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Gemini and Aquarius – How to make love lasting?

Gemini and Aquarius have many features in common and many differences. However, the light and unpretentious way in which they lead life makes them fit their different personalities smoothly and build a relationship that borders on perfection.

Let’s run away
To another place, baby!
Let’s run away
wherever you go
that you carry me
Let’s run away
To another place, baby!
Let’s run away
Where there is a toboggan
where we slip

just like in music “Let’s run away”, from the band Skank, all these two want is to escape to a place where they can enjoy each other peacefully and having fun. Check out this article for more details on how this relationship works.

Gemini matches Aquarius?

On the surface, many people find these two signs a bit similar. However, as much as Gemini gets along well with Aquarius, there are many possibilities for conflicts between these two.

We can start by listing the differences by stating that Aquarius is a fixed, stubborn sign that seeks the truth in a practical, clear and concise way, based on facts.

But despite being a fixed sign, Aquarius is not closed-minded. He is always open to other views and possibilities.

Gemini’s energy is changeable. If one minute he believes in something, a minute later he has completely changed his mind. The truth, for Gemini, has many faces and cannot be defined as unique.

On the other hand, these two understand each other like no one else. One is unfazed by the other’s mood swings, eccentricity, ups and downs.

When these two signs are able to walk together, at the same pace, it is comforting for both. Neither of them needs to explain their crazy ways. They simply understand each other in their opposite follies. And that makes life for two simple.

Gemini and Aquarius in Love

It is important to point out that a simple life is very different from a monotonous life. This couple usually builds interesting, fascinating and even magical routines when they are on the same wavelength.

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Both live in a parallel world that is not Earth. Aquarius spends most of their time in the future, popping into the present now and then.

Gemini is always in the present, but not in the real world. He prefers to spend his time in the world of ideas and imagination.

Naturally, they manage to get together from time to time to converse in their non-Earth languages.

Gemini and Aquarius manage to blend together in a unique way, appearing to be one. As they value freedom so much, after a while they go their own ways for a while, but soon come back to float together again.

Generally, Gemini and Aquarius in love build an airy, detached and peaceful relationship. Occasionally there is some controversy that causes a storm, but it passes quickly and does not cause any real damage.

Relationship between Gemini and Aquarius

Gemini woman with Aquarius man

It’s a poetic and romantic scene to see a Gemini fall in love with an Aquarius. But at the same time, it’s very strange to see them feel the same things at the same time.

Another interesting point of this combination of signs is that the Gemini woman, with her brilliant mind, quickly learns the tricks of the Aquarius and dismantles him before he can even throw them at her.

This is extremely exciting for the Aquarius man, as the Aquarius man loves to shock people and seeing that the Gemini is hard to shock, he will be excited about the challenge. He will do anything to try to impress this woman.

Another positive point of this relationship is the trust that one places in the other. One also likes to tease the other out of their comfort zone, which makes this relationship sweetly fun.

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Gemini get along well with Aquarius?

Gemini and Aquarius in love not only match, there are high chances that they are soulmates. They have many things in common.

Of course, the Gemini woman will occasionally annoy the Aquarius native with all her mutability. But she’s so easy to forgive, isn’t she Aquarius? The charm of the Gemini asking for forgiveness is irresistible.

The Aquarius man already has a little more trouble apologizing, so the Gemini native shouldn’t expect such an apology from him often. But if he drops the ball in a serious way, you can be sure that, after a little hesitation, he will recognize the mistake.

Gemini and Aquarius always have a lot to talk about. They have many things to teach each other. And everything happens so naturally that they don’t even realize how much they are learning in their partner’s company.

Aquarius woman with Gemini man

There are several reasons why Gemini and Aquarius will stand out in a crowd, but the main one is that one will recognize themselves in the style. “travelling” from the other.

The Aquarius woman has always had the feeling that no one understands her and that most people judge her unfairly. But with Gemini she feels different.

The Gemini man has always had the impression that he is a misunderstood dreamer. Most people judge him unfairly, find him irresponsible, talkative and not very trustworthy. But before her, he recognized himself.

Although no relationship is perfect, the love match between Gemini and Aquarius comes very close to perfection.

In this combination of signs, the Aquarius woman is the part that gives the most and is the most tolerant. Tolerance, in fact, is a quality of most Aquarians. They are basically unprejudiced and very helpful, always ready to help others.

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Problems Gemini and Aquarius May Face

Even being a combination that borders on perfection, Gemini and Aquarius will make many mistakes in the relationship. But they will be interesting mistakes, never boring.

One mistake that the Gemini man is likely to make is telling lies. Aquarius is outraged when she sees that he is exaggerating or distorting the truth. Honesty is very important to Aquarius.

On the other hand, the Aquarian will sin in omitting parts of the truth, an error that will quickly be identified by the smart Gemini.

The Aquarius native is honest, yes, but sometimes she is tempted to tell only the part of the truth that suits her.

This honesty game between Gemini and Aquarius is tricky. But it will be softened by the fact that they both enjoy playing mind games and are excellent amateur detectives, always alert to every nuance.

That is, even in the flaws they match and when one wants to play, the other happily enters the game. This really is a meeting of souls.

Gemini and Aquarius in bed

Sex between this couple is the physical consummation of their love. It’s exciting, uncomplicated and full of pleasure.

For neither of them, the sexual act is something essential in the relationship, but they know the language of love very well and they know how to communicate the intensity of their feelings just with a steady gaze.

Soon, they leave for a quick and sensitive Gemini and Aquarius kiss and surrender to love in the most unimaginable ways, because creativity is not lacking for these two.

Want to see other combinations for your sign? See “Sign Compatibility”.

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