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♍ Virgo: Know Everything About Virgos!

Organization and discipline are the main characteristics of the people who are represented by the Virgo zodiac sign.

But these are not the only items that stand out for Virgos, there are numerous qualities, flaws and elements common to people of this type. sign.

Virgo Zodiac Sign: Know everything about this sign!

Want to know the characteristics of the Virgo zodiac sign, date, decan and more? So check this article out to the end to find out all of it!

Virgo zodiac sign: date and elements

First, you need to know that Virgos are those born between August 28th and September 22nd. Remembering that, if you were born on the first or last day of the sign, check the year you were born to be sure of the sign. This is because there may be variations between years.

decan of Virgos

In addition to the date of each sign, another peculiarity is the decans. The period in which you were born within a sign also says a lot about your personality. This is why not all people of the same sign have the same traits, as the rulers in each period are different. In the case of Virgo, the decans are:

  • August 23 to September 1: the first decan of Virgos is ruled by Mercury.
  • September 2nd to 11th: the second decan of Virgos is ruled by Saturn.
  • September 12th to 22nd: the third decan of Virgos is ruled by Venus.

Virgo Zodiac Elements

The first thing you need to know about Virgo is that this sign is of the Earth element. Like the other signs that make up this element, Virgo brings the firmness, stability and balance of those who are influenced by Earth. See below for other elements that represent the sign of Virgo!

  • Mercury planet
  • Stone: amazonite, agate and jasper
  • Orisha: Obaluaiê
  • Angel: Raphael
  • Amulets: Scapular
  • Metal: aluminum
  • Flower: carnation, jasmine, lily and begonia
  • Scent: soft floral and slightly citrus fruit
  • incense: benzoin
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Virgo zodiac traits

Every sign has characteristics that are striking in the personality of people born in that period. In the case of Virgos, the main traits are organization and discipline. But you will see below that there are many other characteristics in the Virgo personality. Check them all out below!


The sign of Virgo in love has as symbols the care and serenity. However, Virgos don’t like to take initiative, nor are they good at flirting, giving the first kiss or taking any initiative to conquer the loved one. This is all because Virgo people fear rejection.

However, Virgos they accept nothing less than faithful partners and accomplices. Although they are in love, Virgos they mainly value the faithful commitment and the complicity in the relationship.

When in a relationship, Virgos don’t make loving declarations all the time, but express their love with clear and romantic attitudes. Although they are very sensitive, Virgos they love to observe and question, before acting.

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Family and friends

Both in friendship and at home, Virgos are always attentive. They love to help with emotional problems or everyday tasks. They are extremely organized, disciplined and demanding in terms of day-to-day aspects, such as house organization, for example. The big problem for the Virgo, at home, is not turning his care for the home into an obsession.

The Virgo’s relationship with family members is almost always one of complicity, fidelity, attention, affection and a lot of cooperation. With friends, Virgos usually give advice and cultivate friendship. However, they do not have many friends, as they are shy and introspective.

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money and work

Virgos are hardworking by nature, are very proactive, enjoy performing tasks and are always looking for professional improvement. However, working with a Virgo may not be so easy, as they love methods and metrics. But his relationship with work is always to improve his day to day more and more, learn from mistakes and dedicate himself.


In health, Virgos stand out for anxiety. Although this trait is not so marked, Virgo people often have problems with anxiety. In addition, people of this sign tend to be excessively worried, so they can easily turn into hypochondriacs. Among the most vulnerable points of this sign are: intestine and stomach.

Love Matches with Virgo

Virgos like lasting, stable and concrete relationships. Therefore, they match the following signs:

Taurus and Virgo: both are of the Earth element and make a beautiful couple. Virgo and Taurus people have many things in common, so they make a very promising couple. Although shy and calm, this combination can awaken the couple’s sensuality and yield a spicy relationship.

Virgo and Virgo: it is obvious that Virgos get along very well with Virgos. Therefore, this relationship is almost certain. However, this couple will always be looking for intellectual development and maturing of the relationship.

Scorpio and Virgo: Scorpios are a great match for Virgo people. Although both signs are quite different, this combination results in a spicy, rational and loyal romance.

Sagittarius and Virgo: different, but they complement each other. This is the phrase that best sums up the combination of Sagittarius and Virgo. The Virgo and Sagittarius couple complete each other and are always looking for new things. However, it is important to note that Sagittarian adventures make Virgos angry.

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Capricorn and Virgo: The harmony of this couple is incomparable. Both like to lead a planned, dedicated and regulated life, so they get along very well together. This couple will strive for a healthy and lasting relationship.

Pisces and Virgo: opposites, but they work. Virgos are organized and ruled by nature, on the other hand, Pisces are dreamy and completely disorganized. You’ve seen that this couple can yield many differences, right? However, features lacking in one are made up by the other and vice versa.

Main characteristics of Virgos

Finally, we can summarize that Virgos have as main features: organization, discipline, rigidity, stability, practicality, critical analysis, rationality, observation, planning, faithfulness, kindness, self-criticism and insecurity.

Now that you know everything about the sign of Virgo, learn about the characteristics of other zodiac signs here at .

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