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Couples Breakup: 10 Most Common Reasons!

Love, the dream of a common future and the desire to be close are the main reasons that make people want to be together. But do you know what are the most common reasons for separation of couples? Do you know what are the reasons that most lead to divorce?

If you still don’t know the main reasons for marital separation, see in this content the reasons that lead a couple to separation and learn how to avoid them from now on!

Know the main causes of divorce!

What are the causes of divorce?

To understand what are the causes of divorce it requires an understanding of how couples are dealing with problems that arise in the relationship. In all cases, couples break up because of how they deal with problems that arise in the relationship.

The logic is simple, there are couples who have gone through different situations together and are still together, even with so many challenges. While others go through small obstacles and can’t stay together. Therefore, the main cause lies in the way couples deal with problems.

However, we have to consider what are the main problems that arise in a relationship that can generate this difficulty for the couple to overcome a crisis and move on.

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Main reasons for separation

The main reasons for separation are not limited to betrayal, lack of love or detachment from the couple, as many people imagine. There are several factors that contribute to a breakup. Below you will understand the 10 most common reasons for the separation of couples:

1. Not investing in the relationship

One of the most common reasons for couples breaking up is not invest in the relationship. People get used to living alongside their partners and they forget that they can lose it all at any time. In this way, the relationship becomes increasingly “warm” and falls into the same.

Investing in the relationship is key to having a happy relationship. You have to invest in moments together, you have to conquer each other every day, be romantic, interact, care and be there. This is taking care of the ones we love.

2. Communication problems

Another common reason for couples breaking up is communication problems. Failure or lack of communication in a relationship makes the two unable to understand each other, talk, make plans for the future and this leads to divorce.

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Not knowing how to talk, share feelings, talk, solve problems and project dreams in common, makes the relationship weaken day by day. Therefore, it is necessary to have a more assertive communication to maintain a relationship.

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3. Different life moments

The couple can also go through great difficulties when each one is living a different life moment. At that moment, complaints arise such as: “he doesn’t value me”, “she doesn’t recognize what I do”, among others. In fact, because they are at different times in their lives, both are unable to deal with the stress in the relationship due to this disparity.

This situation can happen when the couple has their first child and one needs to stay at home while the other needs to work outside the home. It can also happen when one party just studies and another party works.

In this type of problem, it is essential that both are able to recognize each other’s efforts to take these different moments of life with more lightness and wisdom.

4. Lack of concessions

Another reason for divorce is lack of concessions. It occurs when neither party is able to give in, making the relationship completely inflexible in the face of disagreements.

When there is no flexibility, the couple cannot get out of a fight in a friendly way and there is that feeling that they are being wronged. The fight for power or reason in the relationship only leads to separation.

Therefore, it is essential to know how to make concessions in a relationship. Ideally, the two can reach a consensus.

5. External relations

Social relationships are very important for all people, but care must be taken to ensure that external relations do not become a problem within the relationship.

For example, the couple needs to distance themselves a little from their relatives of origin so that the father, mother or other relative does not interfere in the marital relationship. The same goes for friends who are very close, they cannot be a problem for the relationship. Likewise, it is very healthy for couples to have mutual friends as this creates shared relationships.

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However, what we see a lot out there are family members intruding on romantic relationships, friends giving opinions without being consulted and even excessive jealousy of friendships. All this leads to divorce.

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6. Loss of sexual interest

THE loss of sexual interest is another reason cited by couples who separate as a reason for divorce. The truth is that a relationship without sexual interaction is the same as a friendship relationship, where both just want to be close, but they don’t love each other with the passion of a couple.

Therefore, in order to maintain a relationship or marriage, it is essential that both of you are involved and interested in being with each other in bed as well, as this demonstrates love and passion for each other.

7. Financial problems

A relationship can also end because of financial problems. In fact, this is one of the main reasons for divorce. Although many people go through financial problems in Brazil and around the world, maintaining a relationship through an economic crisis is a great challenge.

In this case, the couple needs to take good care of the relationship so that problems with finances do not lead to divorce. Both need to be aligned to the same financial objective and contribute so that they can overcome this problem.

8. Unequal division of tasks

Did you know that the unequal division of tasks lead to divorce too? It may be that this reason is not mentioned much among couples, but it is there, even if imperceptibly.

When the couple does not divide the tasks equally, one of the parties always feels tired, undervalued and wronged. This, little by little, leads to a lack of interest in the other.

Complaints in this case can arise as: “I am the one who cleans the house by myself”, “I am the one who pays the bills”, “I am the one who sacrifices my professional life”, “I am the one who takes care of the children”, “I am the one who I pay for your perks”, among others.

This all occurs because of an unequal division of tasks. A healthy relationship needs partnership in every way, regardless of whether one works out or not. Remember, the house is your responsibility, the children are your responsibility too.

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9. Betrayal

although the betrayal is cited as a reason for separation, it is important to remember that infidelity is a consequence of a relationship riddled with problems. After all, if the two were satisfied with the relationship, there would be no desire to cheat.

But when cheating happens, a relationship is unlikely to stay strong and strong for long. That’s why many people end their relationship when they find out about cheating.

To avoid this problem, the couple needs to take good care of the relationship. Both need to be aligned to the same goal, they need to cultivate the same dreams and they must take care of each other, with good communication, support, attention and love.

10. Spiritual problems

Finally, a common reason for separation is the spiritual problems. Did you know that a relationship can come to an end because of problems that occur on the Spiritual Plane?

Obsessive spirits, negative energy work, negativity, the presence of envious people, among other spiritual influences, can cause a relationship to end overnight.

In this case, it is essential that the couple be protected against all these influences and consult a Spiritualist when there is a suspicion of spiritual problems in the couple’s life.

couple separation work

In addition to everything we’ve talked about so far, you need to consider that some people do work separating couples with the aim of ending relationships or marriages. This is the case with envious people, who want what you have: a happy relationship.

Therefore, it is very important to have a spiritual work acting in your relationship to protect you from these bad people, as is the case with Spiritual Protection. Schedule your Spiritual Consultation at and find out how you can carry out this work.

Rival removal

And finally, we couldn’t help but remember that you can push away any rival that is interfering with your relationship. You can drive away whoever wants to steal your love from you through Rival removala work carried out by Maicon Paiva, the Spiritualist of .

Now that you know what the most common reasons for couples break up are, keep following our tips here on the blog and on social media (YouTube, Instagram and Facebook) to avoid the dreaded divorce!

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