Stones and crystals are used to filter energies and in spiritual therapies, but do you know what your lucky stone is? Or how to choose the lucky charm stone for your life?
Well, at first glance it may seem quite simple to choose stones that give you luck, because you just need to select the desired lucky stone and it will bring all the positivity and energy you need to your life, however, you need to pay attention to more details.
First, we must remember that there are several stones that bring luck and each one has its own characteristics and functions.
Therefore, when we talk about a lucky stone, we must think about which area of life we want to increase our luck, such as love or health, so that we can choose the stones that bring luck and handle them in the right way.
What are the 7 Lucky Stones?
Do you know what the 7 lucky stones are? Each of these stones has the function of running your energy in a different area of your life and they can be used in your routine as in a corner of the house, on your desk or even inside your bag.
Crystal is the lucky stone responsible for bringing peace, so it absorbs negative energy from people around it. Therefore, the crystal is the most recommended lucky amulet stone for those who are going through moments of a lot of affliction and restlessness.
The lucky stone Agate is the stone of balance and optimism. Agate brings spiritual, physical and mental benefits. The use of this lucky stone balances energies and emotions, in addition, it also has vibrations that can strengthen concentration and memory.
The Onyx stone is the stone of conquest and trust. Using this lucky stone can benefit people who want to channel their energies towards a specific goal and achieve their personal goals. The energy of this stone strengthens us physically and mentally, increasing our positivity and our willingness to overcome fears.
rose quartz
The rose quartz lucky stone is the stone of love and interpersonal relationships. The use of this stone favors vibrations related to a harmonious marital and family life, as it transforms negative energies into vibrations of unconditional love. Rose quartz also has longevity-related benefits.
green quartz
Green quartz is the stone of health and vitality. The use of this lucky stone favors physical and mental health as a whole by improving the state of mind and metabolism. In addition, green quartz can be used to reduce tiredness and accelerate rejuvenating and self-healing processes.
Citrine is the preferred stone of royalty, therefore, it is the stone of prosperity. For those people who seek success in their career, the use of this lucky stone is indicated. It is a stone capable of attracting abundance and protecting us in financial crises. Its power-up ability is so strong that Citrine can even re-energize other stones.
The Amethyst stone is the stone of spirituality and mysticism. It is the preferred stone for those who seek greater contact with their spiritual side, and can help in meditation, protect us against bad influences and awaken our intuition. In physical health, this stone can be used for sleep improvement and hormonal regulation.
Other Lucky Charm Stones
In addition to the 7 lucky stones already mentioned, other stones are also capable of attracting luck. Below we will talk a little about what they are and their benefits.
Pedra do Sol is especially suitable for the business world, as it removes obstacles from our professional life and brings us closer to new opportunities.
Amazonite works as an amulet to attract luck in the game. Its use is also indicated during meetings and exhibitions of personal and professional projects as it enhances artistic skills.
The Emerald is a great lucky charm capable of altering our perception of our reality, making us focus more on the positive aspects of life.
Imperial topaz
Imperial Topaz is a victory stone, historically used by kings and queens. Its use is indicated to attract success in the professional and financial area.
Discover the lucky stones of each zodiac sign
Each of the twelve zodiac signs is most heavily influenced by a specific stone. You will be able to absorb the advantages and protection of the lucky stones of each sign by having it with you at all times. These stones can be present on a work table, in your bag or even in a personal accessory such as a necklace, for example.
And to know which are the lucky stones of each sign, you can check the list below.
Rhodonite is the Arian stone. It is a stone that favors intuition and even improves libido, as well as helping to have more pleasant dreams.
The lucky stone for the sign of Taurus is Rose Quartz, a stone that brings with it positive vibes when it comes to interpersonal relationships, fertility and love conquests. Use Rose Quartz to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Hematite is the stone of the sign of Gemini, this stone helps in mental and physical balance, increasing your power to overcome unresolved issues and improving your physical immunity.
The stone of the sign of Cancer is Chrysoprasus, this stone has its main strength in spirituality. It helps in understanding oneself and others, as well as being useful for personal maturation and reducing the need for control.
Coral is the stone of leonines, this stone acts as a psychological and spiritual stabilizer, bringing tranquility and clarity when making decisions.
Amazonite is the birthstone for Virgo. This stone attracts good luck and helps to have more clarity to make more assertive choices and communicate objectively.
Aquamarine is the stone of Libras, its blue color representing the sea brings serenity and reduces irritability, in addition, Aquamarine stone helps block negativity from other people.
The Scorpio sign stone is Tourmaline, this stone can be found in several colors and always helps in the formation of a good network of contacts, especially if the intention is related to business and money.
Sodalite is the lucky stone for Sagittarius. This lucky charm stone will help Sagittarius to have more focus and effort to pursue their goals, as well as bringing spiritual tranquility.
Capricorn’s lucky stone is Smoky Quartz, this stone will bring more stability between your emotions and reason allowing your life choices to be made in a non-impulsive way.
Amethyst is the stone of the sign of Aquarius, this is the stone of transmutation capable of transforming negative energies into positive ones. This stone protects from negativity while stimulating physical and spiritual vigor promoting well-being and spirituality.
The birthstone for Pisces is Green Quartz. This stone with its green color brings vitality and energy to face life’s adversities always with optimism and good health.
How to use lucky stones
Using lucky stones is based on a few simple principles. First of all, it is important to know that stones work by emitting ions, which are energetic particles that attract or repel certain vibrations.
Therefore, it is very important that the stones stay in contact with you for as long as possible to maximize their effects. A good and recommended way to use lucky stones is as jewelry, however, you can also keep them in an environment like your home or workplace if you want the effect of the lucky stones to apply to these locations.
It is important to know that lucky charm stones need to be energized with some frequency, for this, the procedure follows these steps: wash the stone in running water, purify it with salt and energize it with sunlight.
Learn how to energize your crystals:
Want to know how to use crystals in your daily life? In the online course you learn how to energize, cleanse and protect yourself with the magic of crystals. Interested? Click here or see more information in the video below!
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