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Good Friday in spiritism – do they have their own rituals?

For the Spiritist Doctrine, there is no call Holy Weeknot even the Good friday or the Dead Lord. Good Friday for spiritualism is a national holiday and a Catholic practice.

Practitioners of the doctrine consider it incoherent for them to commemorate the date in Spiritist Centers or to change the Centers’ schedule due to this Catholic holiday.

So, what is Good Friday like in spiritism?

Spiritism sees Good Friday as a normal Friday, like all the others, although it recognizes its importance for Catholics. There is no celebration for the day of this holiday.

Spiritualists do not worship the Dead Lord. They do not relive the tragedy that Jesus was carried away by human precipitation.

For them, Jesus lives and works for humanity. They believe in the Living Christ. Follow the examples of Jesus, including that of immortality.


In the spiritist doctrine, death is a consequence of the reincarnation process, which has no special connotation other than the return to the spiritual world. Therefore, for them there is no need to always remember the date with sadness.

Spiritualists claim that Jesus spoke to everyone, recognizing the importance of future reincarnations, because he knew that the people still could not bear his message.

Spiritualism defends the resurrection of Christ, but the resurrection of the spirit through reincarnation. The spirit reappears in a new physical body, never having disappeared. The phenomenon of the death of the physical body frees the thinking individuality that is immortal and that lives and survives the transgression of the body.

Good Friday according to spiritism is a date on which the Master, in his infinite goodness and mercy, proposed to live, because we, spirits still in evolution, are not capable of understanding only through love.

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It would be necessary for Jesus to become a man among us, to descend from the most absolute and highest level of Spirituality to become a humble carpenter among cruel and uncomprehending men.

By making himself human, the Master made himself humble and pious. In this way we feel closer to Him, according to the doctrine.

Thus, we know that he was here, that he lived with the miseries of our vicious hearts and forged in error and even so, he gave himself to the witness of faith, to make us understand the greatest lesson of all times: death is only a ticket.

Death does not exist. What exists is the goodbye to the carnal body. The spirit is eternal and it is when it detaches itself from matter that our True Life begins, in the abodes of the Heavenly Father.

Thus, in the matter of resurrection, spiritists believe that Jesus appeared to Mary of Magdala and the disciples with his spiritual body, which they call perispirit.

THE Spiritism understands that there was no bodily, physical resurrection. Jesus of Nazareth would not have needed to break the natural laws of our world to establish his concept of a missionary. His doctrine of love and forgiveness is far greater than any miracle, even the resurrection.

In its symbolism, Christian Easter, for spiritualists, represents the victory of life over death. Sacrifice for truth and love. Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated that it is possible to execute men, but it is not possible to kill the great renewing ideas, the great examples of love for others and valuing life.

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Events held by Spiritists on Good Friday

Good Friday in spiritism is remembered, but there is no special activity like Catholic processions, for example.

Spiritualists do not adopt rites, cults or formalities. The activities of the Spiritist Centers are study groups, mediumistic groups, fraternal care.

Thus, during Good Friday there is a normal routine in the Spiritist Centers.

The intention of Spiritism in the face of these dates is to fulfill the moral teachings they bring. For them, it would be useless to follow the rituals taught by the church to the letter if their intimate attitudes are not “holy”.

Good Friday in spiritism, as well as Easter, represents a reflection through spiritual liberation, being a much broader sense.

Spiritualists see Jesus as a master par excellence, an educator who teaches how to act towards the highest good. It would not be the shedding of Christ’s blood that would have meant, but his entire trajectory.

The trajectory characterized by Holy Week for spiritism would be the deconstruction of the truths adopted until that date.

Jesus inaugurates a new phase based on the understanding of God who is Father, Merciful, who welcomes those who suffer and who does not abandon. Jesus himself who brings as his greatest mark serving and loving both as an exercise in humility.

For the Spiritist Doctrine, Jesus deconstructs truths replacing others in their place. That’s why humanity could not bear it.

Do spiritualists eat meat on Good Friday?

In the Spiritist Doctrine there is no restriction on red meat on Good Friday or any other date. They consider this restriction a practice of another religion that they respect but do not adopt.

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Spiritist Prayer for Good Friday

“Lord Jesus, bless, by mercy, the home you have given us in the service of prayer.
Gather us here in your love and teach us to look for you so that we don’t get lost along the way.
In happy moments, be our strength, so that joy does not make us ungrateful and insensitive.
In the bitter moments, be our support, so that sadness does not make us down and useless.
On clear days, grant us the blessing of sweating in dignified work.
In stormy nights, enlighten our spirit so that we understand your warning.

It inclines us to think by feeling, so that we don’t keep ice in the brain, and it induces us to feel by thinking so that we don’t have fire in our heart.

Help us so that charity in our existence is not vanity that lacerates others and so that humility in our days is not creeping pride! …

Help us so that our faith does not turn into fanaticism and that our fearlessness does not turn into petulance.
Loving Benefactor, forgive our faults.

Master Sublime, lift us up for the lesson.
And, above all, Lord, make us understand the Divine Will, so that, learning to serve with you, we know how to dissolve the shadow of our presence in the glory of your light!”

Emmanuel by the medium Chico Xavier
From the book “The Spirit of Truth”, by Chico Xavier

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