Home » Yoruba Religion » ▷ Characteristics of the Children of Obatalá《In Love and the Forbidden》

▷ Characteristics of the Children of Obatalá《In Love and the Forbidden》

Last Update: April 28, 2021

The offerings to Obatalá in the Yoruba pantheon are important, considered as the creator of all human beings. His sons are those people who choose this specific god to pay tribute to.

The characteristics of their children, who are people who have a lot of intelligence, in addition to having mercy and help people around you.

What characteristics do the children of Obatalá have?

possess many particular featuresthese are some:

people with a lot of knowledge. Polite attitude.
are illustrated. They deserve the trust of their relatives. They tend to be serene in the difficult situations. They are persevering when it comes to achieving their goals.
they are honest. They are discreet. They have consequences when take decisions. They tend to be very generous with family, friends and other acquaintances.
feel pity by the people around them, therefore, they always want to help. They have a very humble character. Are analytical and calculating with the problems. They tend to be over protective. a high paternal sense. By focusing and be very tenacious are your goals, people can see you as stubborn. They are very sure of their decisions and do not regret what they do. He likes foods like bread. Her hair turns white when they are very young. They may be located at high level positions. In other people, they generate a lot of admiration. They earn the trust, respect and admiration of others.
They tend to be leaders.

How are they in love?

They tend to be charismatic in love themes:

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They can maintain and care for the love they have with each other They can follow advice they also seek to protect the people they love

Your children have the opportunity to bless all love unions they possess, which enables their children to find the mate they desire, achieve a stable marriage, and build a home where love and happiness exist in abundance.

What prohibitions do they have?

Is important to follow the established rules by the Saint, to keep him happy and calm, since this Saint observes in detail what his children do.

Some of the prohibitions are:

The use of gunpowder at home, since the saint does not like it. Whether inside or outside the home, it is important not to have this within reach. The son must live in your own houseso that this saint feels comfortable.

What should they not eat?

There are other aspects to consider. If you are one of their children or want to be, some should be intervened rituals or venerationsso that this saint can get closer to you.

By becoming a child of this entity, you can not consume the following meals:

They cannot consume any type of alcoholic beverage.
not eat Rabbit meat in any type of presentation. You can not consume any type of grain.
The meals that are consumed must be prepared without salt.

Can your children scratch on stick?

The rayamiento en palo is that ceremony of the Nkimba, which in the Yoruba culture is known as “Rayamiento”. This is where the person is prepared to be a member of the cult of Palo mayombe.

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In order for a person to be scratched, they must always keep in mind that this act not only corresponds to a simple ceremony, since it can also bring negative consequences such as damage to aspects of his spiritualityof his astral, as well as destiny itself.

All this in the event that the person not be compatible with the energies that Palo Mayombe handles.

saint names for them

In the santera religion, there is a ceremony known as “Make a saint or baptize the saint”.

Some of the names are:

Corali: The most beautiful crown of Obatalá.
Odduala: The Prince’s Mantle.
Heyyei: The handle of the dead.
Offagumi: Obatala’s coronation.
Ewinleti: Obatala’s ears.
Wing Hey: Mantle and mantle of Obatalá.
opoaye: Obatala’s scepter.
Ade Eggun: The crown of the dead
Babayede: Obatala’s parrot.
Alamito: The mantle that covers the world.
Ladele: The one who cares for honor.
olanlaoke: The one who prays on the hill.
Apatakimace: The main saint.
Alabike: The mantle that covers the hill.
Okearo: Wonderful forest.
Ori Oriye: The head of the star.
eribode: Ritual head.
Efuntiwo: Olofi’s envoy his clothing is white.
Alemi: The lord of all.
Odufora: The wandering prince.
EwinLefun: The white slug
adebaba: Obatala’s crown.
Adefun: The white crown.
Olufandei: The white elephant of Obatalá.
Odulaye: The prince of the cosmos or luck.
Ewintola: The palace of the slug.
Ewinleti: The ears of the slug.
Babafunke: Obatala’s staff.
Odubi: The prince of good
Ochalache: The ache of the saint.

What ebboses are for the children of Obatalá?

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The ebo can be offerings. There are many that you can do. For example, in the case of Obatalá there are various things and objects that you must place in his rituals.

Some of the main objects that must be present are:

accompany him with candles, they must be white because it is the color of the saint. The foods placed in the ritual should not have no salt.
Food must be white. It can be milk, rice or custard. Yam balls, cocoa butter or malanga. Of fruits, place soursop or pomegranate. you can place white objects.
place white tablecloths to place objects, such as food, on top. Meals have to be put on white plates. In the case of the tureen, you must cover it with white cloaks. If you like place herbs or plants, Obatalá likes coconut, white tube, acacia, cotton and saffron. If you like place animalsthey must be white like doves, chickens or white goats.

In the event that you are or want to become one, these are the main points that you must remember to keep this Saint happy, in addition to being willing to offer you his protection and care.

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