He Yoda teacher represents one of the most beloved protagonists of the Star Wars universe. The wisdom of his words and his peculiar way of transmitting them make him an iconic character. Likewise, his small, green appearance and big ears usually generate sympathy in the general public, and his particular way of teaching makes him admired and loved.
Thus, it is not surprising that the Master Yoda quotes are so well known. Who wouldn’t want a teacher like him? Discover the best phrases about him with !
Funny Yoda phrases
Yoda is serious and analytical, but also funny. Well remembered is the scene of him in the swamp, alongside Luke, educating him about the force. Do you remember any of these funny Yoda phrases?
The ability to speak intelligent does not make you.
I can’t teach you. The boy has no patience.
Are you ready? What do you know about being prepared? For eight hundred years I have trained Jedi. I will decide who should be trained.
When you reach nine hundred years old, you will not be able to look good. Hey?
Size does not matter. Look at me. Judge me by my size, can you do it?
It is an increasingly common fault among Jedi. Too sure of them they are. Even the oldest, most experienced ones.
A test of being old is this: remembering what one said to young ears.
You must be patient, my young Padawan.
As eternal learners we must understand that whatever our times are, it requires patience to learn and perfect. A simple and wise phrase from Yoda funny.
Here we leave you more Star Wars Phrases that you will surely like.
If you are foolish, you should not speak.
If you are not afraid, you already will be.
Yoda quotes about strength
The force is that essence that permeates everythingwhich does not differentiate between species or objects, or between life and death. And if any character has been able to teach us more about it, it is the old and wise Yoda. Here are some of Yoda’s quotes about strength.
Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who are transformed in the Force.
Nothing is impossible. Difficult, many things are.
Believe in yourself It is essential to be able to do what is impossible for many. Being willing to give your all makes (almost) anything possible. To do this, here we leave you these other Phrases about trust.
Live in the moment, don’t think; feel, use your instinct, feel the force.
See through you, we can.
Do it or do not. But don’t try it.
Guns don’t win battles. Your mind, powerful it is.
A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.
An infinite mystery the Force is. There is still much to learn.
The Force cannot abandon you. Constant she is. If you can’t find it, you must look inside yourself and not outside.
My ally is the Force and a powerful ally it is, it is the creator of life, it grows, its energy surrounds us all and unites us, we are luminous beings, it is not crude matter.
You must feel The Force around you, here, between you and me, and the tree and the rock, even between the earth and the ship.
May the Force be with you.
In every form of life strength resides. You can use it.
That place has a strong link with the dark side of the Force. A dominion of evil it is. There you must go.
Yoda quotes about the dark side
The dark side, for its part, is one of the ways to experience strength. However, unlike the path the Jedi travel, the dark side feeds on negative emotions such as anger, hatred and suffering, in order to achieve maximum power. These are some of the Yoda phrases about the dark side that we have selected at .
Once you go down the dark path, it will always dominate your destiny, it will consume it, it will.
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear losing.
A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.
It is a lifelong challenge not to turn fear into anger.
To be a Jedi is to face the truth, and to choose. Be the light, or the dark, Padawan. Be a candle, or the night.
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
There are paths to victory other than crushing an enemy.
When you look at the dark side, you must be careful… since the Dark side looks at you too.
The dark side is not stronger, it is the quick, easy and seductive path.
At the end of the day, whether we choose the light or the dark side, we must make a decision. It is the choice where the difficulty lies. Do you agree with Yoda’s quote about the dark side? And since destiny is forged by decisions, discover these other Phrases of destiny that we bring you on !
You will only find what you bring.
We find ourselves in a dark place, and a little more knowledge illuminates our path.
In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.
This line of thinking will take us to a dark place. We have to be very careful.
The boy you trained is gone. He has been consumed by Darth Vader.
Yoda quotes about death
Death is, for Yoda, a natural process that all beings will have to experience at one time or another, for their consequent transformation. Although it is a different circumstance that is motivated by the dark side. Be that as it may, at we have selected these Yoda phrases about death.
Your fear must be named before you banish it.
The acceptation It is a fundamental part of the change. Recognizing what blocks us in order to transform it is what this phrase from Yoda about death suggests to us.
If you haven’t made mistakes and you’re still losing, you should play a different game.
War does not make one great.
You must unlearn what you have learned.
You see it? To defeat an enemy you don’t have to kill him. Defeat the rage in him, and your enemy will be no more. Anger is the real enemy.
Always pass on what you have learned.
Knowledge not only has to be free, but it only makes sense if it can be transmitted to be applied. And if you want to read similar phrases, here we leave you these other intelligent phrases to think about.
Let’s save Luke and Leia, we must. They are our last hope.
Live in the moment, don’t think; feel, use your instinct, feel the force.
Losing it? Lost, yes, but what is lost? The question, that is.
If once you take the path of the dark side it will forever dominate your destiny. It will consume you, just like it did with Obi-Wan’s apprentice.
Friends, you are in the clouds.
I wasn’t strong enough to defeat him. As I love him before him, be destroyed, he must.
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