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+50 Phrases to OVERCOME ANXIETY – Motivating and positive!

Anxiety is a feeling of anguish, fear or/and restlessness. This natural reaction occurs in the face of stressful stimuli and aims to keep the person who feels it on alert. However, when this feeling extends over time, you may be facing an anxiety disorder.

If so, and if you identify with the phrases to overcome anxiety that we have compiled for you in this article, we recommend that you visit a psychologist to begin the path to recovery. We believe in your strength to get ahead. We hope that these motivational, beautiful and positive phrases to overcome anxiety will help you achieve it.

Beautiful phrases to overcome anxiety

When a person suffers from anxiety, it is convenient to obtain a little information about the disease and, thus, understand how this person’s mind works. Only through knowledge can we see beyond a possible anxiety attack or continuous changes in mood or personality. Likewise, we also share with you some beautiful phrases to overcome anxietyso you can also encourage the person.

Smile, breathe and go slowly.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Nothing reduces anxiety faster than action.

Walter Anderson

Good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression.

Grenville Kleiser

You can’t always control what happens outside. But you can always control what happens inside.

If we talk about anxiety phrasesthis states that we do not know our ability to connect with stillness and tranquility. We live continually surrounded by stimuli! However, we can always bring our attention to our breathing and feel a bit of inner calm. In these yoga phrases you will find the answers if you want to learn to control your breathing.

Nothing but yourself can bring you peace.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

No matter how long the storm is, the sun always shines again through the clouds.

Khalil Gibran

The peace begins with a smile.

Where the water reaches its greatest depth, it remains calmest.

Happiness is in the small everyday details.

When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting entangled in it.

Eckhart Tolle

One of the motivational anxiety phrases which states that you have to learn to be present in every action you take, since it is the only opportunity to maintain the stillness of the mind. In these Relaxation Phrases you will also find ideas to relax your mind.

If you want to master the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.

I got rid of the fear by studying the sky, determining when the moon would rise and where the sun would appear in the morning.

Margaret Mead

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

Motivational phrases to overcome anxiety

If you or someone you know has been living, day to day, with anxiety, you may have lost motivation or hope. However, not only is there a way out, but it is possible to understand how your head works and overcome the reactions that usually generate high levels of anguish or fear.

Psychotherapy is a powerful tool for a person predisposed to anxiety. In any case, at we also leave you these motivational phrases to overcome anxiety.

When you change the way you see things, the things you see change too.

Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

Every time you feel tempted to react in the same way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how little they think of you.

Eleanor Roosevelt

It’s always a good idea to do something relaxing before making an important decision in your life.

How often do we talk just to fill the quiet space? How many times do we waste our breath talking nonsense?

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

One of the anxiety phrases that reflects on how much we say and make it have meaning. The self-demand It is one of the reasons that can trigger anxiety. The need to fit in, to offer a pleasant mask to others, to know more and more, etc. Any imposition on ourselves is a breeding ground for anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety, we recommend reading these self-love phrases, because there is no better remedy for anxiety than loving yourself as you are.

The more we know about the nature of anxiety, the more we will know about intellect.

Howard Liddell

The most beautiful people I have ever met are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and have found their way out of those depths.

Don’t anticipate problems or worry about what might happen: stay in the sunlight.

I don’t want to be free from dangers, I just want the courage to face them.

Marcel Proust

Positive phrases to overcome anxiety

Any positive and happy thought is of great help to a person with anxiety. Therefore, we recommend you apply these positive phrases to overcome anxiety when the person is more stabilized and receptive, since anxiety generates a lot of tension. This may even open up a space to talk about his feelings and vent. Talking about what you feel can be very liberating! In this article you will find information about what to do when you have anxiety.

Act the way you want to feel.

Gretchen Rubin

Rule number one is: don’t sweat the small things. Rule number two is: it’s all small things.

Robert Elliott

You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to take away their power to control you.

Dan Millman

Only if you manage to calm your mind will you achieve your goals.

Solitude is the house of peace.


I am my best friend.

One of the phrases to overcome anxiety which summarizes the following idea: our mind is the only one we have. For this reason, we better understand it and understand that our reactions have no other objective than to protect us. If you want to read more about it, we recommend this article on Positive phrases about life to reflect on.

Anxiety is annoying, but it is a normal emotion.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Our brain is the best toy ever created. In it are all the secrets, even that of happiness.

Charlie Chaplin

Every morning has two handles, we can take the day by the handle of anxiety or by the handle of faith.

Henry Ward Beecher

Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.

I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.

Abraham Lincoln

In every dawn there is a living poem of hope, and, when we go to bed, let us think that it will dawn.

Noel Claraso

Short phrases to overcome anxiety

If anxiety is not treated in time, its effects can lead to depression, and, although it is not the norm, both diseases can coexist. Anguish, fear of the future, hopelessness, demotivation, internal emptiness; People who suffer from anxiety and depression can come to believe that they are truly abandoned by the world, even though they are not.

To change this situation, it is necessary to listen to them with your heart. For our part, we leave you these short phrases to overcome anxiety. Maybe they will help you when the time comes.

You don’t have to control your thoughts; You just have to stop allowing them to control you.

Dan Millman

Good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression.

Grenville Kleiser

Worry does not eliminate the pain of tomorrow, but it eliminates the strength of today.

Corrie ten Boom

A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work.

John Lubbock

The only way out is through.

Robert Frost

It is difficult for people to let go of their suffering. Out of fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar to them.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Anxiety is not here, it is in the future.

Anxiety cannot be avoided, but it can be reduced.

We must be aware that what causes us discomfort or anxiety is not the events, but how we link emotions to them.

Jonathan Garcia-Allen

One of the anxiety and stress phrases which reminds us that perspective can modify our mood or our perception of an event. For this reason, meditation can be very useful for people who suffer from anxiety. For this reason, we recommend these Phrases of meditation and reflection.

The only thing we have to fear is fear.

Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety.

The weight of anxiety is greater than that of the evil that causes it.

Daniel Defoe

Fear is uncertainty in search of security.


If you want to read more articles similar to Phrases to overcome anxietywe recommend that you enter our category of Motivational Phrases.

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