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100 Phrases of Self-Esteem and Personal Motivation

Self-esteem is a personal evaluation, the opinion we have about ourselves and how this affects us in our daily lives. And loving yourself is essential; We must accept our emotions and punish ourselves less for our flaws, since only then can we feel completely comfortable with who we are and what we want from others.

In the following article Phrasess.net we offer you 100 great self-esteem phrases and personal motivation that will help you realize how important and valuable you are. Take note!

Phrases about low self-esteem – And how to raise it!

If you are going through a difficult time and it is difficult for you to love yourself, it is very likely that your inner light has gone out and you have low self-esteem. It is not easy to overcome these moments, however, it is essential that you admit them and prepare to change the perspective you have about yourself…

With these low self-esteem phrases We help you see how special you are. Let’s go there!

Wanting to be someone else is wasting the person you are.

There are always flowers for those who want to see them.

Henri Matisse

Your beauty doesn’t end at your face or your body… you are much more than that.

Eat like you love yourself, move like you love yourself, talk like you love yourself, and act like it.

The supreme happiness in life is knowing that you are loved for yourself or, more accurately, in spite of yourself.

You don’t have to be perfect to inspire others. Let others be inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.

One day you will wake up and realize that the only person you are made for is yourself.

You were born to be yourself, not to be perfect, so try to fulfill your destiny.

Sometimes we don’t know how to value what we have in front of us. It happens, above all, when we look in the mirror.

You yourself, like every person in the universe, deserve his love and affection.

Sharon Salzberg

It hasn’t been easy to get where I am and I deserve to love myself for it.

Low self-esteem is like driving through life with a broken hand.

Maxwell Maltz

When you accept your flaws, no one can use them to hurt you.

Trust yourself… you know more than you think you know.

Benjamin Spock

The true competition has to be with oneself.

The worst loneliness is not being able to be comfortable with yourself.

The complexity lies in learning to think differently about yourself.

Once you accept that you deserve what you have, you will not allow anyone to make you feel less.

We take the love we think we deserve.

Stephen Chbosky

The most terrifying thing is to accept yourself completely.

Carl Gustav Jung

One of the fathers of psychoanalysis left us this beautiful phrase, a quote that reminds us that despite always living with ourselves, accepting yourself 100% is never easy. It is something we have to fight with, however, it is something worth achieving.

For more self-love phrases, do not hesitate to visit this other article.

Others only love and respect those who love and respect themselves.

Loving yourself means understanding that you don’t have to be perfect to be good.

The more you love yourself, the less you will tolerate the nonsense of others.

The greatest responsibility you will ever have is to love yourself and understand that you are enough.

Why should we care about what others think of us? Do we have more confidence in their opinions than our own?

Brigham Young

The opinions of others affect us to such an extent that a few simple words can completely change our day, as well as the way we see ourselves.

But, in the end, we are the ones who have to take care of ourselves and who know what is best for our lives. For take control of your life and feel more empowered, be sure to visit these Phrases of pride.

Love yourself more. It’s the only lesson you’ll have to learn today.

Put yourself at the top of your priority list… let everything else find its place.

Your soul will only be nourished by your own love, not by the love of others.


Funny self-esteem phrases

If you search cheeky and funny self-esteem phrases, you are in the right place, because below we show you some funny phrases for Instagram and Whatsapp that shine for their sarcasm and good humor. Do you want to ensure some good likes? Keep reading!

I’m not available but I appreciate your good taste.

Beauty begins when you decide to be yourself.

Security is based on feeling important without the need for someone to come and tell you.

I’m beginning to seriously suspect that the love of my life is me.

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.

Be the love you never received.

No thanks, I’m allergic to love.

You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a stick.

Jack London

If your day is bitter, shake it up a little…sometimes the sugar is at the bottom.

Fear of losing you? Not even if you were my cell phone.

Talk to yourself as if you were someone you love… but don’t do it in public.

Failure is the seasoning that gives success its flavor.

Truman Capote

Phrases to raise self-esteem

The time has come to value yourself as you deserve, look in the mirror and repeat to yourself that no one has the right to step on you or belittle who you are and what you feel. Below we offer you more phrases to raise self-esteem that will make you smile and remind you that everything is more beautiful when you side with the world.

I am only one, but I am one. I can’t do everything, but I can do something. And since I can’t do everything, I won’t refuse to do what I can do.

Edward Everett Hale

The most magical things always happen outside your comfort zone… Dare!

Only if I feel valuable for being who I am can I accept myself, can I be authentic, can I be true.

You don’t need to try hard to be special, because life has already created you unique and original.

We are all different and each one of us has different abilities than the others… that is why we know that It’s not worth comparing yourself to anyone. You are unique and you are special, and nothing should take away that self-confidence.

These 80 Confidence Phrases will help you inspire you and bring out the best in you.

You have to be happy, even if it’s just to bother you.

We know what we are, but we do not yet know what we can become.

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.

Norman Vincent Peale

May the hard shell of your fears not prevent the blossoming of your talents.

Release what is hidden inside you and do not let prejudices prevent you from being who you really are. Only you can explore what you have inside and only you have the power to make it become something great.

These short and inspiring self-improvement phrases will help you.

Face the dark parts of yourself and work to banish them with enlightenment and forgiveness. Your willingness to fight your demons will make your angels sing.

August Wilson

Get up, wake up and don’t stop until you reach the goal.

If you can dream it you can do it

Great phrase Walt Disneythe creator of an empire that has inspired millions of children and adults to achieve their goals.

In this Disney Phrases article you will find similar quotes perfect for not giving up.

Happiness is not found… It is created!

Love is the great miracle cure: loving ourselves creates miracles in our lives.

Louise L. Hay

Self-esteem phrases for Whatsapp and Instagram

To cheer up someone who is going through a bad time, or to share a message of encouragement with all your followers, the following self-esteem phrases for Whatsapp and Instagram are perfect.

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.

Change the way you see things and things will change.

You are stronger than your fears.

Be yourself, an original is always much better than a copy.

If you want, you can…

When you feel like you’re going to give up, think about why you started.

Be true to what exists within you.

Andrew Gide

Confidence in yourself is the key to success. If you failed yesterday, it doesn’t matter… today you have the opportunity to start again.

Life is a challenge; Live, feel, love, laugh, cry, play, win, lose, stumble… but get up and always continue.

Do more of what makes you happy.

The only thing impossible is what you don’t try.

Being yourself… that is the real revolution.

You can be who you want to be… you just have to decide to be.

You cannot offer anything if the cup is empty; take care of yourself first.

Always dream big, but never forget to enjoy the little things.

When you start to enjoy more and worry less, you realize that everything is easier.

Don’t say “I would like to,” start saying “I will.”

When you get over the past, something good comes into your life. Don’t let fears steal your future.

When you make a mistake, respond with tenderness and gentleness.

Ellie Holcomb

If we treated ourselves the way we treat our best friends… can you imagine how well we would live?

Meghan Markle

Do what you want to do before it becomes what you wish you had done.

Of all the things you wear, your attitude is the most important.

Tumblr phrases, as well as phrases for Instagram and other social networks, are designed to mark you despite their brevity. Perfect for make your followers smile!

Impposible takes just a little bit longer!

Attract what you expect, project what you desire, become what you respect, and reflect what you admire.

To break new ground, you have to take risks, break the rules and make mistakes.

Only those who dare to change achieve the unexpected.

Until you value yourself, you won’t value the time you have. And until you value the time you have, you won’t do anything good with it.

M. Scott Peck

Time is a mystery, and how we decide to manage and live it is one of the keys to being happy. Below we show you some of our favorite Quotes about the weather so that you yourself reflections on this concept.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like a victim.

Don’t accept anyone’s definition of your life, because that only belongs to you.

Harvey Fierstein

You have to love yourself before you can do anything good in this world.

Lucille Ball

The best preparation is learning from mistakes.

Are you looking for that person capable of changing your life? Then look in the mirror.

You have the right to be a work of art and a work in progress at the same time.

Falling in love with yourself is the most well-kept secret of happiness.

Robert Morley

A diamond is just a piece of…

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