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Astral Map of Brazil in 2019 | Check out all the news!

What does 2019 have in store for our country? Since 2013, astrological predictions have revealed very troubled times for Brazil. Will things get better next year? Or are we going to sink into this astral hell? Many news and changes are to come. The best thing to do is prepare for this new year, don’t you think? So, find out now all about the Astral map of Brazil in 2019 and don’t miss the chance to get organized for next year!

The Astral Map of Brazil predictions in 2019

To predict the future, we must first understand the past. Brazil became independent on September 7, 1822, in São Paulo, around 16:10 or 17:00. This doubt about the time is a major obstacle to making predictions about the Astral Map of Brazil in 2019.

If the declaration of independence was made around 4:10 pm, then Brazil’s ascendant is Aquarius. But if it was at 5pm, then the ascendant is Pisces. For this forecast, we will take into account the time of 5 pm, when the legal effects of the birth can no longer be questioned.

Astrological Map of Brazil in 2019 – The country of the Virgo zodiac sign

Born on September 7, Brazil is therefore of the sign of Virgo. This explains why Brazilians are so critical and demanding of their own country. This is a very ingrained characteristic and, therefore, will not change in 2019. Worse for our rulers and sportsmen, who will never rest.

If the country is under the sign of Virgo, then it would be natural for us to be perfectionists and concerned with the health of our population. But, as can be seen in public works and hospitals, we are far from that. What could have happened?

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The answer is in the Astral Map. Despite being of the sign of Virgo, the ascendant of Brazil is, as already said, Pisces. Virgo entities with Pisces ascendant have a duality and contradiction linked to their personality.

People and countries with these characteristics manage to mix confusion and order, discipline and insubordination, freedom and authoritarianism. In practice, this order of the stars in the sky of September 7 over São Paulo condemned us, in a way, to this constant confusion in which we live.

The Future of Brazil being a Virgo country

Thus, according to the Astral Map of Brazil in 2019, this is why our country is experiencing, from time to time, serious financial and economic crises, and why we are forced to live with so much violence. At the same time, these problems – capable of sparking a revolution anywhere in the world – keep us together and functional.

This is how the harmony between chaos and order typical of Virgos with Pisces ascendant happens. Despite the chaos that surrounds them, Brazilians continue to live, work, love and have fun as if nothing had happened.

The result is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because it allows Brazilians to be happy and joyful even in the greatest difficulties, and curse because it causes an inertia that prevents us from changing what is bad.

Finances according to the Astral Map of Brazil in 2019

In the Astral Map of Brazil it is possible to see that the second house, which governs the economy, is occupied by Pluto. At first this would be good news: Pluto indicates abundance of resources. But unfortunately Pluto is in Aries, which underscores our individualistic motivations. Economic and natural resources are not shared equally among the population, despite numerous efforts to change this scenario.

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The Astral Map of Brazil in 2019 still shows that regardless of who wins the presidential elections this year, the concentration of income and land will remain intense in 2019. Thus, it is also important to note that Pluto is squaring Uranus and Neptune. As a consequence, there is a contempt on the part of Brazilians for social causes.

This will be a vicious cycle: the concentration of income caused by Pluto makes social problems worse, while the angulation of Uranus and Neptune prevents us from waking up to the problem.

Getting out of this situation involves high investments in education, an area related to the third house of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn. In this case, it’s not the fault of the stars. The presence of Saturn in the third house is not decisive for the quality of teaching. It only indicates that obstacles will arise, but they are perfectly overcome with a lot of dedication. Dedication that, unfortunately, our rulers have not shown.

Politics in the Astral Map of Brazil in 2019

Speaking of ruler, Saturn also rules the 1st house, that of the State. Therefore, the new president will not have an easy life in 2019. Saturn is there to ensure that the path to success is full of pitfalls.

But it is necessary to emphasize once more: the presence of Saturn is always relative. Its obstacles are perfectly surmountable. Saturn does not condemn, it only challenges.

Explanations for the behavior of the Brazilian

“The best of Brazil is the Brazilian”, said the author Luís da Câmara Cascudo. Does the analysis of the Astral Map of Brazil in 2019 really confirm this?

Yes it’s true!

Brazilian creativity and spontaneity are not the result of chance. The fourth house of the zodiac, that of the people, is ruled by Gemini, but also has the presence of Jupiter and the Moon.

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The Gemini sign makes Brazilians a very communicative people. At the same time, the Moon in Gemini indicates a tendency towards forgiveness and “forgetting” one’s own history.

Jupiter, on the other hand, prevents us from being pessimistic, and that’s great. No wonder we have lower suicide rates than rich European countries.

This is the result of the Astral Map of Brazil. As you can see, our ills did not happen by chance. Much was simply written at the time of the country’s independence.

It is important to emphasize, however, that a birth chart does not indicate a destination, but the astrological tendencies that govern our lives. This is not a premonition, but an indication that there is a path to be followed. But whether or not to follow the movement of the stars is a choice.

The Astral Map should be used precisely so that we understand our history, and so that, with this information, we can make decisions in order to correct our course and improve as a nation. We need and can change since being Pisces, we are changeable by nature and we adapt to the new almost as if we were always in that place.

Love predictions for 2019

Interested in making your Astral Map and better understanding how you will deal with the changes that will come to the country soon? So make yours now and gain greater self-knowledge to succeed in 2019!

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