Home » Horoscope » Xangô Bath: Solve situations of injustice and difficulty

Xangô Bath: Solve situations of injustice and difficulty

Strength and justice are some of the characteristics of Rei Xangô, the most popular orixá in Brazil. Symbol of the initiative, Xangô is known as the articulator, human justice in action, therefore, it provides its children with prosperity, energy, abundance, work and self-love.

It is no wonder that the Xangô bath is indicated for people who are feeling weak, wronged and hopeless. So, take advantage of the power of the ruling orixá of 2020 to shake off the dust, turn around and start the year with your head held high by taking the Xangô bath.

Xango baths

Because he values ​​justice, Xangô has a reputation for being repressive and authoritarian, but in fact he values ​​discernment between good and evil. The main weapons of this orixá are lightning and thunder and, with them, Xangô punishes people who act against his principles of reason and justice.

Therefore, the Xangô bath is an excellent remedy to relieve feelings of injustice and impotence. You know that situation for which you were unfairly blamed? Or that lawsuit that doesn’t leave the place? Count on the strength of Xangô to move the pieces on your board and win the game.

In addition, the Xangô bath brings prosperity and opens the paths of those who feel lost, without direction. In this way, baths with the powerful herbs of Xangô will help you to take well-thought-out attitudes and see new possibilities.

So, paper and pen in hand so you don’t miss any detail of the 3 Xangô baths that we separate for you.

By the way, do you know Xangô’s sympathies?

Xango bath for justice

Nothing better than counting on the orixá of justice to solve your problems of injustice, right? Start the year with the Xangô bath for justice and solve all the pending issues of the past.


  • 32 okra
  • 2 liters of running water (preferably from a river or waterfall)
  • a handful of sugar
  • 1 glass of liqueur and sweet wine
  • 1 bowl made of agate stone
  • 1 brown candle
  • 1 yellow candle

Preparation mode:

  1. Before starting the ritual, light a brown candle for Xangô and a yellow one for Oxum;
  2. Now, remove the ends of the okra and cut them into very thin slices;
  3. Then, place the okra slices in the agate bowl, pour in the water, sugar and wine;
  4. Beat this mixture with your hands until it forms a foam called Ajebó;
  5. In a moment of faith, talk to Xangô and explain your situation of injustice and the reasons for your intervention;
  6. Finish by pouring the mixture over your entire body, always thinking about your request to Xangô;
  7. Leave the mixture on your body for 7 minutes and then rinse it off, preferably in a river or waterfall.

Xango bath for prosperity

Okra and wine symbolize the wisdom and inner strength needed to overcome the difficulties you encounter on your way. Therefore, this Xangô bath for prosperity is excellent for attracting solutions to your problems, as well as abundance and spiritual elevation.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 12 okra, cut into slices;
  • 1 glass of red wine

Preparation mode:

  1. Start the ritual by kneading the okra slices with water and wine until foamy;
  2. Then rub this preparation all over your body, from bottom to top, that is, from head to toe;
  3. At all times, mentalize your requests and pray the Our Father 12 times;
  4. Leave the ritual on your body for 7 minutes and then take your hygienic shower as normal.

Xangô unloading bath

This Xangô bath is to cleanse all the negative energies from your body and open the way to new opportunities. To do it, you will need to have faith in Xangô herbs. By the way, read this article to the end to learn more about Xangô herbs.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 earthenware, glass or agate bowl
  • 1 handful of basil
  • herb lift
  • stonebreaker herb
  • grated orobot

Preparation mode:

  1. Start the Xangô bath by boiling the water and pouring it into the bowl with all the herbs;
  2. Cover the bowl and wait until the water reaches the ideal temperature for your bath;
  3. After your hygienic bath, pour the ritual from head to toe, mentalizing your requests to Xangô;

Shango herbs

Xangô bath in Umbanda is considered a powerful ritual against injustice, evil and negative energies. For the strength of Rei Xangô to reach you, it is necessary to know the main herbs of this orixá and their uses.

Check the list below:

  • Alevante or Levante: herb present in all the obligations of the head, in the abô and in the spiritual cleansing baths of the children of Xangô;
  • Purple basil: also used in all head duties, in abô and in the unloading baths of the children of this orixá;
  • Angelicó or Mil-homens: used in love spells and in baths mixed with manacá to attract love connections;
  • Cavalinha or Corn-cobra: for head duties, in the abô and as axé in the settlements of the two orixás;
  • St. John’s wort: present in head bonds and in flushing baths;
  • Erva-grossa or Fumo-bravo: used in head obligations, particularly in ebori and as axé in Xangô;
  • Basil: also present in head obligations and in energetic and spiritual baths;
  • Pomegranate: used in cleansing baths for the children of the wind orixá;

Now that you know the benefits of Xango’s bath, check out Xango’s prayer to attract love, drive away enemies and open the paths. Take the opportunity to find out more about the baths of other orixás:

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