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Cuban Santeria: ALL about its history and its orishas

Cuban Santeria is a religion of the Yoruba nation that is very popular not only in Cuba, but also in many Latin American countries. This is because it represents the fusion between the folkloric tradition brought by African slaves and the Catholic practices imposed by the Spanish colonizers.

Despite researchers claiming that the use of Catholic saints was just a way to circumvent the slave system, Cuban santeria carries elements of religious syncretism. In addition, the Afro-Cuban religion also worships a higher God and sacred deities who serve human beings.

Are you also curious to know more about Cuban Santeria? So, stick around to learn the history behind this religion and its similarity to Afro-Brazilian religions. In addition, you check the orishas and their meanings for the followers of santeria.

Take the opportunity to understand what the Orixás and their Exus mean.

What is Cuban Santeria?

Known as the “path of the Saints”, Santeria is a religion brought to Cuba by West African slaves who were kidnapped to work on sugar plantations during the 17th century. As the practice was considered prohibited at the time, followers of this religion had to adapt by adopting Christian precepts.

By hiding their religious secrets within Catholic representations, the slaves managed to keep alive their traditions that have roots in the Yoruba tribe, located in what is now Nigeria and Benin. Incidentally, Brazilian Candomblé also has influences from the same Yoruba tribe.

As with all African religions, Santeria has survived through generations thanks to its oral tradition passed down from father to son. That is, there are no sacred books that tell the story of the emergence of religion and dictate its rules. It took a lot of devotion to African ancestry for the followers of Santeria to continue practicing the religion.

Although the Yoruba tradition has books on its medicine, it is important to note that they were handwritten from teachings passed down by the elders. Most followers learn through observation of religious ceremonies and rituals.

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In addition, Santeria adherents are often part of the same community. This means that they are introduced to the religion at an early age, usually around 4 or 5 years of age.

The same happens with the Afro-Brazilian religions Umbanda and Candomblé, in which the teachings are transmitted orally and the followers are part of a religious “family”.

Speaking of which, did you know that there are Umbanda rituals that you practice without knowing it?

Check out the video below to find out what they are:

Cuban Santeria out of hiding

For a long time, santeria was the target of prejudice on the part of uninformed people and, therefore, the religion and its spiritual traditions were exercised in Cuban hiding places. Unfortunately, their mystical rituals departed from Christian logic and provoked misunderstandings and negative reactions.

However, after the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Santeria was recognized as a local religion and its practitioners were able to practice their faith freely. Even so, the Afro-Cuban tradition suffered discrimination for being wrongly associated with witchcraft.

However, interest in santeria resurfaced in the 1980s with the consequences of a difficult period in the country with the economic embargo.

Today, Cuban santeria no longer needs to hide and there are still those who claim that there are more followers of it than of Catholicism. Although there is no official study on the number of adherents to Santeria, it is said that 80% of the Cuban population currently follows the African religious tradition.

Cuban Santeria Orishas

Source: Dierk Lange on Wikipedia

The followers of Cuban Santeria believe that there is a God who created the Universe and that the Earth is attended by deities that have a lesser degree of sacredness. These beings of light are called orishas and each one has a distinct representation. In fact, you will find that there is a great similarity between them and the orixás of Umbanda and Candomblé.

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Below, you can check the main orishas of Cuban Santeria and their powers and meanings.


God of wisdom, peace, truth and purity, Obbatalá is considered the most important orisha of santeria, as he is responsible for the creation of the planet and all human beings. Therefore, he always occupies the most respected place in belief. Furthermore, he is the orisha of justice, health and peace.


As in Afro-Brazilian religions, Yemayá is the queen of the sea. Also called the hand of all orishas, ​​she is the protector of children and pregnant women. Furthermore, Yemayá is the orisha of intelligence, reason and witchcraft.


Known for his joie de vivre, Shangó is the orisha of war, fire, the throne and music. A very popular warrior in Santeria, he also possesses the power of scrying and healing.


Shangó’s father, the orisha Aggayu is a strong, violent and very powerful deity in Cuban Santeria. With an intense masculine personality, this orisha is known for his great physical strength and for not being dominated by any other entity.


Another Cuban Santeria warrior, Oggún is the orisha of work and strength. Not to mention that he is the god of weapons, so he participates victoriously in all battles. Oggún is also known for his mischievous, playful and impulsive temperament.


This is the most important warrior in Cuban Santeria. This is because Elegguá is considered the most fearsome orisha for being the owner of destiny, that is, he has the power to bring good and evil, depending on his intentions. Furthermore, it is Elegguá who opens people’s paths and lets happiness (or sadness) in.

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Oya – Yansa

Goddess of the air we breathe and the winds that blow, Oyá or Yansa is an orisha as calm as a breeze. However, when provoked, it can turn into a violent storm. Also considered a great warrior in Santeria, she does not appreciate stability and monotonous daily life.


The beautiful goddess of love, spirituality and fertility, Oshún is the orisha who embodies human feelings in all their intensity. In addition, she possesses the feminine delicacy and sensuality that makes her one of the most appreciated deities of Santeria.

Orula – Orunmila

Orula or Orunmila is the orisha in charge of the wisdom, cunning and intelligence necessary to overcome evil. Therefore, he is regarded as an advisor to humanity who uses his power of divination to guide the paths.

Babalú Aye

The miraculous Babalú Ayé is one of the most well-known and respected entities of Cuban Santeria. One of the main reasons is the fact that he is considered the god of healing and protector of the sick.


Ochosi is the warrior god and the best hunter of Cuban Santeria. Furthermore, he is the orisha of justice and therefore he is always alert and ready to persecute those who do not follow the path of good.

Did you notice the similarities between the Santeria orishas with the Candomblé and Umbanda orishas? It is very interesting how African slaves, who arrived in both Cuba and Brazil, managed to maintain their ancestral traditions through orality.

Would you like to find out which entity you most identify with? So, enjoy the quiz “Which orixá represents you” from . If the answer raises more questions, make an appointment online with an expert to clarify your faith path.

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