Home » Magick Works » 5 Spells to Separate a Couple in 24 Hours – Witches of Love

5 Spells to Separate a Couple in 24 Hours – Witches of Love

I want to share with you these 5 Sympathies to Separate a Couple in 24 hours, which have already helped several readers of the blog. Sympathies can be made for a friend who is suffering from a toxic relationship, family member, colleague and even for you.

These sympathies are from Tarot friends, who did and got the result in less than 1 day. Also, before thinking about starting the Ritual, be sure about the separation, since you will be directly interfering in this family’s relationships.

If you’re in a relationship that doesn’t see a future, or you see that a friend has completely changed due to toxic behavior, but you can’t end it, the best way is to do one of these sympathies! I’ve seen several reports of people who suffered relationship abuse for years, however, they couldn’t let go of the person, but they managed to make sympathies.

It is important to remember that when performing the ritual, you are alone and preferably with all your energy and thoughts channeled into the feeling of separation. I suggest that at this time they imagine good times alone, taking walks, how their life would be much better away from that person.

In case of abusive relationships with aggression

If it is an EXTREMELY TOXIC relationship, with aggression, not being able to leave the house, offenses and other things, it is best to go to the police.

You can even do sympathy, however, when it comes to a possessive and controlling person, I suggest you seek help from a friend or relative. It is very sad, especially for women. I’ve seen absurd cases, of friends of mine, who did everything, spells, tarot, attended centers, however, the only solution was through the police.

She even alleviated a little of her husband’s Toxicity for a while, as soon as she concluded the ritual, however, days or weeks passed and everything came back, sometimes even worse.

1. Sympathy with Pepper to Separate couple in 24 hours

This spell is my favorite, both for its ease and its power. This sympathy was sent by Carla, a friend of witches and of life. I have already shared this sympathy with some Tarot clients and all of them reported having achieved separation very quickly.

Pepper is an ingredient known to bring energy, protection and prosperity, whether in your life or in a relationship. In addition, it is widely used in rituals against the evil eye, as well as options for leaving the relationship.

You will need:

A red pepper;White plate;Blank piece of paper;Pencil;Paper envelope (the letter ones);Serrated knife.

How to do the Sympathy of Pepper to separate a couple:

First, write the Full Name of the Couple on the blank paper. After that, make a cut in the pepper and rub it on the paper, under the couple’s name (at this time ensure that the name is 100% covered). take the serrated knife and cut the pepper into small pieces and place the blank paper along with the pepper pieces in the Paper Envelope; -O there (at that time, visualize the separation of this couple, them fighting and getting into silly arguments).

The power of this ritual is directly related to natural water. As the river breaks the envelope, this couple will weaken the relationship. The idea is that the envelope will fall apart in 24 hours, with the force of the waters, however, if it gets stuck in something, it may take a little longer.

The idea is to follow the envelope through the river, making sure it doesn’t get stuck on ANYTHING!

2. Sympathy with Sal Grosso to Separate Couple Quickly

Sal Grosso is widely used in Sympathies for Separating Couples. In addition, we can use thick salt in rituals to attract love, remove a relationship, improve financial life and other rituals.

I really like charms with coarse salt because they are simple and easy to make, as well as because of the power of their magic. I suggest that you take a look at the articles I’ve already posted here on the Witches, with the sympathies using Sal Grosso. In the comments, several people reported having achieved their goals, whether in separation, attraction or another purpose…

This charm of Salt Grosso to Separate a Couple in 24 hours is a traditional ritual, done for years and passed down from generation to generation.

Items needed for the ritual:

200g Coarse salt (enough to cover the dish);White deep dish;Blank sheet of paper;Pencil.

How to make Sal Grosso sympathy for couple separation:

Start by writing the full name of the couple you want to separate on paper (write one name on the front and the other on the back). Once this is done, place the paper in the deep dish and then pour the coarse salt under the paper until it is 100% covered. Take the dish and place it in a dark place in your house for 7 days, without lighting and that no one can move it (don’t let anyone touch the Sympathy under any circumstances). Every day, at the same time, face the Sympathy and repeat the phrase: “That (name of so-and-so) and (name of so-and-so) fall into sorrows, despair in fights and discussions, causing the feeling of separation to grow day by day, creating the impossibility of continuing together. So be it.”At the end of the period, take the spell and throw it into a RIVER, Stream or Private. (I prefer the river, stream, however, if you can’t, you can use the toilet).

Important: When pouring sympathy, mentalize the couple’s separation and repeat the sentence. Don’t skip any DAY of the ritual, if you forget, you’ll need to start over.

3. Café charm to separate a couple in 24 hours

Coffee can be used in sympathies both to bring a couple closer together and to separate them. Most of the time we use coffee for separation rituals, as coffee has a unique effect to ward off negative energies, bad people from our path, evil eye and envious people.

When we want to separate a couple, we know that one of the parties can be unfaithful, toxic, controlling, with bad energy and because of this, coffee mixed with cachaça has a unique power to push people away.

Also, this spell was sent by Júlia, so I’ll leave all the credit to her, who often shares new rituals, spells and prayers with me. Thank you dear friend.

Material for Sympathy:

Black coffee powder;White candle;Brush;Cachaça (any one, I suggest 51 which is cheap);White plate.

How to do the Coffee Sympathy for Separation:

First, take 100 ml of cachaça and mix it with 3 tablespoons of black coffee (mix well until the color of the cachaça changes); white. Then, pour the cachaça with coffee under the plate and with the help of the brush, start to pass the mixture on the candle (do not pass it on the wick, we will need to light the candle later); Start to concentrate your energies and thoughts on the separation of the couple, imagine them separating, fighting and light the candle. Stay 5 minutes in front of the candle, imagining and channeling your energies on the couple, while the candle burns. Repeat the ritual 7 days in a row. Don’t let the candle burn out completely before completing the 7 days, make sure it burns enough to be able to repeat the ritual in the necessary period.

Witch Note: When lighting the candle, BE VERY CAREFUL, as cachaça is highly flammable. Use the brush to pass the cachaça under the candle carefully, so as not to hit the wick. Also, repeat the ritual in the given period, if the candle has completely melted on the sixth day, you will have to start over! Make sure it lasts until the last day.

4. Sympathy to separate the couple once and for all with toilet paper

Witchcraft, this sympathy is definite! Never do it without being sure about the separation of the couple. Once released into the wind, this ritual cannot be undone. Do it responsibly and only in cases of abusive relationships, NEVER DO FOR EVIL.

I’ve seen reports of people who did sympathy, because of an argument they had with one of the parties to the relationship and then regretted it, as the couple lived a happy and prosperous life.

Interfering in a relationship, just because you don’t approve of it, without any justification is wrong and can attract bad energies to you! However, feel free to make this decision, I’m just sharing advice.

You will need the materials:

A matchstick with a red head; Deep plate; Full name of the couple (it cannot be just the first name); Pen or red pen; Scissors; Piece of toilet paper; Coarse salt.

How to do the Toilet Paper Sympathy to separate a couple:

First, write the couple’s full name on the toilet paper, with their backs to each other (don’t write their names on the same side of the paper); , take the scissors and chop the paper into small pieces; Done that, place the crumpled pieces of paper in the center of the paper, light the match and wait for the pieces to burn completely; Take the ashes and pour them into a river, lake, stream or in the private (for this sympathy, I suggest that you do it in a natural water source, however, if it is not close to your house, you can use the private).

5. Sympathy of Lemon and Pepper to Separate Couple in 24 hours

Using pepper and lemon in separation rituals is very powerful. The bitterness of the lemon and the strong aroma of the pepper are powerful ingredients to drive one away from the other.

Furthermore, sympathies with lemon are the ones that I see have an immediate result, much more effective than any other ritual. When combined with pepper, we sharpen the immediate result even more.

Lemon and Pepper Sympathy Items:

Chili pepper;One green lemon;Blank paper;Red pen;Glass jar.

How to do the Pepper and Lemon Sympathy for Separation:

Start by writing the Full Name of the couple on the white paper, using the red pen, with their backs to each other. Once this is done, take the pepper and make a cut right in the middle and place the paper inside it; glass pot and put the pepper in the pot; Cut the lemon in half and while squeezing the juice inside the glass pot, mentalize the separation of the couple, fights and arguments between them, By throwing all the juice of the two parts of the lemon into the pot, close it well and store it in a dark place in your house, without access to light. Leave the pot for 3 consecutive days in this place, without anyone seeing or having contact with it. Finally, take the pot and pour everything inside the toilet.

I will even leave a prayer to São Cipriano for Separation, in case you want to do it after completing the ritual. I suggest you do too.

Prayer of Saint Cyprian to Separate a Couple with Urgency

Prayer of Saint Cyprian to Separate Couple Quickly

How to make Sympathy work in 24 hours?

The best way to have the result of the separation as quickly as possible is to respect every step of Sympathy and channel your energy and…

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