Home » Angel Signs » 13 Meanings of Dreaming about an Ex Boyfriend According to Spiritism

13 Meanings of Dreaming about an Ex Boyfriend According to Spiritism

The power of dreams is something that deserves attention. Thus, dreams can have a profound impact on people’s lives.

In this sense, it is essential to understand what each type of dream means. An interesting point is that, depending on the religious culture, the meaning of the same mental image can be different.

Catholicism and Buddhism, for example, have different ways of looking at the world and, of course, of interpreting dreams. A good example of all this is spiritism, which carries with it a great ability to interpret dreams and apply messages to everyday life.

Dreaming about an ex-boyfriend, for example, is common and a very clear symbol for those who follow spiritism.. In this case, the meaning is pending in relation to the past.

Maybe it’s not even something directly related to your old relationship, but it’s a fact that there’s something heavy in your past that wasn’t resolved in the best way. To end this pendency, it will be necessary to investigate the matter further.

In any case, depending on the context in which the dream appears and the other characteristics of this dream, the meaning can change. Soon, learn a little more about the messages that spiritism sees behind the dream of an ex-boyfriend.

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Dreaming of an ex boyfriend according to spiritism, what does it mean?

13 Meanings of dreaming about an ex boyfriend, according to spiritism

And dreaming of an ex-boyfriend kissing you, in spiritism?

Could this dream be a spiritual sign?

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Dreaming of an ex boyfriend according to spiritism, what does it mean?

The dream with an ex boyfriend, second, spiritism points out issues from the past. You have left an issue open in your life.

Thus, he still hasn’t been able to create a quality relationship with this issue from his past. Faced with uncertainty, therefore, you are lost and, in a certain tone, incapable of understanding why you are not achieving happiness.

Spiritism preaches, in this case, that you will only be free and happy when you are able to close the subject of your past. Then this event still has some relevance in his life.

It is worth remembering that it does not necessarily have to do, in fact, with an ex-boyfriend. It could just be another pendency from the past, something that still intrigues you.

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13 Meanings of dreaming about an ex boyfriend, according to spiritism

The dream of an ex boyfriend, in general, has the meaning of unresolved past issues. But the truth is that there are still other messages for this dream, which can manifest themselves depending on the context and characteristics of the dream.

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In the midst of all this, it is essential that you are able to understand the importance of this mental image and how it can be interpreted in your life.

See below some of the interpretations that can be given to the dream of ex boyfriend and learn a little more about this situation. There is certainly a lot to assimilate and understand about spiritism through this dream.

1) Pending issues

Your past is still full of pending issues. At least, that’s what spiritists understand as the message behind the dream of an ex-boyfriend. Not necessarily the pending is with the person with whom he was lovingly involved.

In reality, because it’s just a matter that hasn’t been resolved well and that still generates a lot of problems for you. All this creates a negative scenario for your life, without you being able to progress the right way towards a more prosperous future.

After all, he’s still stuck in the past and something he wasn’t able to resolve at the right time. It will be necessary, therefore, to resolve this issue of your past to finally achieve happiness and success.

2) Lack of balance

This dream also shows that you think about the past a lot. When, in reality, should live in the present and plan for the future.

The past cannot be changed and therefore does not require as much attention. Focus more on what can be changed by your attitudes.

As such, it is a very bad idea to put your energies into trying to change what has already happened. this lack of balance is seen by spiritists as something bad and that can cause negativity for your whole life.

It might be a good idea to try to move forward in this direction, making room for a more stable and balanced life. Before that, you will not achieve peace.

3) Link to ex boyfriend

You may also have a very strong relationship with your ex boyfriend. This is a real possibility. There are souls that connect forever, even when distant. Like this, feed each other even if they are not close to each other.

It could be your case with your old boyfriend. Therefore, try to understand the size of the spiritual relationship you still have with this person. No it is a negative thing to admit that you are still connected or connected to that person.

After all, he was someone who marked his life and who had a considerable space in his history. For spiritism, spirits can relate very intensely, even after a hard breakup or after people move away.

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4) Ingratitude

The dream about an ex boyfriend can still indicate ingratitude. In this way, it can be a sign, for spiritism, that you do not know how to recognize the importance that other people had in your life.

You cannot create a quality relationship with those around you.

In this way, you do not connect spiritually with those around you and do not allow the good energies of these people to enter your life.. It is necessary to open the doors to positivityshowing himself to be a more receptive person who can be more grateful to others and the world.

True gratitude creates good vibes, and this affects everyone very positively, putting even more good energy in your path.

5) Lack of protection

Spiritualism shows that the dream about an ex boyfriend can still indicate a lack of protection. You cannot see yourself protected or protected. Thus, think of a strong figure who was once important in your life. O

dream walks exactly that way. In this way, he points out that it is necessary to improve your level of spiritual protection. To do this, it is necessary to approach the good energies.

And, to get closer to the good energies, you must create a better connection with your spirit. Because it is your soul that can generate a more positive situation for your body and for your life.

6) You need to nourish the spirit

Dream about fight with ex boyfriend indicates that you need to nourish your spirit. In this way, your soul goes through a problem. There is some sort of limitation surrounding this issue that can create a serious problem for the entire span of your life.

Consequently, it’s a great idea to get closer to your spirit. Feed it with good thoughts, good deeds and, above all, trying to get closer to happiness.

By doing all this, you can create an extra layer of protection for the spirit. The whole scenario will ultimately be able to lead you to a much more positive level of productivity and a better relationship with your soul.

7 – Uncertainty

Dreaming that you kiss your ex boyfriend is a sign of spiritual uncertainty. Soon, it’s something that shows your lost soul and still not knowing what to do.

Spiritism believes that the spirit also needs food and guidance. Just like your body, your soul needs special care.

Therefore, it is essential to know how to offer this to the spirit. In your own way, even if you don’t believe in any particular religion, it is possible to get closer to your spiritual side and create a stronger relationship with your soul.

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Once that happens, in addition to deciding the path you want for your life, the spirit will also be able to find its direction. Everyone wins in a scenario like this.

8) Cure

If you just talk to your ex-boyfriend in a dream, spiritism sees the fact as a cure. You will be able to heal all the ills that are developing around you..

In this way, you will be able to advance a lot in your life and create moments of pure quality. You have to keep everything in order and, above all, learn to deal with people who don’t always send good vibes into your life. These, in reality, must be removed as soon as possible..

Seeking healing is something that is part of almost everyone’s life goals. Whatever problem is present in your life, therefore, there will soon be a cure for that issue.

9) Spiritual growth

If you dream of calling your ex boyfriend, indicates that you will grow in a spiritual sense. This type of dream shows that you will enter a time of great evolution.

From a spiritual point of view, you will be able to go a step further and create the necessary scenario to keep improving. Since body and spirit are related, your life in the physical world will evolve as much as your spiritual life.

You have to take advantage of this moment to get where you want most, making room for the good things that can get closer to you and those you love most. Soon, stay focused on growing.

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10) Personal care

The dream with ex boyfriend still can relate to personal care. In this case, it indicates that you have to focus a little less on other people and a little more on yourself.

Spiritism makes it clear that an important step towards happiness is to be in balance with your soul. Therefore, even before trying to be on good terms with others, try to find the right relationship with your spirit.

By doing this, it will actually be much easier to develop a good relationship with the people who are close to you. For, once the soul is strengthened, the chances of success in any part of life are increased.

11) Reflect more

Your decisions matter. Thus, the dream of an ex-boyfriend, according to spiritism, may indicate the need to reflect more. Think about the direction your life is taking.

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