In some Christian religions, it is believed in the strength of the powerful Prayer Maria Passes in Front. Be for solve problems or open new pathsthe prayer of Our Lady, Mother of Jesus, is one of the favorites of the faithful, especially of the Catholic Church.
According to one of the verses in the Bible, “Ask the mother, and the son will answer”. They say Our Lady she is the saint who most helps her devotees, capable of answering even the most difficult requests, even if they seem impossible. Therefore, when the paths are tortuous, it is to her that they resort, through the Prayer Maria Passes in Front. But, like every act of faith, it is necessary to open the heart and cry out, so that the blessing be achieved.
Maria Passa Prayer on the Written Front
check below the lyrics of the Prayer Maria Passa na Frente, and learn to pray so that you can celebrate the wise teachings of Our Lady. ?
“Maria passes in front and opens roads, doors and gates, opening houses and hearts. The Mother going ahead, the children are protected and follow in her footsteps. She takes all children under her protection.
Maria, move on and resolve what we are unable to resolve. Mom, take care of everything that is not within our reach. You have powers for that. Go Mother, calm down, serenade and soften the hearts, end the hatred, grudges, sorrows and curses.
End difficulties, sadness and temptations, take your children out of perdition. Maria, go ahead and take care of all the details, take care, help and protect all your children. Maria You are the Mother also the concierge. She opens people’s hearts and doors along the way. Maria, I ask you, go ahead and lead, take, help and heal the children who need you.
No one can say that he has been let down by You after having called or invoked. Only you, with the power of your Son, can solve difficult and impossible things. Our Lady, I say this prayer asking for your protection, praying an Our Father and three Hail Marys. Amen.”
Spoken prayer Maria Passes in Front
watch the video of the spoken Prayer of Maria Passa in the Frontmade available on YouTube.
Prayer Maria Passes on the Front – Reproduction (Youtube Paulinas – COMEP)
How to pray the novena?
The novena is a devotion Christian where the prayers are performed for nine consecutive days, individually or in groups. It arose in the Catholic tradition, but is present in different religions or beliefs. the faithful pray the novena to ask for a special blessing, or before a solemn occasion such as Christmas.
A Prayer Maria Passes in Front is one of favorite novenas of brazilians seeking help with personal issues. But, how to pray the novena Maria Passa na Frente? It’s actually quite simple, made up of four main moments:
1. Prayer to the Holy Spirit2. Reading a passage from the Bible3. Litany referring to the day in the novena4. Prayer of Maria Passes in Front
Music Maria Passa à Frente, by Father Marcelo Rossi
A prayer Maria Passes in Front also won one sung version composed by Father Marcelo Rossifeaturing the singer Gusttavo Lima. The lyrics are different from their original version, but convey the same message that Maria passes the front of all problems, and who with faith moves mountains. check below the music “Maria Passes Ahead and Steps on the Serpent’s Head:
Music Maria Passa à Frente – Playback (Father Marcelo Rossi)
“The enemy may even try, but he will never bring you down
You may even fall, but soon you’ll get back up.
Those who have Mary as their mother always have the love of Jesus
If your faith prevails forever, it will serve you
I will surrender, I will trust in the love of Jesus
Can you believe it, God is greater, God is greater
Maria passes ahead, steps on the serpent’s head
Intercede with Jesus, Holy Cross, be my light.”
Lyrics of the song Maria Passa à Frente, by Father Marcelo Rossi
A Story of Devotion
the devotion to Maria passes in front has two origins. A latest version of the story is narrated by Dennis Bourgerie, founder of the Maria Porta do Céu Association. About to return to Brazil, after his stay in France, the devotee of Mary found himself in a situation where he had a large volume of evangelizing material in his luggage, and feared being barred at customs for being overweight. Dennis shared his misgivings with the parish priest of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Montmartre, and soon afterwards he was instructed to pray the Maria Passa Prayer on the Front when you arrive at the airport, as she would be in charge of helping you.
“Arriving at the airport, pray like this: Maria passes in front! And She will take care of all the stuff you carry for Jesus. She will take care of all the details better than you might think. She is a Mother, but she is also the gatekeeper. Ait will open the hearts of the people and also the doors and the paths”advised.
In order to avoid problems and not be stopped, Dennis followed the advice and prayed with great faith. Finally, his excess luggage was forgiven without explanation, and all the evangelization material arrived in Brazil. Thus, he understood that when we really need something, we can count on Our Lady’s Powerful Intercession.
However, the history of Maria Passa na Frente it is much older, and its devotion has existed since the beginning of the Church. It was born out of the trust of the faithful in the intercessory power of the Mother of Jesus.
Discover also prayer to earn money.
Image of Maria Passa on the Front: Symbolisms
The best-known image of the saint who gave rise to Prayer Maria Passes in Front it is full of meanings, symbolisms. Analyzing each item it is possible to arrive at several theories. Maria’s gaze, for example, is fixed ahead. A look from someone who knows where he is going, and where to guide. Already the position of her feet, and the inclination of her leg, is of someone who walks, that is, who walks along with the devotees. With her left hand, Our Lady holds the right hand of Jesus. This shows that she is humble and submissive to Jesus, the Master, who is the real guide. The fact that Jesus is at the forefront proves this theory.
The image colors of Maria passes in front also carry deep symbolism. In Christian iconography, Mary is the only one who wears red and blue, colors that symbolize purity and motherhood, because only she is virgin and mother at the same time.
Research record: Maria Passa Prayer on the Front
Did you know that prayer is one of the most searched terms on Gloogle during the pandemic? According to Google Trends, the word has never been so popular since 2004. Prayer Maria Passes in Front is among the most searched, along with the Saint George’s Prayer.
Other related terms registered 2020 search record like God, faith and meditation. This proves that in difficult times, human beings seek spiritual answers in their faith and religion. Even with several churches closed across Brazil due to social isolation, the search for spirituality continues at home. And you, are you up to date with your prayers?
14 Apr 2020 at 00:00. Updated: 27 Apr 2023 at 3:20 pm.