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Dream about tarot cards | Discover the meanings now

Tarot is one of the best-known forms of predicting the future for those who believe in mysticism. Dreams, according to psychoanalysis, are a door to the unconscious. When the two come together, the combination is a powerful message. Dreaming about tarot cards has a strong meaning, which you need to be aware of.

In this article, you understand what it means to dream about tarot and how to deal with this message that your unconscious is sending. So you can take steps to change what is not making sense in your life.

What does it mean to dream about tarot

Dreaming of tarot cards can have several different meanings depending on how the deck appears in your dream. If you see specific cards, the message the dream is conveying is one, but if you dream of a more general scene, the meaning is another.

When you dream about tarot cards in general, usually this dream is not related to a specific prediction, but a concern for the future. Dreaming of tarot in this way can mean that you are unsure about your destiny and would like an indication of how to act.

So, if you have this type of dream, the best thing to do is to analyze what is causing your insecurity and try to solve this problem directly. For example, let’s say you are worried about losing your current job.

One way to deal with this is to invest time in updating your resume and start looking for jobs that fit your profile. That way, you get ahead in the search and don’t have to be anxious about a possible dismissal, as you will already be considering other opportunities.

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When the dream of tarot cards appears, it is like a yellow sign lighting up. It’s time for you to slow down and think about what’s making you afraid of the future. With this scenario clear in mind, you can take steps to have a plan in place if something happens.

Read our posts on the major and minor arcana and discover the meaning of these cards:

Dream about someone reading tarot cards

Contrary to what it may seem, dreaming of someone reading tarot cards is not necessarily a warning for you to look for a fortune teller or someone who will place the cards for you.

More often, this dream means that you are anxious about your future and looking for answers. This anxiety can be good, or it can be distressing, it all depends on your reality at the time of the dream.

For example, if you are awaiting the outcome of a job selection in a new city, you may be excited about the possibility of moving and a new life elsewhere. Your dream will reflect this anticipation for news through the dream of reading cards.

On the other hand, if you are waiting for the results of a medical exam, you may be concerned about the possibility of a positive diagnosis for some disease. In such a case, your dream will certainly be more related to negative emotions, such as apprehension, stress, tension.

Whatever the case, the best thing is to try to focus and live in the present. For this, a good tool is to do some meditation sessions. For a few minutes a day, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus only on the sensations in your body at that moment.

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If you have difficulty doing meditation independently, you can follow a guided session, like the one in the following video:

Many people also like to meditate while chanting mantras, as it facilitates concentration. Ideally, you should be able to take about 20 minutes a day to dedicate to meditation. If that’s not possible, take your time — ten or even two minutes is better than not doing it.

Dream about tarot: the Fool

In some situations, you may dream of a specific card from the tarot deck. In such cases, the meaning of the dream will be related to the meaning of the tarot card itself.

In the deck, the Fool card symbolizes innocence and also mistakes made on impulse. The dream about this card can come to you if you are sorry for something you said without thinking it through, or for some fault caused by impulsiveness.

In these cases, the best thing to do is to admit the mistake and apologize to those who may have suffered the consequences of their failure.

Dream about tarot: the Empress

The Empress card is related to creativity and power — or the ability to carry out a creative endeavor. The dream of this card could be linked to the need to listen to the advice of older people on a certain subject.

The insight of a more experienced person can bring out points of view you have not yet considered and offer more creative solutions to a problem or issue. So, if this dream appears at a time when you are about to make a decision in life, seek the opinion of a mentor or someone who has more time on the road to help you see the possibilities more clearly.

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Dream about tarot: the Hermit

The Hermit, in tarot, is related to the need to reflect on your behavior and your role in a given situation. Dreaming about this card may be bringing up a need for a more introspective period.

Take the opportunity to dream about the tarot card and take time to reflect on the moment in your life. Meditate on your attitudes, how you have behaved and what effect this has on the people around you.

This dream can also be an invitation to retreat in times of many demands and stress. In any case, you will understand the meaning of the dream if you follow the Hermit’s tip and take some time for yourself.

Read our posts about the cards and better understand what they mean:

Did you just dream about tarot cards and got the flea behind your ear, not knowing how to interpret this dream or what to do with the information we passed here in the post? The good news is that our esoterics are here to help you!

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