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70 birthday phrases for sister that honor with affection

Make the most of your birthday, sister! And every day, enjoy all the good that life offers you.

Happy Birthday! You are my friend and companion, living with you is the best of gifts. I love you so much!

Congratulations sister! You deserve the most intense sparkle in your eyes, the widest smile on your lips and your heart beating with happiness.

I want you to know that I will always be by your side, whether to smile or cry. I love you with all my heart! Happy Birthday.

Many people have a sister, but having a sister and friend like you is a privilege for few. Happy Birthday!

You deserve all the praise in the world! Keep being this true, honest, amazing woman. Happy Birthday!

Without you, my life would be an immense void and our family would be incomplete. Happy birthday, best sister in the world!

May joy take over your day, your life and your heart. Happy Birthday! All the love in the world for you.

Congratulations, little sister! Never forget that I love you so much, you deserve all the best years in the world, fulfilling all your dreams.

What would I do without your company? I don’t even like to imagine! Happy birthday to the one who completes me in every way. Your existence is special!

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