On May 13th, the day of Our Lady of Fatima is celebrated, one of the invocations attributed to the most famous Virgin Mary in the world. But do you know her story?
His appearances in the city of Fatima, in Portugal, brought comfort to the world population through divine messages of peace and hope, in a very troubled time. However, it cannot be ignored that the manifestation of Our Lady of Fátima is surrounded by mysteries, secrets and symbolism.
To know every detail of this story, we explain here their appearances and the context in which they were inserted. In addition, you can check the meanings of the symbols of the image of Our Lady of Fátima and learn a prayer to pray to the saint in moments of helplessness.
History of Our Lady of Fatima
Although her first apparition dates from May 13, 1917, the story of Our Lady of Fátima begins eight days earlier. For, on the 5th, Pope Benedict XV summons all Catholics to pray to Our Lady asking for peace in the midst of the First World War.
It was then that, in response, Santa appeared in the small village of Fatima, in Portugal, to three children playing in a field. Francisco, Jacinta and Lúcia (known as “the 3 little shepherds”, as they took care of a flock of lambs), as usual, stopped playing to pray the rosary.
At this moment, they saw a flash of lightning as if it was going to rain. However, a second flash on top of a holm oak tree illuminated the image of Our Lady of Fátima – “a lady brighter than the sun”, as the children reported.
To calm them down, the Saint warned them not to be afraid, because she came from Heaven with a very important message. So she asked them to come to the same place every 13th for seven months.
Holding a rosary in her hands, Our Lady of Fatima appeared as a young woman with a divine and serene face, from which beams of light radiated. Before leaving, she still said: “Pray the Rosary every day, to achieve peace for the world and the end of war”.
Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima
The three little shepherds: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Photo: Wikipedia
Unfortunately, the population of the village of Fátima did not believe the three little shepherds, who suffered accusations and persecution. However, during the seven months that followed, the Saint did as promised and appeared with her heavenly image and her message of peace on earth.
Thus, in his second demonstration, only 50 people were waiting for him. But with the proof of her apparition, people began to renew their beliefs to the Virgin Mary. So much so that the last time Our Lady of Fatima appeared, on October 13, there was nothing more, nothing less than a crowd of 70,000 people.
It was in this last apparition that the “miracle of the sun” took place, in which the sun emerged from the midst of black clouds and began to rotate, as in a dance. On the same day, pilgrims met the Saint for her real invocation: the Lady of the Rosary. At her request, in the place where she was demonstrating, the Chapel and Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora de Fátima were built.
You must be wondering what happened to the three little shepherds after their experience with Santa, right? Sadly, Jacinta and Francisco succumbed to the Spanish flu that hit Europe the following year, in 1918. Lúcia, on the other hand, followed the path of faith and entered the convent of the Doroteias Sisters.
The Secrets of Our Lady of Fatima
Photo: Pinterest
The mystery that surrounds the story of Our Lady of Fatima is due to the secret that was revealed to Lucia, in her third apparition. The secret of Fatima is made up of three parts and was announced in her later appearances.
There is a controversy that says that, in fact, these are 3 different secrets, since the first two parts were only revealed in 1941, in a document written by Lúcia. However, the third and final part was only written by Lucia three years later, in 1944, and revealed in 2000.
In fact, the revelation of the third part is the protagonist of a great mystery in the history of the Catholic religion. This is because, when delivering the envelope with the last part of the secret to the Bishop of Leiria, Lúcia warns that it could only be opened after 1960, as humanity would not be prepared to understand her divine message.
Curious to discover the secrets of Our Lady of Fatima? Check it out below!
But first, learn about the story of Nossa Senhora do Carmo, the holy symbol of the Scapular.
First secret of Fatima
According to Lucia, the first part of Our Lady of Fatima’s secret was the portrait of Hell. Therefore, everyone was very scared, but the Santa calmed them down, warning them that she would take them to Heaven.
Below is the secret:
“Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire that seemed to be under the earth. Immersed in that fire, the demons and the souls, as if they were transparent and black or tanned, with human form, that floated in the fire carried by the flames that came out of them together with clouds of smoke, falling in all sides, similar to falling. of the sparks in great fires, without weight or balance, between groans and cries of pain and despair that horrified and made them shudder with fear.
The demons were distinguished by horrible and disgusting forms of frightening and unknown animals, but transparent and black.
This sight was a moment, and thanks to our good Mother in Heaven, who had previously warned us with the promise to take us to Heaven (in the first apparition)! If it were not so, I believe we would have died of fright and dread.”
Second secret of Fatima
After showing the frightening image of Hell, in the first part of the secret, Our Lady of Fatima brings divine love and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as ways of salvation.
Read the second part of the secret below:
“Our Lady told me that she would never leave me and that Her Immaculate Heart would be my refuge and the path that would lead me to God. It was when she said these words that she opened her hands, making us penetrate our chests with the reflection that sent them.
It seems to me that, on this day, this reflection had the main purpose of instilling in us a special knowledge and love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary; just as he had the other two times, it seems to me, concerning God and the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Since that day, we have felt in our hearts a more ardent love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary”.
Third Secret of Fatima
The mysterious third secret of Our Lady of Fatima is the subject of much controversy. This is because some religious claim that it is a warning against the advance of atheist communism, especially in Russia. While others speak of a possible third world war.
In any case, the Church maintains that the last part of the Fatima secret represents a prophetic vision of the enormous suffering that besets people without faith. In this way, the search for a spiritual evolution closer to God becomes important.
Here is the third and final excerpt from the secret of Nossa Senhora do Rosário:
“After the two parts that I have already explained, we saw on the left side of Our Lady, a little higher up, an Angel with a sword of fire in his left hand; when it flickered, it gave out flames that seemed to set the world on fire; but they were extinguished with the contact of the glow that Our Lady sent out to meet her from her right hand:
The Angel, pointing with his right hand to the earth, in a strong voice said: Penance, Penance, Penance! And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people look in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in white ‘we had the feeling that it was the Holy Father’.
Several other bishops, priests, men and women religious climb a steep mountain, on top of which was a large cross made of rough trunks as if it had been a cork oak with its bark; the Holy Father, before arriving there, crossed a large city half in ruins, and half trembling with unsteady gait, overwhelmed with pain and grief, he was praying for the souls of the corpses he encountered along the way; arrived at the top of the hill, prostrate on his knees at the foot of the great Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired several shots and arrows at him, and even so, Bishops, Priests, men and women religious and several secular people died, one after another, gentlemen and ladies of various ranks and ranks. Under the two arms of the Cross were two Angels, each one with a crystal watering can in his hand, in which they collected the blood of the Martyrs and with it they watered the souls that were approaching God.”
Prayer of Our Lady of Fatima
Most Holy Virgin,
that in the mountains of Fatima
you deigned to reveal to three shepherds
treasures of graces contained in the practice of your Holy Rosary,
deeply instilled in our soul the esteem in which we should have this devotion,
dear to you, so that, meditating on the mysteries of Redemption,
that are celebrated in them, let us take advantage of their precious fruits
and let’s reach grace (place your order)
that we ask of you, if it be for the glory of God and the benefit of our souls.
So be it.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
Meanings of the image of Our Lady of Fatima
It is not just her apparitions and secrets that arouse the interest of the devotees of Our Lady of Fátima. But also the sacred meanings hidden in every detail of her image.
The white tunic and robe
Our Lady appears dressed in a white robe symbolizing her pure holiness. The white mantle with yellow embroidered details refers to the Catholic Church. Therefore, Our Lady is also known as the Mother of the Church.
the third
In her image, the Saint holds a rosary in her hands that represents a strong symbol of faith. Also, at the time she first appears, the three little shepherds were praying the rosary as usual. And remember that your request was for them to pray the rosary every day, so they would achieve peace and the end of the war.
the holm oak tree
As you saw in Santa’s story, she appeared on top of a holm oak, a tree often found in the region of Fátima. The reason why it appears on top of this tree refers to the fact that its celestial manifestation happens on a living being, that is, it represents the life that comes from God.
The cloud
In the image of the Saint, she has a cloud at her feet which means that, even though she is on Earth, Our Lady is still in Heaven. Furthermore, this symbol reinforces that the Saint’s apparition was a celestial manifestation.
12 stars around your head
It is possible to see 12 yellow stars that shine around Santa’s head, in her image. Each one represents the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ and reinforces the importance of the doctrine as a whole.
the rays
Coming out of the stars, you see rays that form the aura of Our Lady of Fatima symbolizing…