All activation audios act directly on the subconscious mind of those who listen to them… Keep reading and we will explain in depth how this process works.
The mind is divided into 2 parts called the CONSCIOUS and SUBCONSCIOUS. Although we have a single mind, it has these 2 parts that work differently from each other.
The Conscious mind is the part of the reasoning mind that is aware of the here and now. It works like a “Gatekeeper” selecting and filtering what will be stored in the subconscious mind. Many times this dam that the conscious mind puts END UP BLOCKING that new information and suggestions are placed in the subconscious mind.
The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, on the other hand, is like a FERTILE GARDEN in which all kinds of seeds flourish, and everything that is put into it is carried out by the forces of the universe.
When listening to the activation audios with the subliminal messages, these NEW INFORMATION PENETRATE directly into the subconscious, DRIVING THE RESISTANCE OF THE CONSCIOUS MIND.
With this, subliminal audios can REPROGRAM the whole subconscious mind so that it ACTIVATE AND MANIFEST the energy of the Desired Archetype.