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+50 Phrases about CLIMATE CHANGE

Climate change is an issue that has been very relevant in recent decades, because scientists and climate and nature scholars have been observing a decline or deterioration in climatic conditions that directly affect humans. However, this change is generated due to human activities that affect the atmosphere and that are added to changes that occur naturally.

Like all living beings, our planet has a life cycle in which the climate phenomenon has an important place. However, scientists have proven that this natural cycle is accelerating due to different industrial processes that involve the burning of fossil fuels or the indiscriminate felling of forests, among other factors.

Due to all this, it is necessary to take action on the matter and prevent the natural cycle of our planet from being affected by us. Therefore, in this article we have brought you a list of climate change phrases that will help you reflect on this topic and how you can help.

And if you feel overwhelmed with this whole topic about pollution and climate change and you don’t even know where to start, the phrases you will read below will help you find the necessary motivation to contribute your grain of sand.

The scientists, researchers and experts on the subject of climate change are important figures when taking the next step to solve this issue. That is why we dedicate the following section to quotes from scientists about climate change.

We close our list of climate change phrases with a more friendly and fun tone about this phenomenon. Funny phrases, sayings and humorous comments that will help you better cope with the nerves of this world situation and you can share them with your friends.

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