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3 Mango Leaf Baths: Spiritual benefits of the hose!

There are several spiritual rituals that are little known, but that can truly help us, one of them is the famous mango or hose leaf bathas many people like to call it these days.

Until today, we have never published any bath, with the exception of rock salt, but this one is so strong and powerful that we couldn’t help but share some recipes with you.

We have the most powerful recipes ever using mango leaves that will truly help you in your life. So, we recommend that you continue reading below and start seeing its benefits for your physical, mental and spiritual health.

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What is the mango leaf bath for?

3 Bath recipes with mango leaves

Secret Ritual: Putting Mango Leaves on the Pillow

What is the mango leaf bath for?


I bet you’ve heard of several baths, but with mango it’s one of the least known and sought after. It’s not because I’m not powerful.it just happens because people have no idea of ​​its power!

So, you can be sure that we are dealing with a phenomenal ingredient, but people still don’t know this ritual very well.

This bath, if performed as we teach, will help you to:

Balancing and unblocking the chakras, bringing you more spiritual balance;Allows the removal of negative energies that take away your strength;Brings more mental, physical and spiritual strength to those who take it;Eliminates bad spiritual traces from our body and soul ;It serves to protect us against enemy attacks, whether they are purposeful or not;It provides a complete mental, physical and spiritual cleansing!

So, as you may have noticed, this bath is a real “bomb” when it comes to spiritual balance and protection against all evils, whether physical or spiritual.

However, the spiritual benefits of the mango leaf go beyond that! There are people taking the bath and feeling other positive effects, but it depends from person to person.

Now that you know that the bath works and what it can do for you, we recommend checking out the right recipes right away.

We recommend

3 Bath recipes with mango leaves

mango leaves

#1 Simple mango leaf bath

The first recipe is the simplest of all and the most used. If you have never made this bath, I strongly recommend that you start with this recipe that only takes 3 hose leaves and 1 liter of water.

How to make and how to take:

Boil the liter of water and put the 3 hose leaves in it; Leave it boiling for about 5 minutes and turn off the boil; Rest the mixture for half an hour, remove the leaves and use the water for a bath.

This bath can only be from the shoulders down and should be taken once a week. We recommend that you take it on a Monday or a Sundaybut you can take it whenever you want.

#2 Bath with hose leaf and branch

This second recipe is slightly more complex, but it’s our favorite. She takes 3 mango leaves, 1 small branch from the same plant and 2 liters of water.

How to make and how to take:

Put the boiling water and add the leaves and the hose branch; It should boil for 10 minutes, turn off the boil and let it rest for 10 minutes; Strain the mixture and keep only the water; to take a bath.

You can pour the water from your shoulders down slowly, while thinking positive, happy thoughts and your greatest desires. Repeat this bath only 1 time a month.

#3 Bath with coarse salt

Finally, we have a bath for those who need a more complete spiritual cleansing. It is the strongest part of this article and consists of 2 tablespoons of coarse salt, 3 mango leaves It is 2 liters of water.

How to make and how to take:

Put the boiling water with all the ingredients in it; Boil for 10 minutes, turn off the boil and let the bath rest; Strain the mixture, leaving only the bath water; different baths.

You must take the first bath on a Monday and the second on a Sunday. She must lie with her shoulders down while envisioning good, positive things and while imagining the negative energies leaving.

We recommend

Secret Ritual: Putting Mango Leaves on the Pillow

Now that you’ve learned several very strong baths using only mango leaves, I’d like to teach you a very old ritual that practically nobody talks about.

It consists of using the leaves of this plant in a relatively different way. All you need to do is place 3 sheets under your pillow before going to sleep. You must sleep with these sheets for 7 nights in a row.

This simple but effective ritual will allow you to:

Improve your physical health while you are sleeping; It will remove obsessing spirits and negative energies from you when you are most vulnerable (while you are sleeping); It allows you to purify your body and soul slowly and naturally during the night; It also cures several respiratory diseases (it’s not proven yet).

We strongly recommend that you use this simple ritual together with one of the baths in this article. It serves more as a complement, that is, as something to add to the bath in order to improve our physical, mental and spiritual protection.

It’s something quite simple, but believe me it can work miracles for your body, your soul and even your aura.

I truly hope that I have helped you to combat all ills with a simple or more complex bath with mango leaves. If you still have questions, please leave a comment below this article.

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