For you who have a colorful friendship and are looking for phrases that speak about to express what you feel and pity, we have here a special selection thought for you. Check out!
We don’t need anything else with a love and friend
The truth is that those who have a colorful friendship are happy, they have several people inside one. 😉
Good relationships run away from common sense
If it makes you happy, it doesn’t need to have a name. Dating or colorful friendship, what matters is being reciprocal. 💕
Add privileges to your friendship
I like our friendship as it is, with all possible colors. 🌈
A colorful friendship can also have many feelings
I accept that our friendship is called colorful, because no one else can bring color to my days like you do. 😍
There are times when it is difficult to disguise what happens, right?
They always ask if we are friends or boyfriends. And I always answer: we are more than friends and less than boyfriends. 🙈
Escape from stereotypes about relationships
It is a connection that cannot be explained, cannot be labeled, cannot be justified. 🥰
Colorful friendship is a lighter relationship
We catch up from time to time, but we’re just friends. It’s better this way, no charge, no horns… 😉
Indirect to that friend you are interested in
How many boxes of crayons will I have to use to color our friendship? 😉
love must be free
I was never in favor of love as something imperative, so I give myself body and soul to my colorful friendships. 💖
The best relationships are secret
About the two of us, no one will know everything. 😏
Colorful friendship causes us a mix of sensations
I didn’t show it, but I felt it. I didn’t speak, but I thought. I always wanted… 💕
Sometimes life just needs more color
Neither friends, nor boyfriends, colored hearts are ours so in love. 🌈
When one feeling gives way to another…
And in the end, friendship turned into passion. 🥰
Suddenly the feelings are changing
And when we least expected it, love appeared. 🙈
Everything flows well with equal interests
And it is this reciprocity that makes our colorful friendship work. 💕
This one’s for those who like danger
Mixing love with friendship is a dangerous combination. 😏
Don’t look for explanations for what you feel
If it makes sense, it makes sense. 😉
Enjoy every desire you have
Life is too short, and we can’t waste a minute. 😘
That inviting phrase that can’t be missed
Shall we be friends who kiss? 😏
There is more feeling in a colorful friendship than in certain relationships.
Better a colorful friendship than a black and white courtship. ✌👌
Phrases for Love Status