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+50 Phrases to CONGRATULATE the BRIDE AND BRIDE – Original and beautiful!

From Latin marriagemarriage is associated with the words mother, ‘mother and monium, ‘as’, because, once the ceremony was performed, the woman was considered fit to conceive a man’s children. This concept, valid in ancient times, has undergone a real transformation to the present day. In fact, in the present the union between two people is a reflection of love and equality, being a unique moment for the couple.

Therefore, if you also want to join in the happiness of the couple, in this article, we have compiled some phrases to congratulate the bride and groom and have some nice words with them. Because love is one of the best reasons to celebrate!

Funny phrases to congratulate the bride and groom

Because not everything has to be pretty and formal, at we also bring you these funny phrases to congratulate the bride and groom. If unique and sparkling dedications are your thing, this selection will give you some ideas. Whether you want to give a short speech or simply write some fun words that always make them smile, we encourage you to choose one of these phrases.

Love is blind, but marriage restores sight.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

You have brought it on yourselves, but I still wish you all the happiness possible in the world.

You don’t know what true happiness is until you get married. And by then it’s too late.

There’s nothing worse than a friend getting married… Now my parents have more reasons to convince me to do the same!

Last chance: do you want to give up the PlayStation forever?

Always remember this phrase: marriage allows you to bother the same special person for the rest of your lives.

I hope you have a great time on your Honeymoon, it’s the best part of marriage!

Congratulations champions! Remember that the first year of marriage is the most difficult, the others are simply impossible.

I knew you were madly in love, but I didn’t think you’d be crazy enough to get married.

For that friend who always has something funny and tender to say, this funny phrase to congratulate the bride and groom It’s perfect. If you need more fun ideas to congratulate them, you can consult this article on Funny Phrases.

Now you are husband and wife. You can now update your Facebook and WhatsApp statuses!

Marriage marks the end of a love story and the beginning of a struggle.

I wish you to love each other the way ducks love each other, duckdalavida. Congratulations!

Short phrases to congratulate the short bride and groom

If the wedding of one of your friends or family is approaching, you will probably want to express all your good wishes. If that is your case, at we want to make it easy for you with our short phrases to congratulate the bride and groom. Long texts and complex expressions are not always necessary to convey all the happiness, patience and understanding that we wish the couple for their new adventure.

Marriage should be a duet: when one sings, let the other applaud.

Joe Murray

You are in love when you realize that another person is unique.

Jorge Luis Borges

To get the most out of joy you have to have someone to share it with.

Our only defense against death is love.

To achieve the full value of a joy, you have to have someone to repeat it with.

In a kiss, you’ll know everything I kept silence.

Love is not counting the years, but making the years count.

One of the beautiful phrases to congratulate the bride and groom and ideal to dedicate to them at the wedding. Marriage is not a goal, but rather a journey during which to enjoy every step. If we understand this detail, we will probably be able to enjoy those who remain by our side every day. In this article you will find other beautiful wedding phrases.

In a world of ordinary people, I’m glad you two found each other.

Love is complete when two souls unite into one.

May these first steps that you begin together today bring you the harmony, peace and happiness that you so deserve.

Your love transcends borders and oceans.

Love should not only be a flame, but a light.

A kiss? An enchanted trick to stop talking when words become superfluous.

Ingrid Bergman

Beautiful phrases to congratulate the bride and groom

On the other hand, if what you prefer is a romantic dedication for the newlyweds, the beautiful phrases to congratulate the bride and groom They will be just what you are looking for. Romantic and sweet, these phrases are the reflection of the most tender and dedicated love. Because as some of the best poets say, there is nothing better for two souls in love to know they are united forever.

To have a good marriage you have to fall in love many times, always with the same person.

Mignon McLaughlin

When a marriage works, there is nothing in the world that can replace it.

Helen Gahagan

What better thing for two human souls than to know they are united for life.

George Eliot

Marriage is the perfection to which falling in love aspired.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Although nowadays marriage has been losing value, for many of us it is a place where we put into practice understanding, empathy, dedication and protection; values ​​close to perfection. Therefore, this is one of the best phrases to congratulate the bride and groom on their wedding day. If you liked it, we recommend this article on Romantic phrases to make you fall in love.

If I love you it is because you are my love, my accomplice and everything, and on the street, side by side, we are much more than two.

Your chest is enough for my heart, my wings are enough for your freedom.

They will experience good moments and not so good moments, but the important thing is that they always remain united, supporting each other.

We walked without looking for us but knowing that we were to meet.


From the first time I saw you two together I knew that one day we would be celebrating your wedding.

When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with one person, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

When Harry Met Sally

The true paradise is not in heaven, but on the mouth of the beloved woman.

Théofile Gautier

Christian phrases to congratulate the bride and groom

Marriage is that place in life where one can give up his ego and see beyond it. And, after all, the union between two different people can be quite a challenge. However, they are precisely the values ​​of understanding, respect and patience those who can make this path a happier path, where they can learn about unconditional love. With these Christian phrases to congratulate the bride and groom We hope to give you some of these brushstrokes.

Loving is not looking at each other; It is looking together in the same direction.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

Gottfried Leibniz

True love is nothing other than the inevitable desire to help others to be who they are.

The measure of love is to love without measure.

Augustine of Hippo

one of the beautiful Christian phrases to congratulate the bride and groom by Augustine of Hippo. Not only does it perfectly express Christian values ​​in marriage, but it also suggests a more benevolent love for everything that surrounds us. For more quotes like this, don’t miss this article on Phrases of eternal and unconditional love.

Marriage is for special people, for couples who love with an exceptional love, like the one they have always expressed every day.

A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.

André Maurois

Like a lighthouse on a dark night, may your love for each other always shine brightly.

No one comes to you by chance, every encounter is a project of God.

Always remember the way you looked at each other on this day, because that is the essence of unconditional love.

The best is yet to come! Stay in that hope and always remember this special moment.

Without a doubt, one of the phrases to congratulate the bride and groom. Part of the energy that the couple puts into their marriage occurs at the time of their wedding. Visualize a beautiful path together It can be of great help to you, especially in the most complex moments. For those situations, this article on Phrases of Hope can be useful.

They are no longer two, but one flesh.

Matthew 19:6

Love has no cure, but it is the only cure for all ills.

An exceptional marriage does not occur when a perfect couple gets married, but when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences and become something unique.

Love each other and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that.

If you want to read more articles similar to Phrases to congratulate the bride and groomwe recommend that you enter our Love Phrases category.

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