Learn to open the biggest romantic prize and adventures of emotions
A shy woman is a delicate world of fine and great emotions jealously guarded. That’s why, seduce a shy woman is to do what is necessary to earn a great gift of loving and secret emotions. Be aware of what you say with your eyes. To open this prize you have to be careful not to break the packaging abruptly.
How to conquer a shy and intelligent woman that you like? Being very patient, kind and respecting her reserved way of being. Remember that they do not like to be the center of attention of anything.
Falling in love with a shy woman can be one of the most exciting experiences for a man. But like everything, you have to work hard on yourself. Well, going through that coverage of inhibitions, emotional and physical shyness and uncomfortable moments is not easy at all.
To seduce a shy woman, you choose the moment and the place
When you get a date with the shy girl you like, you choose the place. It is important that the responsibility for that decision does not fall on her. For a shy woman it is too overwhelming to make social arrangements.
In the following video of True Seduction we can see, how to seduce a shy girl. Domenec Benaiges Fusté, an expert in relationships, tells us about how to conquer shy women.
A compliment is always welcomed by a shy girl.
When you relate to a shy woman, one of your first words should be praise. Also keep in mind that compliments for a woman are one of the basic rules of etiquette. Every time you see her, don’t forget to tell her something nice about how she looks or is.
The best way to make a very shy woman fall in love is being very attentive to her. Look into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she looks. You can also highlight the way she is, some attitude she has or what she wears.
The compliment to a shy girl and the attention you give him will give him a quick confidence boost. The consequence of this is that she will feel more comfortable with you.
Keep in mind that she won’t always keep her eyes on you.
Although a shy girl cannot keep her eyes on the person who accompanies her, she is always attentive. For them the eye contact is very risky For all the emotions that keep and protect.
When seducing a shy woman you have to get used to his eyes escaping a direct look. Do not be discouraged, as long as she does not move away from her, it means that she agrees to listen and think about everything you say.
When she feels that she can trust you and feels comfortable, her look will be the most beautiful gift you experience. This can take many outputs. That’s why it’s important to be consistent.
To seduce a shy woman, respect her way of being, it is not arrogance
Dating a shy girl is a totally different experience than what you are used to. Perhaps you make many mistakes with her, perhaps you demand that she be more expressive and it is likely that you lose her. Therefore, she accepts her way of being and is very tolerant.
You will have to understand that shyness is not arrogance, indifference or a rude reaction. A shy girl has a hard time being expressive. She doesn’t know how to express her emotions and prefers to be reserved.
What to do to conquer or seduce a shy woman that I like? Accept her weird behaviors, it’s not about you, it’s about who she is. Give her time to get to know you better. If you really love that girl you will take your time.
You have to accept that she will not be a good conversationalist at first.
The best way to seduce a shy woman is to accept her way of being. Do not try to change her or criticize her way of being. If you like her she accepts that it will take you some time to make a good talk. The prize of her heart will be worth it.
The behavior of a shy woman is reserve and discretion. They are not very talkative unless it is their friends or people they trust.
When you go out with her, don’t go overboard with flirting and always keep a positive attitude. If you want to give her a good time, talk to her about exciting things.
How to make a very shy woman fall in love: Do not go too fast
To conquer a shy woman You must keep in mind that you must give him his space. For example, you won’t be able to give him the first kiss so fast or have it in private. If you try to rush things you will most likely end up disappointed.
The best way to conquer a shy girl is by respecting her emotional space. They, like any woman, fall in love, are sensitive to affection and attention, but reserve the right of admission.
The worst thing you can do with a shy girl is ridicule her way of being
With an ordinary girl you can make jokes about her way of being, her clothes or her person. He will look you in the eye and take it well. But with a shy girl be careful. Shy girls don’t look you in the eye to know your non-verbal language. That’s why, I may not understand your jokes and even take it very personally and get angry.
Even a silly comment that you say as a joke she can feel like emotional assault. Consequently, to gain confidence and conquer a shy girl, choose positive words and attitudes. Seducing a shy woman is an art.
In the first dates with a shy woman, avoid being confident to seduce
When it comes to seduce a shy woman keep in mind that they can be very uncomfortable with being overconfident. It is not advisable to proceed as with other girls to break the ice and gain confidence.
Also do not make sudden or unpredictable movements, because she can get scared. Take care of earning her trust with a lot of love and patience. She will be the one to give you signs that you can move forward a bit. A small smile, a direct look are treasures that they only give away when they gain confidence.
It is important that you do not try to force her to do something spontaneous.
A shy girl finds it difficult to express what she really wants. Consequently, when trying to seduce a shy woman you must take into account her body language.
A shy woman when she likes a man becomes even quieter. But if she asks her on a spontaneous date she can say yes, but their non-verbal language will say no. Keeping these details in mind will make her appreciate you a lot.
Any sign of doubt in a shy girl take it as a NO. It is the most delicate and considerate way your behavior can be to earn their trust.
To take it to the bedroom you will need a lot of tact and delicacy
By falling in love with a shy girl keep in mind that they are very passionate women, but only if you earn their trust. This means that it will not be easy to win a kiss or a caress. In order for them to feel comfortable and romantic with you, there must first be a lot of trust.
A couple of drinks is not useful for them to lose their shyness. Any hint of a stop should be taken and accepted with great respect. Well, it is very difficult for them to say a resounding no.
The best thing to do when conquering a shy and intelligent woman is to let her make the first moves. Especially the first weeks of outings.
The best when seducing a shy woman is that you do not rush to caress or kiss them. If she starts to smile and be more confident with you, don’t rush things, let her take her time for that loving moment you want.
Try to make that loving moment very delicate and loaded with a lot of tenderness. The sensual game with a shy girl is very delicate. If you try to make a contact too fast you can ruin everything you did.
Be very sensitive when you pet her. If she makes an escape gesture, avoid any sudden contact. She better back off and try to build trust with delicate and romantic details. Think of her as a delicate butterfly that at the slightest sudden movement will fly away.
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