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80 Phrases of ENVY to REFLECT

It is very likely that at some point in our lives we have all been victims of envy, an unpleasant feeling that is difficult to deal with. However, there are people who are often envious, something that attacks the psychological well-being of those by whom they feel threatened and of themselves.

Identifying the people who try to discourage you is not always easy, and overcoming the discomfort they can cause is even more complex. Therefore, since Phrasess.net we introduce you 80 phrases of envy that will help you identify these people and inspire you to move forward with your life without paying too much attention to those who waste their time with hate.

Phrases of envy and evil

It is clear, envious people will want to see you fall and, sometimes, they will even enjoy your suffering. However, with the following short envy phrases We will help you see things from another perspective and invite you to reflect.

Continue your path, to foolish words, turn a deaf ear and remember that those who criticize you the most are those who would most like to be in your place. These are the phrases of envy and evil that we like the most.

Evil walks hand in hand with the envy that generates it.

Slander is the daughter of ignorance and the twin sister of envy.

Francisco Romero Robledo

Envy feeds only on your own heart.


Those who hate only hate the people they envy and what they cannot have.

The silence of the envious is full of noises.


He who is happy, it shows: he does not envy, he does not criticize and he does not judge.

Ignorance is the mother of evil and all other vices.

Healthy envy does not exist, unless you are referring to admiration…

Evil is not something superhuman, it is something less than human.

You have to wish luck to whoever does you wrong, because they are going to need it.

Envy is the art of valuing the achievements of others more than your own.

Harold Coffin

Good people give us happiness. Bad experience people.

Don’t damage what you have by wanting what you don’t have.

Ann Brashares

This is one of our favorite short envy phrases, as it reminds us that sometimes we lose sight of what we have and do not value enough what makes us happy. Don’t waste your days wishing for what belongs to others; Focus on your life, your achievements and do things for you.

From Phrasess.net We also recommend that you visit this selection of Safety Phrases, as they will help you believe in yourself again above all else.

Envious people think they have the right to give their opinion about you, but when you comment something about them… Troy Burns!

Short envy phrases – famous and inspiring

We continue with some short envy phrases and celebrities perfect for confronting those who envy you.

Do you want envy phrases for Instagram, Tumblr or any other social network? You will surely find what you are looking for in these.

Winners focus on winning and losers focus on winners.

Just as rust eats iron, the envious are consumed by envy.

The most insecure will try to discourage others in order to feel better about themselves.

It’s a shame that only by stepping on others you feel strong enough.

Besides being a great quote about this feeling (and a great phrase for envious friends), this saying makes us reflect on what we keep inside us.

Do not depend on others to be happy and do not hang on their achievements; learn to stand up for yourself and you will soon discover that nothing matters as much as your own path. In this case, the following false friendship phrases can also help you.

Actions show what someone is like…words only show who they want to be.

Hate me, judge me, criticize me… in the end, it all means the same: you will never be like me.

Love looks through a telescope… envy through a microscope.

Josh Billings

Falsehood is as old as the tree of Eden… beware of it.

To feel envy is to insult oneself.

Envy blinds us and makes us not value what we have enough… jealousy covers our eyes and makes us feel less than those around us.

But you you are not less than anyone and there is not a single person who can tell you otherwise. Learn to value yourself, learn to love yourself and don’t waste time underestimating your abilities.

We help you with some great Phrases of optimism about life.

One’s happiness is the envy of thousands who did not achieve it.

You can never be happy and envious at the same time… choose what you want to be.

Phrases of envy among women and feminist quotes

Unfortunately, women have been raised for decades thinking that there is no greater rival for one than the others. In a patriarchal society in which the role of women is underestimatednothing is more dangerous than those people who continue to believe that everything between them must be a competition.

In the following phrases about envy among women you will find feminist phrases, quotes to reflect on and other great inspiring thoughts about important women along the history.

Envy is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.

Carrie Fisher

Women have no enemies, we only have confused admirers.

I prefer to be myself, with my flaws and my virtues, than to be part of that false imperfection.

Feminism is not an abstract idea, it is the need to go forward and not backward; get away from ignorance and envy.

Helen Mirren

Sorority: we were taught to be rivals, but we decided to be allies.

It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.

In addition to being one of the most desired women of the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe She was a great artist who admired and supported women above all, despite envy and anger.

It shows that you are not happy in your life, because you are always busy talking about mine.

They wanted us to be envious and they wanted us to be ignorant… but now that we are together we are unstoppable.

I don’t forgive people because they are weak, I forgive them because I am strong enough to know that we all make mistakes.

The spirit of envy can destroy; never build.

Funny envy phrases

When you face someone who is jealous, the best thing you can do is laugh at the situation and avoid taking it too seriously. Do you want to send a clear message to your haters? If so, don’t miss the following funny envy phrases that we propose to you. Perfect for Instagram, WhatsApp and other networks!

Do not hate those who are envious of you; Respect their jealousy… because they are the ones who think you are better.

Envy is the tribute that mediocrity pays to talent.

Chew that envy well so you won’t choke.

If envy kills… may it rest in peace.

The strength of your envy is the speed of my progress.

If you don’t like me and you’re still watching my every move… I’m sorry, but you’re a fan.

If envy is a disease, I hope you get better.

Let the years, not envy, fill your cheeks with wrinkles.

How beautiful people are when they don’t get involved in what doesn’t matter to them.

Behind a great woman there is always someone criticizing her.

First they observe, then they hate you and finally they copy you.

Remember that if someone talks behind your back it is because they are ahead of you.

Envy is not worth it; It’s the only sin you can’t have fun with.

Applause for those people who want to screw up our lives and the only thing they manage to do is make us laugh.

Who can, does; Who doesn’t… criticize.

The best envy for Whatsapp and Instagram

We approach the end of the article with a selection of envy phrases for Whatsapp and Instagram that you will love. Although we have already advanced some in the previous sections, below we propose more perfect quotes for when you want to send an indirect message and/or surprise your followers. Take note!

Never take off your crown to make others feel comfortable.

Forget about my achievements, let me tell you about my sacrifices.

Envy is a shadow that disfigures the face and saddens the spirit.

Never speak out loud about your happiness, because envy is a very light sleeper.

Don’t worry about those who aren’t happy for you… they probably aren’t happy with themselves either.

The glow you generate bothers those who live in darkness.

You hate my successes, as if we don’t both have the same 24 hours.

What is yours will eventually find you.

Envy bites but never eats, that’s why it always exists.

Envy is the suffering of those who can never be our true friends.

I have few friends because I don’t like collecting hypocrites.

I am the joy of those who love me, the sadness of those who hate me and the concern of those who envy me.

Do it… because they are going to criticize you anyway.

When ignorance envies and criticizes, intelligence observes, listens and laughs.

Don’t ruin other people’s happiness just because you can’t find your own.

Some will hate you because of the way others will love you.

Envy phrases in English

This selection is perfect for social media lovers who want to be inspired by some great envy phrases in English. Ready to dazzle your followers with some great Indirect Phrases? Let’s go there!

You can’t be friends with someone who wants your life. (You can’t be friends with someone who wants your life)

Oprah Winfrey

When you’re a threat, you’re always a target. (When you’re a threat, you’re always in the spotlight)

Jealousy isn’t so bad when you realize it’s one of the best compliments you can get. (Envy isn’t so bad when you realize it’s one of the best compliments you can receive)

They wanna see you do good, but never better than them. Remember that. (They will want things to go well for you but never for you to go better than them. Remember that)

Not giving a fuck is better than revenge. (Not giving a shit about anything is better than seeking revenge)

They’re hating but they’re taking notes. (They are criticizing you, but they are taking note)

People only throw shade on what shines. (People only criticize what shines)

The expression “to throw shade” means to criticize something or someone publicly. It’s a good pun which means that the envious only want to obscure that which has its own light.

Do you want more Phrases for Insta photos? In the following article we present more than 150.

They never tell you that they support you until after they see you make it. (They only tell you that they support you when they see that you can achieve it)

Don’t let jealousy fool you… it’s just another name for insecurity. (Don’t let the…

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