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Jokes For Whatsapp: Things To Pull Subject

WhatsApp statuses are booming lately so we are always looking for news that can catch the attention of our contacts, right? It was with this in mind that we created this post, perfect for bringing up the subject and having fun! Don’t forget to check and share.

Fun prank for your status

You are entitled to an order if you get 10 of these questions right! ⭐

What is my full name?
How old I am?
What’s my sign?
My marital status?
In which city was I born?
What is my favorite series?
My dream trip?
What is my main hobby?
What is my main nickname?
The date of my birthday?
My favorite song at the moment?

Get closer to your contacts with this

What do we need? Send me the emoji that matches the answer!

πŸ—― Chat more
🎬 Watch a series or movie together
πŸŽ‰ Go to the roll
πŸ‘„ Give some kisses
❀ Talk to each other again
πŸ™Š Catch up on gossip
🍻 Book a drink
✈ Take a trip together

For those closest and those who wish to be

Intimacy game!

For every thing we’ve done, you score a point. Send me the final result!

+1 We already chatted via video call
+1 know me personally
+1 Have you ever seen me without clothes
+1 Have you ever come to my house
+1 Do you know who my crush is
+1 I’ve cried in front of you
+1 We’ve known each other for over a year
+1 I’ve been cuddled
+1 Know my parents
+1 already kissed me

A musical prank for your status

If you could sing one song for me, what would it be?

Answer me with the number!

1. I’m reminding you so much, you can’t even imagine
2. Din din din, you can hit on me
3. My lottery in the form of a person
4. Stop it, it really doesn’t matter anymore
5. Oh if I catch you
6. I went to talk about homesickness and the subject was just you
7.Baby hello, how are you?
8. You broke my heart
9. Is it your fault for having that smile or is it my fault for falling in love with it?
10. Say you want me because I want you too

In this game, the truth has to be told

The moment of truth has arrived!

Send me what you feel about me!

I have crush on you
I already lied to you
I wanted to be closer
you already let me down
I’ve been stalking you
Replay roll?
I love you
I already had rancid
I want you with me for life
Shall we kill the longing?

Have you ever stopped to think what they think about you?

Answer me in this status with the first impression you had on me!
I will repost the answers and see if most agree or not. πŸ‘€

Have you ever played cordless phone? How about reinventing this game in statuses?

Cordless phone prank! πŸ“ž
Answer me this status with a gossip you’ve heard about me and I’ll tell you if it was true or not..

That classic joke about you can always have a touch of creativity

What would you be in each of these categories, if you needed to define yourself based on them?
cartoon character:
I want your answer in private too! πŸ‘€

Fun and revealing toy

If the last message you sent was your next tattoo, what would you tattoo?

My tatoo:

Send me yours in private!

This one can be pretty funny, check it out

Send an emoji that has to do with how you feel about me and don’t explain it to me, I must interpret. πŸ’­

Hm, how about a test on yourself to liven up this status?

3 of these answers are correct and 2 are wrong. Can you guess which ones are right? πŸ‘€
Full name:
Favorite music style:
Embarrassing situation I’ve been through:

Remembering moments together is always a good joke!

Do you remember the last time we saw each other?
Tell me a part of the story in private and I’ll finish! ❀

How about taking a moment to remember your childhood?

Things I did as a kid:
Playing in the street: YES x NO
Arguing with siblings or cousins: YES x NO
Injure the knee: YES x NO
Playing football barefoot: YES vs NO
Eating sweets in secret: YES x NO
Laugh at an occasion you couldn’t: YES x NO
To be honest beyond measure: YES x NO

Let your friends practice their creativity!

Tell me a song with each of these lyrics and you’re entitled to a question for each correct answer. πŸ‘€

Our tastes always speak well of us and generate topics

Build the trip of your dreams! 🌎
Place to visit:
If you’ve read this far, answer me with the trip of your dreams too!

This can be a good game for singles

Characteristics that attract me to someone:
Reply this status with how many replies we have in common. ❀️

It’s always good to remember good memories with our friends, huh?

I’ve X I’ve never done what they’ve done to me! 🀫
Send me in private how many of these things we’ve done together!
We went to a show
We made video call
visited me at my house
We give each other’s birthday presents
we gave a kiss
we played something together
We exchange advice

Hm, what have your contacts been thinking about you?

Hello, dial the number corresponds to what I can help you! πŸ“ž
To be closer, press 1
To mark something, press 2
To vent with me, press 3
For complaints, press 4
To ask me something I’ve always wanted, press 5
To say you love me, press 6

Even I would be curious to see you doing this one, check it out

Decorating the room…
If the last message you copied was your new bedroom wallpaper, what would it be?
I hope your answer in pv, or status! πŸ˜›

That creative option that will generate many conversations!

What’s your alien name? 🌎
First letter of your last name +
Last letter of your name +
First letter of your city +
Your age
Answer me with yours!

Ready to copy and have fun with your contacts

Answer according to how you feel about me… πŸ‘€


I you:

Always wanted:

I heard that:

I wanted to tell you that:

You and I would:

A joke for you to know more about me!

About me, are you right? πŸ€”

My age:

Profession in which I work or dream of working:

Relationship status:

City where I was born:

Favorite hobby:

Music style I listen to the most:

Series I like the most:

I wait for the answers in pv!

Will you have the courage to expose these answers?

My friends exposing me, check! βœ…

Insert a friend’s answer to each of the questions here!

friend name:

My greatest quality?

My biggest flaw?

A mico I already paid?

Number of contacts?

Something I do and no one imagines?

Am I hit or am I hit?

Can you do this game with challenge?

Answer these questions, but only with one word for each one! πŸ˜›

A dream?

A memory?

What makes you happy?

What makes you sad?

Your quality?

Your fault:

What did you want to be doing?

To engage with all your Whatsapp friends, we love it!

One letter, one person. ✨

I was given the lyrics:

Thought about:

How long have we known each other?

Proximity level:

A memory together:

For you to copy and have fun in a practical way, we love it!

Reply to that status and I’ll give you one of those numbers. πŸ‘€

1 – I miss you

2 – I’ve heard gossip from you

3 – I admire you a lot

4 – I want to go out with you

5 – Between us, roll?

6 – You already made me smile

7- I don’t even know why I have your contact

8 – I want to get to know you better

We love a joke to do with crush, how about you?

πŸ’• @ Name:

Who took the initiative?

The most affectionate:

The most attached:

Who sends the first message of the day:

Sign of each:

Nicknames among you:

My friends exposing me, check! βœ…

Post your friends’ response about you;

Flaw that no one knows:

Excited or down to earth?

Heart of ice or sentimental?

Crush initial?

Music that has everything to do with me?

Pay attention to these answers, is there a crush coming? πŸ†•

If I had to choose something for my mouth to do with you, what would it be? πŸ‘„

1 – Kiss the cheek

2 – Tell a gossip

3 – Laugh

4 – Kiss the mouth

5 – Confess a secret

I expect answers in pv. πŸ‘…

Fun game for those who have life like an open book

Lie Quiz! πŸ‘€

Check here all the ones you’ve already counted.

I’m not hungry, thank you
I loved the gift, exactly what I wanted
I am arriving
your baby is very beautiful
What a nice surprise to find you here
I’m fine, no need to worry
I’m not upset
Tomorrow I start the diet
I have an appointment for tonight
After this favor, I don’t ask you for anything else
This will be the last time I spend money on bullshit
I didn’t see your message.
After yesterday, I never drink again

Give your contacts a voice and let the matter come from them

Reply to this status with a snippet of your favorite song and I’ll try to find out what it is without searching. 🎧

Hey, are you ready for these answers?

Attention friends! 🚫
Reply to this status with why you think I would get canceled on a reality show.

Describe each of your years and interact on the opinions

Give a word for each of these years! ✨
Answer me with your version of this joke in my private!

To interact with your contacts, a joke for them to respond!

Does this status answer me with your favorites? πŸ˜„

Nothing better to know what they think of you than a joke on your status

Which of these things do you think I’ve done or would do?
Answer me with the amount at the end! πŸ‘€
come out hidden
I told someone else’s secret
I got suspended in high school
I faked it on some social network
I looked at someone’s cell phone hiding
cheat on a date
I stayed with a friend
I regret what I didn’t say
I changed my mind about a friend
I hooked up with someone on the first date

In this game, everyone needs to have courage!

If you answer a question of mine, I’ll let you choose the print of anything on my phone. Check? πŸ‘€

How about this super creative with questions and answers?

Answer that status and I tell you how many % you are of each of these things to me. πŸ™ˆ









Then you’ll have to answer about me, in?

To do with crush, we separate a super cool one, check it out;

ELE x HER joke πŸ’•

Between me and crush who is more…









That perfect joke for those who want to bring up the subject, check it out

If I can count on you, reply to this status with a ❀

I’ll post your picture in the status!

If you’re single, this one is right for you, huh?!

If I were selling kisses, which one would you buy? 😘

BRL 0.50 – kiss on the cheek

R$ 1.00 – kiss on the forehead

BRL 2.00 – seal

R$ 3.00 – kiss on the mouth

R$ 4.00 kiss with footprint

Even I was curious about these answers…

Heads up!

Reply to this status with what you would steal from me. πŸ‘€

I’ll post the answers without exposing!

For contacts to know more about your personality;

About me, did you already know these answers? ✨


Number I wear:

Best friend:

Favorite role:


Dream trip:

Goal by the end of the year:

I want to see your answers too!

And then, have the courage to let your friends…

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