Home » Thoughts » Children’s Day: 50 phrases to dedicate to the little ones!

Children’s Day: 50 phrases to dedicate to the little ones!

Age is not in the physical, but in the spirit. And if your spirit isn’t old, Happy Children’s Day!

Being a child is being happy… Running and playing until you get tired and still asking for an encore!

Happy Children’s Day to those who are the innocent promise of a better future!

Being a child is running after happiness without letting yourself be shaken by obstacles. It’s enjoying every moment!

Being a child is being able to be happy with only the essentials: love in your heart! Happy Children’s Day.

Missing childhood… Being a child is having a free pass to smear yourself eating your favorite candy!

The simplicity of children is the closest thing to the love of God. Happy Children’s Day!

Happy Children’s Day to those with whom we learn to love! They’re sincere, they love undifferently. If they like us, we’ll soon find out.

A child’s innocence is the purest demonstration of its sincerity. Congratulations to the little ones!

Happy Children’s Day! Play, jump, run and get dirty without fear of being judged and very happy.

Being a child is being able to achieve the most unusual, but possible, dreams. It’s knowing how to love your neighbor even before knowing your name. Congratulations, little ones!

Congratulations to those who are angels whose wings shorten as their legs grow!

May this day bring you not only many gifts, but also joy and love. Enjoy this amazing phase of your life!

Live this Children’s Day with intensity, even if you are not one, because their joy is contagious to anyone!

Happy Children’s Day to these little beings who are the consecration of life!

Being a child is having your own light and taking it around, playing! Happy Children’s Day to you.

Being a child is believing that anything is possible. It’s being unforgettably happy with very little!

People who love being a child… Even as an adult! Happy Children’s Day to everyone who keeps the flame lit.

Happy Children’s Day to those who inspire us daily with their purity and innocence!

The secret is to never stop being a child. Congratulations, little ones! You are inspiring.

Let’s celebrate childhood, happiness is to be an eternal child! Congratulations to all who keep this premise in their hearts.

Happy Children’s Day! Live eternity and dream dreams of hope to make the world a better place.

To everyone who was once little: Happy Children’s Day!

Of all the works of God, the most perfect was the child. Know that you are too special!

Child is what we should never stop being. Happy Children’s Day!

May innocence remain inhabiting our hearts. Thus, eternal children we will be!

Happy Children’s Day to those who don’t know the impossible and make it their motivation!

Each little one is a unique flower about to enter a garden. Happy Children’s Day!

The true meaning of our existence lives in the hearts of children. Congratulations, little ones!

Enjoying every moment is what makes you an eternal child! Live this day intensely.

Happy Children’s Day! And today, hold the hand of that child who dwells in you.

Believe in yourself and follow your dreams. And remember: you are loved today and always! Happy Children’s Day.

Happy Children’s Day! May you never lack time to play and smile immensely.

On this special day, may the world embrace you with the sweetness and innocence you deserve. Happy Children’s Day!

Being a child is the purest state of being human. Today, I wish a congratulations to all the little ones!

For you, who never forgot what it’s like to see the sweet side of life: Happy Children’s Day!

Since you arrived, our lives have been complete. Happy Children’s Day to the one who took over our hearts!

May you grow and mature, but never lose your true essence! Happy Children’s Day.

A child’s purity makes all his words free from malice.

Children make stronger love, shorter days, longer nights, bigger savings, but a happier home.

Being a child is creating a world of your own, seeing the positive side of life and believing that anything is possible. Congratulations to all!

Happy Children’s Day to those who are the hope of the future, the smile of the world!

May today there be only reasons to enjoy every second of your childhood! Happy Children’s Day.

A child is the love objectified. Congratulations to all the little ones who brighten our hearts!

It is only possible to teach a child to love by loving him! Have a special day, you deserve it.

May you never stop flying with the wings of your imagination. Happy Children’s Day!

Congratulations to all the children who, with their genuine look, make life worth living!

Happy Children’s Day! May your pure and kind heart be the free pass you need to the great discoveries of the world.

Being a child is being able to be happy with only the essentials: love in your heart.

It is better to be a child than to want to understand the world. Congratulations to the little ones who with their innocence, transform everything!

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