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Cancer man: all about the personality of this sign

Affectionate and intelligent, the Cancer zodiac man can be the perfect match for anyone who wants to feel unique. That’s because he’s all loving, sensitive and extremely elegant, always seeming willing to do anything for you.

Cancer native is usually very intelligent, friendly and curious, socializes easily, as they are interesting people to talk to. Normally, he has knowledge about everything, however, something very superficial, as he does not make a point of delving into the subjects.

Are you out of time? Listen to the narration of the text about the man of the sign of Cancer that we have prepared for you!

Cancer is a lot like a Pisces when it comes to love. The two are affectionate, intense and passionate. However, unlike the Pisces native, the Cancer native tries to hide his soft heart, as he is terrified of getting hurt and letting people know his pain.

The Cancer man is even capable of pretending he’s not completely in love with someone just to show he’s tough. But the truth is, the Cancer partner’s dream is to have a happy family. He spends his whole life looking for his true love everywhere until he finds someone who makes him feel safe and special.

What are the characteristics of the man of the sign of Cancer in love?

The native of this sign tends to fall in love easily, but he will not admire easily, as he is very suspicious. He’s afraid of hurting his heart, but it doesn’t take long to hand it over to his partner. When the man of the sign of Cancer assumes a relationship, he does everything to preserve it and does not measure efforts to make the loved one happy. He is affectionate and romantic, but he can even be needy and jealous at times. When Cancer loves, it’s for real.

A Cancer’s Kiss

Although their way of loving is often intense, Cancer still prefers the lightest and most discreet things when it comes to intimacy. For him, his best kiss is light, affectionate and even the mood needs to be romantic so that he can let go. Ideally, it should take place in a “secret” place, or where not everyone is looking.

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Sex with a Cancer

When in love, the Cancer man gives himself completely, as he feels safe. He likes to be pampered in bed, getting a lot of attention is something he likes a lot. Foreplay is essential when having sex. Cancerians love to enjoy every moment, the touch, the kiss, the whole process of arousal and caresses, even before the act itself. For him, sex will not be just for fun, it needs to involve intimacy, exchange of energy, something very intense and deep for the couple.

How to seduce a Cancer man?

It’s not very difficult to win over a Cancer. He usually just falls in love with who you are. But keeping him by your side takes patience, love and creativity. First, it is necessary to conquer the family of the man of the sign of Cancer, because they value the opinion of the family members. His bouts of jealousy may drive you crazy, but remember the love you feel for him and don’t throw it all away. Show all your love through small attitudes and surprise him whenever you can.

How to know if the Cancer man is in love?

Cancer is a man of touch. If he’s interested, he’ll greet you with longer, more enveloping hugs, grab your hand when you’re talking, or lead you with his hand behind your back when you’re walking side by side. The Cancer man also shows his interest in the look; when he is in love, he looks at the loved one as if he is delighted, totally surrendered.

In addition to looking at you like you’re a princess, he’ll treat you like one too. Romantic, he will want to know everything about you and what you like, he will listen attentively and give you little surprises.

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What does the Cancer man like?

You can already tell that Cancer is a man very connected to emotions, right? They aren’t afraid to get involved, and the quality they appreciate most is sincerity and honesty. Deep conversations will win you over.

The Cancer man is extremely connected with his family. Show interest in knowing more about them and, why not?, getting to know them. This is the shortest way to win your heart!

What is the Cancer man’s weakness?

The Cancer native is very affectionate and attached, which can make him an extremely needy man. If you don’t pay attention, Cancer can get really upset.

Also because of the great sensitivity of the Cancer man, you have to be careful with your words, especially if you need to get his attention or criticize him for something. You’ll need to have some patience with him…

Living with the Cancer Man

Living alongside the Cancer native is not difficult. He is usually friendly, affectionate and kind, making living a fun experience. But he can often be dramatic and whiny. Being of the water element, he ends up becoming too sensitive. Only he is hardworking and ambitious, a person dedicated to his future.

How is the work with the native of Cancer?

Obligations are the priorities of a Cancer’s life. It is easier to work with the public, can easily understand what people need. Despite being very friendly and showing ease of working in a team, Cancer is very individualistic. He is always dedicated to proving himself better than he already is. This is precisely why he is always ready to face the difficulties that arise.

How is the friendship with the native of Cancer?

The Cancer man is a great friend. He always tries to get together with everyone, as he likes to live surrounded by loved ones. He is usually present at the best and worst times. Cancerians love everyone deeply and are afraid of getting hurt, so it takes time to consider someone as a friend. He tries to be sure of each new friendship before he magnifies his feelings, but when that happens, he tends to regard each one as a new sibling.

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The Cancer man in the family

He is very affectionate with his family, but he tends to have some frequent mood swings. The Cancer man may be the one who is making a joke in the room for everyone to laugh, but anything can make him walk into the room and not want to see anyone else.

What is the Cancer zodiac sign like?

Loving and affectionate. The Cancer man is usually a father who is always present in his children’s lives, as protecting them is his mission in life. He will always treat them like children, even after adults.

How is the child of the Cancer zodiac sign?

As a child, he doesn’t like to share his attention with anyone, as he loves the affection he receives from others and he likes it even more when he can reciprocate. This situation makes him a very jealous native. He’s shy when he’s young, but over time he’s come to realize that he has a special way of winning people over. Cancer remains very attached to the family, even after growing up. His main connection is with his mother, they are very close.

For those of you who have just read the features of Cancer zodiac manwe also made a list that explains in detail about the most jealous signs of the water element, the guardian angel of each sign and the love combinations of Cancer.

In doubt if it’s worth investing in a Cancer man? Make an appointment with one of our astrologers to find out if the combination of Astrology chart of you is good, if you have a chance of having a lasting and happy relationship!

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