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The best phrases about compassion for others

Compassion is a necessary feeling to strengthen human relationships because it helps reduce the suffering of other people. Also, it is a way to express our concern towards others and to show empathy for all the living beings around us.

Compassion not only helps those who receive it, but feeds the soul of those who offer it, since it opens the doors to a fuller and happier existence. In this article you will find the best Phrases of compassion for others, which are ideal for practicing this feeling that helps make the world a better place.

Short phrases about compassion

Compassion is a very important part of life: it makes us happier, healthier and more productive. Loving and being loved is the greatest human pleasure.

Furthermore, with few words we can express a lot. If you need to help someone in a difficult moment and you need some assertive phrases, below you will see some short phrases about compassion that will help you.

Compassion is the basis of morality.

Arthur Schopenhauer

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted.


The highest form of knowledge is empathy.

Bill Bullard.

Great teachers emanate from knowledge, passion and compassion.

APJ Abdul Kalam.

Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

Dalai Lama.

Compassion is the desire to see others free from suffering.

Dalai Lama.

With this short phrase about compassion We remember that being compassionate is wish good to others and that we must make our contribution to make that happen. You can see other similar phrases in this selection of the best Phrases of the Dalai Lama.

Thailand was built on compassion.

Bhumibol Adulyadej R.

Empathy is a connection; It is a ladder to get out of the hole of shame.

Brene Brown

Compassion is the radicalism of our time.

A kind and compassionate act is often its own reward.

William John Bennet

When kindness and solidarity are practiced and we see other people happy through our actions, personal gratification is the greatest reward. Therefore, this is one of the best short compassion phrases. It doesn’t hurt that you also visit this selection of Phrases to not give up that are inspiring.

You can call God love, you can call God goodness. But the best name for God is compassion.

Master Eckhart.

Compassion begins with loving ourselves.

Kindness begins with understanding that we all struggle.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Dalai Lama.

It is above all through imagination that we achieve insight, compassion and hope.

Ursula K. Le Guin.

“Do not make judgments where you have no compassion.”

Anne McCaffrey.

This phrase of compassion for others Remember that, many times, we judge the actions of others without taking into account that they may be going through a difficult time. Find some short motivational phrases that are ideal for lifting your spirits.

There is a nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness.

John Connoly

Compassion is looking beyond your own suffering to see the pain of others.

Yasmin Mogahed.

Technology is unlocking the innate compassion we have for our fellow human beings.

Bill Gates.

Compassion is about giving all the love you can give.

Cheryl Strayed.

Phrases of compassion and love

The word compassion comes from the Latin word “compati” which means “to suffer with.” Therefore, it is a feeling that implies love and dedication to help. In this section we leave you the best phrases of compassion and love that are beautiful and unforgettable.

I would rather make mistakes with kindness and compassion than work miracles with cruelty and harshness.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Compassion and love are two great needs and not luxuries. Humanity cannot live without them.

Dalai Lama.

This phrase of compassion and love towards others It is very conducive to remembering that life is very short and that we must give love to build a better world. When life gets difficult, find some excellent reflections in these Phrases from the Camino de Santiago that renew your strength.

In order for us to feel good emotionally, we have to take care of each other.

When we give with joy, love, and accept with gratitude, everyone is blessed.

Maya Angelou.

Perform a random act of kindness, without expectation of reward, knowing that one day someone might do the same for you.

Lady Di.

It would be nice to feel that we are a better world, a world of more compassion and a world of more humanity, and to believe in the basic goodness of man.

Barbara Walters.

When we give compassion and love, we are opening our hearts in a way that can transform our lives.

Kristin Neff.

This is one of theThe best phrases of compassion and love, since it invites us to change our lives with acts of kindness towards others that will fill the spirit with gratitude and energy. If you liked this phrase, we know that these Phrases of beautiful and special memories will also catch your attention.

Compassion phrases for children

Boys and girls must be taught from an early age to be empathetic and condescending with the other people. In this way, they are formed in values ​​that will make them more human and understanding. In the following compassion phrases for children you will find some thoughts and reflections that can help you with this beautiful task.

Education teaches us compassion and kindness, connection with others.

We cannot heal the world today, but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, an act of kindness.

Mary Davis

See with another’s eyes, listen with another’s ears and feel with another’s heart, so you will know how another feels.

Alfred Adler.

When you judge people you don’t have time to love and understand them.

Teresa of Calcutta.

The opposite of hate is not peace, it is compassion.

Mehmet Oz.

With this compassion phrase for children, The author says that compassion eliminates hatred, therefore, it is the main value that counteracts evil. Also visit this article with the best short and beautiful friendship phrases.

A kind gesture can touch a wound that only compassion can heal.

And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve had a greater tendency to look for people who live with kindness, tolerance, compassion, a kinder way of looking at things.

Martin Scorsese.

The purpose of human life is to serve and show compassion and the willingness to help others.

Albert Schweitzer.

Kindness in words creates trust. Kindness in thought creates depth. The kindness of giving creates love.

Lao Tse.

Compassion phrases about animals

Animals are living beings that deserve our respect and attention. In addition, sharing time with animals offers many benefits such as relaxation, company and tranquility. Find the best compassion phrases about animals that are also related to kindness, love and respect.

The animals are what they are. It is people’s job to accept and respect them.

Who taught me that animals were put on this Earth to eat? Who taught me to disrespect animals and see them as mere commodities? Who stole my compassion, my empathy and my conscience? Who lied to me? Who instilled this vicious mentality of exploiting humans to animals as standard operating procedure?

Gary Yourofsky.

Love for all living creatures is the noblest attribute of man.

Compassion for animals is closely associated with goodness of character, and it can be confidently stated that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.

Arthur Schopenhauer.

When we practice loving kindness and compassion, we are the first to benefit.

Until we stop harming all other living things, we will remain savages.

Thomas Jefferson

Animals are very nice friends: they don’t ask questions, they don’t criticize.

George Eliot

The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which could never have been denied them but by the hand of tyranny.

Jeremy Bentham

I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the path of a complete human being.

Abraham Lincoln.

Nothing alive should be treated with contempt.

It doesn’t take anything away from a human to be kind to an animal.

It is much easier to show compassion to animals. They are never evil.

Haile Selassie.

If you want to read more articles similar to Phrases about compassion for otherswe recommend that you enter our Reflection Phrases category.

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