Home » Dreams & Meanings » 10 spells to win the lottery: rice, beans, onions and more!

10 spells to win the lottery: rice, beans, onions and more!

Many people dream of becoming millionaires. However, it is known that this is not an easy task. Because of this, many end up resorting to games of luck to try to make their dreams come true, hoping that that dreamed money will end all their problems.

But as difficult as becoming a millionaire in the conventional way is to win in a game of luck. Because of this, a lot of people resort to superior energies when doing that “fezinha”, through sympathies.

However, it is worth mentioning that this type of sympathy does not give you any guarantee that you will actually hit the lucky numbers. Sympathies by themselves bring great energy and therefore can help you with many things. However, it’s important that you keep doing your part. Follow below the most diverse sympathies to win the lottery.

The horseshoe is a symbol of luck in many cultures. Many people place this object on the highest part of the door, to attract luck. In Spain, for example, tradition says that the horseshoe must point downwards, so that luck can spread throughout the house.

Thus, this story that the horseshoe is an element of luck ended up spreading throughout the world. Thus, when it comes to sympathy to attract luck to you, the horseshoe is always remembered. Check out how to use it to get lucky below.

Contrary to what it may seem, you won’t need a horseshoe to do this spell. However, you will need jewelry in the shape of a horseshoe. In addition, you will also need soil, a bag made of green fabric, thread the same color as the bag, green ribbon and a vase.

Carrying out this spell is very easy. First, you have to remember that it must be done on a full moon night. On the night in question, take the horseshoe-shaped trinket and bury it in the vase. The goal is for it to absorb the energies coming from the earth.

After 7 days, you should dig it up and place it in the green tissue bag. Then close the bag with the thread of the same color and pass the green ribbon all around. Finally, bury it in the vase again.

When it comes to finding energy to help with that “fettle”, every saint helps. The spell to win the lottery with an old ticket has some details that need a lot of attention to work.

At first it seems a little complicated, but if you have patience and attention you will be able to do it. Follow the details below.

To do this spell, you’ll obviously need an old lottery ticket. But attention. It cannot have already been awarded. You will also need a new ticket with exactly the same number as the old one.

In addition to the tickets, a few more objects will be essential for carrying out this spell. They are: a plate, honey, white candle and a saucer.

First, you will have to place the old note on the plate and pour some honey. Take the saucer and place it next to the plate. On top of the saucer you should place the candle and light it.

The moment you are lighting the candle, start praying asking your guardian angel to give you luck. Finally, throw away the remains of the candle and also the old note. The plate and saucer, after being washed, can be used again normally. The new ticket will be used for your next game.

This sympathy promises to bring you luck and bring you closer to the dreamed lottery prize. Some consider it a little “boring” to do. However, you just need to pay attention and take some time to do it calmly, and everything will work out.

There are high chances that this will be the most dynamic sympathy you will see in your life. You will even need to enlist the help of third parties. But don’t worry, you’ll learn all about her next.

If you were interested in this spell and are willing to try to improve your luck, then write it down.
You will need five R$1.00 coins, olive oil, a vase and the money-in-penca (totão) plant.

Initially, you will need to grease the five R$1.00 coins with olive oil. After that, you should bury them in a vase that has the “money-in-hand” plant, also known by some as “totão”. However, pay close attention here. You must bury them on the night of the new moon, and they must remain there for 7 days.

When the eighth day comes, remove the coins from there and wash them well. Next, you must give each one of them to a homeless person, asking each one of them to tell you two, three or more numbers. So, you should write down these numbers and make the numerical combinations that cross your mind.

Rice is an element widely used in various sympathies, for the most different requests. According to experts, this food has a great energy in itself. Since that’s how it is, it may help you to increase your luck and, consequently, get closer to getting your hands on the dreamed lottery prize. Follow along.

To perform this spell you will need: a saucer, a little white rice and a paper containing the numbers you want to play. Done, that’s all. Now pay close attention to learning how to do it. See below.

This spell is extremely simple. The first step is to take the paper with the numbers you wrote and place it under the saucer. Next, take the rice you separated and throw it over the saucer.

While doing this, keep your thinking positive and envision your desire to win the lottery. You should let it rest. On the day you go to the lottery to hold your game, remove the paper from there and take it with you.

The figa is nothing more than an amulet in the shape of a closed hand, in which the thumb is positioned between the index and middle fingers. It is used in many places around the world as an object of superstition.

Thus, for those who believe, the fig is a symbol of protection against bad omens and bad luck. Knowing this, it is clear that there would be sympathy with the figa, with the aim of helping him win the lottery. See below.

This spell is extremely simple and because of that you won’t have to worry about a large amount of ingredients. You will only need a fig and a pillow. The fig can be of any size or material. Therefore, it can be according to your preference or whichever is easier for you to acquire.

In this sympathy in question you will only have to keep the figa in the left pocket of your pants or in your wallet. The purpose of this is for it to bring you luck and ward off any bad luck that may be around you.

On the day you go to the lottery, take the figa out of your pants or wallet and put it under your pillow. You should only take it out after finding out the result of the game.

You certainly remember the story “Jack and the Beanstalk”. Well, this fable has nothing to do with the sympathy that we are going to talk about now. However, if you remember correctly, Jack’s beans were magic, and they helped him reach the heavens.

So, who knows here, your beans will also be able to count on a little magic and help you to win your dreamed prize. Follow along.

To carry out this sympathy, you will only need a piece of cardboard, a pencil or pen and a grain of beans. Gather your materials and follow the execution of this spell.

With the cardboard in hand, you should draw a 5-pointed star. On each end mark a number of your choice. It can be a number that has been remarkable for you, your lucky number, whatever you prefer.

After that, with your eyes closed, take the bean and throw it over the star you drew. Open your eyes and see near which end it landed. Write down the number and toss the bean 3 more times and keep writing down. When you decide to place your bets, use the combinations made from there.

Initially it may seem quite strange, but there are those who say that onions can help change the course of your luck, for the better. If you’ve made it this far, it doesn’t hurt to try.

So prepare the paper, the pen and see below the materials you will need, as well as the correct way to do this spell. See below.

The materials for this sympathy are quite simple. You will only need: 1 onion, 1 piece of paper, 1 red pen and a piece of string. Now that you know everything you need to have at hand, learn what to do next.

This spell will use energies from your date of birth. So, the first thing to do is to point out its date. It is advised that you draw as many numbers as possible from that date, in order to choose the numbers for your lottery ticket. So, when choosing, you should write them on white paper.

After doing this, fold the paper in half and then cut the onion in half and place the paper inside it. After that, put the two halves of the onion back together. Use a bit of the piece of thread to tie the onion and as soon as you finish 3 knots at the end. Keep the onion under your bed until the day your game results come out.

Although simple, experts say that this sympathy is very strong. It serves to purify your entire physical body and also your soul. Furthermore, it also attracts positive energies to your home, thus bringing a lot of luck and prosperity to your path.

To check all the material you will use and learn how to do it the right way, follow the reading carefully below.

To carry out this spell you will need 15 dry bay leaves, 1 white plate or any other type of container, of the same color, that is fire resistant. And a little bit of alcohol. With the ingredients in hand, learn its…

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