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130 RESPECT Phrases – Tolerance, love and loyalty

All people, no matter what we are, deserve respect. This is one of the most basic rules of education, communication and human relationships, so it is essential to always remember that without respect we cannot build anything useful.

From Phrasess.net we introduce you 130 phrases of respect so that you don’t forget how important it is to value others and so that you share on your social networks. Keep spreading love, tolerance and loyalty.

Phrases of respect and tolerance

Respect is having a humble personality, accepting others without judging them harshly and feeling without ignoring the well-being of others. If you like phrases of respect and tolerance that reinforce your character and better express the type of person you are, don’t miss the following quotes.

Being unique is a great thing, but respecting the right to be different is more important.

I speak the same to everyone; whether it’s the garbage man or the university president.

The secret to a happy life is respect. Respect for yourself and respect for others.

Ayad Akhtar

Respect the lives of others, even if you don’t understand their reasons… Live and let live!

The worker needs respect more than bread.

Whoever talks bad about me to you, ask them how many times I helped them.

There is nothing more despicable than respect based on fear.

One of the phrases of respect and tolerance more significant, since true respect is not achieved by causing fear, but is based on admiration, sensitivity and empathy. If you want to discover more philosophical phrases like this one from Camus, don’t miss this other article by Phrasess.net.

Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.

Mahatma Gandhi

For people who live together, nothing is more important than respect.

The highest form of human intelligence is the ability to observe without judging.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Your enemy does not die from the poison of your rage, but from the antidote of your serenity.

All should be respected as individuals, but none idealized.

To get along, you don’t need the same ideas… you need the same respect.

He who does not have the courage to speak up for his rights cannot earn the respect of others.

Rene Torres

If you want to be successful in life, you must respect one rule: never lie to yourself.

Self-respect is the highest feeling that can fit into the human spirit.

Samuel Smiles

Don’t raise your voice… improve your argument.

There are people who believe that by speaking louder, their words will have more weight. However this is not usually the case; Because those who shout the loudest are those who, in reality, have the least clear position on their position. Improve your arguments, educate yourself and speak confidently but without disrespecting others. If you want other phrases of respect and tolerance, this selection of Phrases of humility will inspire you.

Phrases of respect for children

It is extremely important that the little ones learn the value of respect and tolerancebecause by building a good foundation we will ensure that during the rest of their lives they treat others with the love and care they deserve.

Do you want to talk about this complex feeling with your sons or daughters? Don’t miss these respect phrases for children.

It is always more valuable to have people’s respect than admiration.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Suffering deserves respect, submission is despicable.

The fact that I greet those I dislike and treat them with respect does not make me a hypocrite, it makes me human and polite.

Respect, deep down, is nothing more than truly valuing every living being that lives on our planet.

Respect is a two-way street; If you want to receive it, you have to give it.

RG Risch

Men are respectable only when they respect.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

To have healthy relationships we not only have to respect what we feel, but also respect what others feel.

One of the respect phrases for children that we like the most, because it shows us that although it is important to be true to ourselves, we should never put our desires before the needs and rights of others.

When we are little we have a very strong sense of ownership, so it is essential to remind children that the feelings of others are as valid as ours and that the right path is generosity. For similar quotes, check out these Generosity Quotes.

When you are content to simply be yourself and don’t compare yourself, everyone will respect you.

Earn the respect of others by being yourself.

Seek respect, not attention… last longer.

Difference enriches us and respect unites us.

Short and impactful phrases of respect

If you want to reflect with some short and impactful phrases of respectthe following selection will convince you.

Let’s talk about respect for others, for their beliefs and religions.

Political freedom implies the freedom to express one’s political opinion, orally or in writing, and respect for any other individual opinion.

We cannot expect people to respect law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws.

Hunter S. Thompson

It is easily understood that without respect, sympathy, and support, the species degenerates.

I respect those who tell me the truth no matter how harsh it may be.

Every time you climb one step of triumph, climb two steps of humility.

Perhaps the highest feeling you can feel for another person is respect, rather than love and adoration.

Milena Busquets

Keeping the commitments made is respecting oneself and others.

Being brilliant is no great feat if you don’t respect anything.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You can’t force others to respect you, but you can refuse to tolerate their lack of respect.

Those who respect their parents do not dare to hate others.

Respect for ourselves and our values ​​must come before any fear or desire to please.

We abuse the land because we consider it a commodity that belongs to us. When we see the earth as a community to which we belong, we can begin to use it with love and respect.

Aldo Leopold

Punctuality is respect for the time of others.

One of the sincerest forms of respect is to listen to what others have to say.

Bryant H. McGill

I don’t like the word tolerance, but I can’t find a better one. Love pushes us to have the same respect for the faith of others that we have for our own.

You are not selfish for wanting to be treated correctly and with respect.

It literally costs $0 to be respectful of others.

Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all people.

Anyone who teaches me something deserves my respect and attention.

He who wants a rose must learn to respect the thorns.

Turkish proverb

Phrases of respect for your partner

Without respect there can be no love, since respect and tolerance are the basis of any good communication. Even if things get complicated in a couple and unforeseen obstacles appear, the last thing one should lose is respect.

If you want to share some phrases of respect for your partner with your boyfriend/girlfriend or want to make your followers think, don’t miss this selection.

Respect is earned with actions of love, it is not asked for with blows or fear.

The way you dress does not determine the amount of respect you deserve.

Never judge someone by their appearance or a book by its cover, because within those tattered pages there is much to discover.

Stephen Cosgrove

My respect for your opinion ends when you try to instill yours in me without respecting mine.

Don’t let your pride or lack of courage limit your way of saying things in a good way.

Love will never be enough of a reason to accept disrespect.

Sometimes it is better to stay silent and let people discover themselves on their own terms.

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Don’t think like me, but respect that I think differently.

It’s time to cut the thread that unites me to people who are not worth my insomnia.

The maximum expression of love is respect.

One of the phrases of respect for your partner which shows us that love, when it is true, must not only contain passion and friendship, but also respect. And this characteristic is essential for a relationship to remain strong in both good and bad times.

If you want to read more short love dedications, be sure to read this other article.

Never argue with someone who believes their own lies.

I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of self-respect.

Mahatma Gandhi

It is not life that separates people, it is evil, hypocrisy, betrayal, selfishness and lack of respect.

Try not to spread thorns along the way… you may have to return barefoot.

Neither out of habit, nor out of love: couples last out of respect.

We have already seen it: the secret is in respect. When someone disrespects you, they are devaluing your person and belittling who you are. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than who you are. and remember that whoever loves you well will not make you cry. Let’s continue with some others phrases of respect for your partner ideal for reflection.

There are excuses that arrive so late and no one can be found.

We don’t have to endure everything; Patience has a limit and life is made to be lived, not endured.

Treating others with respect is a matter of education, not money. Money does not buy values, common sense, principles or goodness.

Respect yourself and others will respect you.

If they disrespect you, respect… don’t lower your level for anyone.

Lack of respect is also a way of being violent.

Whoever justifies the lack of respect due to the level of anger would easily turn to violence with the same pretext.

Phrases of respect for women

Unfortunately, we still live in a society where equality between men and women It is a utopia, since it never materializes. Respect for women, as well as respect between women, is essential to build the foundations of the world we want; a world in which we are all treated equally.

Whether you are looking for phrases of respect for women or more specifically feminist phrases, this is your place.

Feminism is the radical belief that women are human beings.

Cheris Kramarae

Respect is one of the great treasures of life.

Feminism is not hating men, it is fighting against a gender distinction that is absurd.

Robert Webb

Within the many phrases of respect for women that we should remember, this is one of the most important, since there are many who still think that the feminism It consists of positioning women for…

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