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+120 Phrases by Mario Benedetti ▷ Great quotes about love and life

Mario Benedetti is one of the most representative writers and poets of Latin America. Born in Uruguay and belonging to the generation of ’45, Benedetti wrote more than eighty books, being one of the most recognized Truce. He was also the author of numerous stories and poems that made him an icon of Latin American literature.

Famous for his quotes and his love poems, below we want you to get to know this magnificent and prolific author a little better. Discover +120 phrases by Mario Benedetti about love, friendship, death and exile; some of the most recurring themes of his work. These are some of Mario Benedetti’s best phrases about life and short phrases by Mario Benedetti so you can choose your favorite.

Mario Benedetti’s love quotes

Mario Benedetti is recognized, mainly, for his numerous romantic poems. Discover some of Mario Benedetti’s poems and some of Mario Benedetti’s best phrases about love.

I fell in love with her demons and she with my darkness. We were the perfect hell.

He may have loved me, who knows… but the truth is that he had a special ability to hurt me.

The world and I really love you… but I always a little more than the world.

It’s nice to know that you exist.

It’s almost a law, eternal loves are the shortest.

That someone makes you feel things without laying a finger on you; that is admirable.

Mario Benedetti was one of those writers who could define love with words as simple as these. In this phrase from Benedetti we see that love is capable of moving you and making you feel radical things even without physical contact.

If you want to read some of the best love phrases and romantic phrases in historydon’t miss this article on Quotes from William Shakespeare, the best playwright of all time.

To be completely in love you have to be fully aware that you are also loved, that you also inspire love.

-I see you have moles. +Yes, I have many. -And do you sin? +Only when I look at you.

I know I’m going to love you without questions, I know you’re going to love me without answers.

You don’t know how I value your simple courage to love me.

Don’t tempt me, because if we are tempted we won’t be able to forget.

You always exist everywhere, but you exist better where I love you.

I love you; whether you read it today or read it tomorrow.

What a good insomnia if I sleep on your body.

It’s almost time for me to start dedicating my insomnia to you.

Where your mouth ends, that’s where mine begins.

Love is not repetition. Each act of love is a cycle in itself, a closed orbit in its own ritual.

Every time you fall in love, don’t explain anything to anyone, let love invade you without going into details.

I would like to look at everything from afar… but with you.

I love you enough to listen to your laughter all night and sleep on your chest, without shadows or ghosts.

I love you enough to never let go.

If I dwell in your memory, I will not be alone.

I don’t know your name, but I know the look with which you say it to me.

Ours was so fleeting that a star saw us and made a wish.

We were, we are, we will be together. In pieces, at times, in eyelids, in dreams.

More than kissing her, more than sleeping together; More than anything else, she held my hand and that was love.

Your eyes are like a spell against a bad day.

What unites us now is an indefinite bond.

Phrases by Mario Benedetti about life

In addition to Mario Benedetti’s famous love phrases, the Uruguayan writer was also known for his numerous phrases about reflection and inspiration. We discover you, below, some great phrases from Mario Benedetti about life.

Uncertainty is a daisy whose petals never finish shedding.

You are my accomplice and on the street, side by side, we are much more than two.

Forgiveness is a handful of feelings that caresses us when the soul cries.

I will enjoy your memory from time to time; That will continue to alter me throughout my life.

The butterfly will always remember that it was a worm.

Don’t believe what they tell you about the world, I already told you that the world is uncountable.

Five minutes are enough to dream a lifetime; That’s how relative time is.

In life you have to avoid three geometric figures: vicious circles, love triangles and square minds.

There are things from the past that open a gap to the future; Those are the ones I want to rescue.

Cheating is not having the courage to be honest.

There are few things as deafening as silence.

A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a thousand armed men.

I am lucky to be able to transform my fears and worries into poems.

One of the most pleasant things in life is watching the sun filter through the leaves.

Nobody knows on what lonely October night, of tired elves that do not happen, the lost childhood can be immolated along with memories that are being made.

With you I don’t have the need to always live on the defensive.

I like people who are able to understand that the biggest mistake of human beings is trying to get out of their heads what does not come from their hearts.

Perfection is the polished collection of errors.

Death takes away everything that was not, but we stay with what we had.

I don’t know if God exists, but if he exists, I know he won’t be bothered by my doubt.

We all want what we can’t; We are fans of the forbidden.

Nobody warned us that missing is the cost of good times.

After all… death is only a symptom of life.

We are sadness and that is why joy is a feat.

The plan outlined is absolute freedom. Get to know each other and see what happens… let time pass without obstacles and without commitments.

When hatred is loose, one loves in self-defense.

Feelings are as innocent as knives.

Short phrases by Mario Benedetti

While it is true that throughout the previous sections we have shared some short phrases, below we discover a very special list.

These are some of the The most famous short phrases of Mario Benedetti of his career and the most characteristics of his work. Phrases by Mario Benedetti about friendship, love, life, etc.

This is how we are, each one on his own shore. Without hating each other, without loving each other… other people.

I never thought that in happiness there would be so much sadness.

There are three types of people: those who kill themselves working, those who would have to work and those who would have to kill themselves.

A confession: loneliness has stopped hurting me.

They said goodbye and in the goodbye there was already the welcome.

My strategy is that one day, I don’t know how, nor do I know under what pretext, you will finally need me.

Notice that when you smile, quotation marks form at each end of your mouth. That, her mouth, is my favorite quote.

Footsteps arrive from someone who never arrives.

My face already closes its eyes and it is such a desolate loneliness.

If the heart gets tired of loving, what is it for?

Just when we thought we had all the answers, they changed all the questions.

This is one of the most famous Mario Benedetti phrases in history, as it talks about the instability and uncertainty of life. For Benedetti, life was this: a series of moments in which you think you know everything shortly before realizing that in reality you still have a world to discover.

If you like thoughtful and inspiring phrases like this, take a look at this article on Wise Phrases to Reflect.

Yesterday the past passed slowly with its definitive hesitation.

Don’t give up, that’s what life is: continue the journey, pursue your dreams.

Keep filling this minute with reasons to breathe.

Don’t please me, don’t refuse, don’t talk just to talk.

I hope, love, every time you look at your hands you feel like mine are missing.

Man must guard against two dangers: the right when it is right-handed and the left when it is sinister.

Honesty, come to me. Even if you want, I won’t let you abandon me.

I didn’t know that I had those reserves of tenderness in me.

We are born sad and we die sad, but in the meantime we love bodies whose sad beauty is a miracle.

It fascinates me how one can be so innocently cruel.

Reality is a bunch of problems over which no one claims copyright.

Promises are horrible ties and when you feel tied… you tend to break free. That’s fatal.

Time passes and I do nothing; Nothing happens to me and nothing moves me to the core.

She was silent. Only his hands and her eyes spoke and that was enough.

You have all the conditions to contribute to my happiness, but I have very few to contribute to yours.

Quotes from The Truce – Mario Benedetti

As we said in the introduction, Truce is one of Mario Benedetti’s most famous books.

The story, written in 1959, tells the life of Martín Santomé, a widowed worker from Montevideo who suddenly sees how love knocks on his door again after so many years. These are some of the best phrases of Truceby Mario Benedetti.

It is evident that God granted me a dark destiny. Not even cruel. Just dark.

At first I resisted believing that this could be happiness. I resisted with all my might, then I gave up and believed it.

She gave me her hand and nothing more was needed.

It is very possible that what I am going to tell you will seem crazy to you. But I don’t want to beat around the bush: I think I’m in love with you.

I know how many moles she has on her face, that she fixes her hair when she’s nervous, that routine bores her to death, that she crosses her left leg over her right. Well, I think that’s being in love, right?

I have the feeling that he is the only person I could talk to about certain things.

A kiss, a look and a life together remained pending.

Sex is (for me, at least) a less important, less vital ingredient; Much more important, more vital, are our conversations, our affinities.

It should be a general rule that loners do not sympathize. Or are we simply unfriendly?

There is a man inside me who does not want to force events, but there is also a man who thinks obsessively about the situation.

A sad guy who, however, had, has and will have a vocation for joy.

What one really wants is what is made for one; then you have to take it, or try: That can ruin your life, but it is a much better life.

Who isn’t attracted to one’s own past?

Sometimes I think what I will do when my whole life is Sunday.

My style of loving is that, a little reticent, reserving the maximum only for big occasions.

So many words, just to say I don’t want to sound pathetic.

Suddenly I was aware that that moment, that slice of everyday life, was the maximum degree of…

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