of time. Everything passes.

Everything passes. Love cools down, the tear dries, the longing ends, the smile is renewed and life changes.

Life is the train and not the stations. Everything passes. Everything is left behind.

Life is a breath and everything passes!

1 kilo

And even if it takes time, it will pass, as everything in life passes.

Everything in life passes. If you are in a difficult time, rejoice, it will pass. If you are in a happy moment, enjoy it, it will also pass.

It’s funny how everything passes, except the longing.

Everything in life passes, whatever happens, keep following, firm and strong.

Bob Marley

Everything passes in life, only our will to serve, love and forgive should not pass.

Father José Gumercindo Santos

In life everything passes, except the love I feel for you. This will never pass.

In life everything passes, we just can’t go through life!

Wanberto Lobo

Whatever you are experiencing in your life, just know one thing… It will pass.

Mother is the love that stays when everything passes.

If everything passes, maybe you’ll stop by here.

Hawaii engineers

Everything in life passes, even if it’s over you, but it passes.

Be resilient, because everything passes.

If one day you remember that in life everything passes… Remember that I passed, but with a huge desire to stay.

Everything passes, except love and the desire to eat and sleep.


Everything passes and tomorrow there will only be happiness in your heart.

Everything in life passes, except the desire to be rich.

Everything passes in your step.

When you are sad or don’t know where to go, remember: everything passes.

Resilience: ability to recover from crisis situations and learn from it. It is having a flexible mind and optimistic thinking, with clear goals and the certainty that everything passes.

Nothing that was will ever be the way it once was. Everything passes, everything will always pass!

Lulu Santos

They say that everything passes and hard time crumbles everything.

Ariano Sassuna

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