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9 Types of Cross and Meaning: Catholic, in Spiritism and Umbanda

There are several types of crosses with different meanings.We have crosses in the Catholic religion, in Umbanda and even in Greek mythology. However, what will be its role, meaning and strength? I’ll explain everything throughout this article!

The cross has long symbolized, in addition to the scourge of Jesus Christ, it represents the force of life after death, the victory of good over evil.

It can also symbolize the difficulties we will have to go through during our lives, when we use the expression: “each one carries the cross he has”that is, each one will make their own sacrifice to achieve what they want, or just settle accounts if that’s the case.

Although sometimes we don’t realize it, we always make the sign of the cross when we are faced with a difficult situation and we still use the terms:“May God help us” or “Cruz I believe what is that”among other expressions of astonishment and fear.

The most famous cross is the one on which Jesus Christ was crucified, the one with two pieces of wood, one in a vertical position and the other in a horizontal position, but there are others besides this one, let’s see.

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9 Types of cross and their meaning

Should we always walk with a cross?

Can the cross offer us spiritual protection?

Can the meaning of crosses be negative?

9 Types of cross and their meaning

In addition to the traditional cross we know, the one on which Jesus Christ was crucified, we will still have other types that hold other meanings.

However, and despite the variety of formats and symbologies or meanings, the cross originally means or wants to represent faith in Jesus Christ and whether he is in any religion, it will always be Jesus Christ.

1) Meaning of the Catholic cross

For Catholics, the cross is one of the most important symbols of the church.because it marks the suffering and death of Jesus to the resurrection on the third day, thus ridding the world of its sins.

According to the Catholic Church, it is enough that you repent of the evil you have committed to be forgiven.

Catholics usually carry a cross with them everywhere. That, because the cross is also a symbol of help and protection when most needed.

It is common to use a cross in the car, for example, as it serves to protect us during the journey. It is a symbol of great help, protection and faith. The cross is the most important symbol of all for Catholics as it is directly linked to Jesus Christ.

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when someone dies, a cross is placed on his grave. This is because the cross serves as protection not for the body, but for the soul that has just passed away. The cross will help that soul to follow the path of light, the path of Jesus.

2) Cross in Umbanda

In Umbanda, the cross in points scratched by entities represents its point of strength, which in general is in the cemetery.

We will then have the cross as a representation of Jesus who for the umbandistas it is our Father Oxalá, and even for the entities that work under the command of the souls they are: Preto Velho, Pai Obaluayê, Pai Omulu, and Exus and Pombogiras.

3) Greek Cross

This cross was widely used in the fourth century, also known as the basic cross, it symbolizes the:

Four cardinal points;Four winds;Dissemination of the word of God.

4) Meaning of the cross in spiritism

Kardecism has a view about the cross that is very similar to Catholics, but it has a difference, while Catholics believe that Jesus died to rid humanity of its sins, Spiritists believe that each of us pays for our faults, settling our accounts through reincarnation..

5) Cross a circle

Also known as the Celtic cross, it symbolizes fertility and is used by believers as a talisman.

Despite being an exclusive symbol of the Celts, some Protestant churches also make use of it as a representation of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus.

6) Inca Cross

The Inca cross is also known for Andean cross or still chakanalooks much more like a four-sided ladder that at the end forms a square, never resembling a cross.

It therefore symbolizes:

Four cardinal points; Four seasons; Four elements.

7) Cross of Caravaca

Also known as the cross of Lorraine, the cross of Caravaca amulet that speaks and praises Divine Providence.

There is a legend that says, that inside this cross there is a piece of the cross where Jesus was crucified.

8) Cross Ankh

Known as the key to life, this cross was used only by nobles and pharaohs in order to bring protection and prosperity.

Also, in other cultures she represents the union of male and female.

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9) Maltese Cross

Each point of this cross represents the duties of knights, this cross is known as the Cross of the Order of Knights or the Order of Malta.

Duties are:

Have faith; Live in truth; Be sincere and unconditional; Be merciful; Love justice; Repent of sins; Endure persecution; Show humility.

Now that you’ve seen all kinds of crosses, I still have something very interesting to teach you. So, don’t go away just yet, keep reading the article right below!

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Should we always walk with a cross?

It depends a lot on your religion and what the cross symbolizes for you.

Catholics usually carry a rosary with them, or just a crucifix, either in the form of a chain or just inside the bag.

Surely for them everyone should walk with a cross, for representing protection or for never forgetting Jesus.

Those that are blessed, or sprinkled with holy water, gain even more protection and protection value for a Catholic.

Therefore, everything will depend on your belief, your religion and your thoughts. Nothing will happen automatically, all that happens to us wasaccepted” or “order” by us, out of sheer invigilance of thoughts.

So carrying a cross will only bring you spiritual benefits. However, he needs to believe in the power of this cross and not walk with it just for walking.

It is important to remember that strength is in our thoughts, in our belief and in our faith. Therefore, if you don’t have faith in the cross and if you don’t believe in its powers, it may not have any effect on you.

However, if you believe and have faith in the cross, it can truly help you during your lifetime.

Can the cross offer us spiritual protection?

The fact of carrying a cross or not does not guarantee that we will be lucky or that we will be protected.that’s because the cross alone does not perform any miracle.

There are some evil spirits that they fear the cross for its strength and representativeness, so in that sense I would say that having a cross with you is always good.

The important thing when using a cross or any other protection amulet is the magnetism that we will give to the object, that’s what we think at the moment we are energizing this object.

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With the cross it would not be different, even though it can ward off bad spirits due to its symbology, it needs to be programmed to give protection and peace to those who use it.

That means you need to use it believing in its powers. Therefore, your faith will be as strong or stronger than the cross itself.

Use the cross, believe in its powers and strength. This will make you have enormous strength in your favor! That way, you can be sure that you will get great protection and spiritual help using it.

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Can the meaning of crosses be negative?

Some people believe that if a cross is upside down the person will be unlucky, or suffer from some illness.

There are still others who believe that if you bury a cross with a person’s name, it will do him harm.

I prefer to believe that evil is in the person and not in objects that he has or will havethe cross has never represented evil, at any time, always throughout its history it represents good that overcomes evil and not the other way around.

Therefore, I do not believe that having or carrying a cross is negative in any sense, even crosses that are not traditional for Roman Catholics.

There are people who do evil rituals with crosses, but they are not using the cross as they should. They use the cross to attract bad things and not good things. Moreover, in these rituals, inverted crosses, cuts, etc. are used.

Therefore, there is no harm or danger in wearing a cross. In fact, on the contrary, you will only have good and positive things to enjoy!

The cross is always a reminder of a moment of great suffering for the son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and having one with you it can make you remember the ordeal all the time or thank you all the time for being here trying to settle their scores with spirituality.

So, did I manage to clarify all your doubts? I truly believe so! However, if you have any questions, please leave a comment on this article.

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