Home » Quotes & Messages » +50 Phrases about INNER BEAUTY – To inspire you!

+50 Phrases about INNER BEAUTY – To inspire you!

According to the Italian writer Umberto Eco, beauty is that which gives us a certain pleasure, a sensation of attraction that tends to be equated with the idea of ​​goodness. In this sense, we can say that true beauty, that which truly attracts, is that which lasts, which translates into good acts and kindness, that is, it is inner beauty.

Unlike external beauty, inner beauty is a spiritual and personality quality that is maintained and can even be cultivated further. On the other hand, external beauty, as many authors say, is ephemeral and does not last over time. In this article, we have collected inner beauty phrases so you can discover what it really means. Our list is divided into short and famous phrases and phrases from books by authors who have dealt with this universal topic. Don’t be left behind and keep reading about this topic!

Beauty is a universal topic that has been addressed throughout the history of humanity. And beauty has that quality of capturing us and leaving us enthralled by what is considered beautiful. We invite you to discover this selection of famous phrases about inner beauty that will give you something to think and reflect on the topic.

If you want to share short thoughts with your colleagues and on your social networks about what it really means to have inner beauty, this section we have prepared is ideal for you. Discover the best short phrases about inner beautychoose the one you like the most and share it with everyone.

Throughout the history of humanity, beauty has been talked about and all of this has been captured in books. Therefore, we present you a section dedicated to phrases from books about inner beauty so that you are encouraged to continue reading about these authors.

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